4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 204: Illuminate this night

In the vast pyramid hall, only one white figure stands here.

After killing the last one, as the king of the snails, it is finally able to enjoy this crystal with the main brain!

Lin doesn't know what it is doing with this crystallization. Is it simple and beautiful? Or have other uses? However, it is clear that this Bai Xiaolong did not consider too many things. This crystal with the main brain is more than two meters high, and it is almost as big as a white dragon. How does it get this thing out? Even if it drags, it is difficult to escape from here.

And even if you escaped from the city of Lishui, how should the jungle outside face it?

This Bai Haolong only thought about his own interests, and did not consider the later problems at all... This is also an interesting phenomenon, which is called a moment when the treasure is stunned.

Bai Xiaolong is obviously thinking about these things. It doesn't know what to do now, but it doesn't have much time, because in that hole, the black pepper is trying to climb out. It uses claws to grasp the crack in the wall. It doesn't seem to come out of the ropes... but it's not so fast.

The sound of black pepper climbing made Bai Yulong flustered. It dragged the crystals hard and walked toward the exit of the pyramid. It was very difficult to drag it up. The speed is also quite slow.

Although Lin wants to follow it back to the island, it doesn't matter if there is no follow-up, so Lin will not help it.

And this white dragon is very strange, it clearly drags such a heavy thing, but its bag is still stuffed with the crystal that they dug before, Lin believes that it should at least throw away that to reduce some weight.

It’s hard to drag after a while. It only reached the entrance to the pyramid. It is the night now. Maybe not a bright star can help it escape.

Lynn’s spy followed behind it, and when Lin and it just stepped out of the pyramid, they saw a dark shadow in the night sky...

That is... Susumi!

Numerous black shadows obscured the starlight, only to see the Yalong group flying in the sky, but they were very quiet when flying, and those in the pyramid did not seem to notice the outside.

This should be the new tactic that Susumumi came up with. It didn't want to fight the hard-hitting hard fight before, but sneaked at night. Lin also saw a lot of Yalong’s feet holding some things wrapped in leather...

"Let's go!"

Accompanied by a scream in the air, Yalongs loosened their feet and a large number of skins fell on the ground, making a sound of ‘啪’.

The skin that was wrapped in a pile exploded at the same time as it hit the ground. A large amount of liquid was spattered from it, and a wonderful smell echoed throughout the city.

This taste is... the liquid of the swamp wood?

Lin knows this liquid, it has a strange smell. The inside of the pyramid has noticed the outside situation. They ran out to look at the sky, but the Yalongs have completely finished the liquid-covered skin. .

At this time. Lin clearly saw that an arrow burning with flames fell from the sky. Shot in the center of the city of Licheng...

'call! 'At this moment, the flames suddenly spread on the ground, the liquids grow wildly, the sparkling fires will shine brightly in the dark, and many of the shackles that have ran out have been surrounded by flames, and they have nowhere to escape. Screams.

Use the flame to sneak attack... This method is really good. The liquid of the swamp wood is indeed very flammable, and the flame does not only spread along the liquid. There are a lot of hay on the ground of the Licheng City, which further aggravates the growth of the flame. They had no way to face such an offensive. They all fled into the pyramid and began to completely block the entrance with saliva and clay.

When Yaron ignited, the flames flew away. I saw that they had taken more sap from the distance and continued to cast. Under Susumi’s command, Yalong almost put these sap Casting into every area, including the top of the pyramid, the flames follow the liquid, transforming the pyramids into buildings that burn with fire.

The main components of the pyramid are gravel and stones. The flames can't burn them, but it's hard to say about oxygen...

There are still some hives hiding in the giant pyramids. Such pyramids cannot be covered by flames, but there are not many hives that hide in them. Most of them flee into the small pyramids in panic.

Looking at the burning city, even if Susumi is not around, Lin can feel its happy mood...

However, the white dragon near Lin is now only fearful. The entrance to the pyramid is covered with flames. They spread along the hay and sizzle under the night sky.

Now let alone take a crystallization, even if it can't leave safely, it's hard to say.

And... the black pepper has now climbed out of the hole, and is slowly coming here...

Looking at the scene of the fire in front of the sky, will this white dragon be regretted to kill the same kind? If it doesn't kill the same kind, maybe it will be able to escape from the city before Susumi attacked...

It does have a lot of emotions now, but there is no regret, maybe the fear is too strong, maybe even if it is going to die, it must be selfish...

Looking at the black pepper that is getting closer and closer behind him, there is only one choice for Bai Xiaolong at the moment... it did the same.

The white dragon dropped the crystals in his hand and ran all the way to a less powerful area.

Soon, its figure disappeared into the flame...

The black pepper didn't catch up. It just came over and kicked the crystal into the fire with the foot. At this time, the black pepper also found the situation in the air. It suddenly yelled at the Yalong in the air, and soon One of the emerald dragons riding the Yalong noticed it, and then it flew down and took the black pepper away.

Looking at the black pepper flying on Yalong, Lin felt that it seemed to be normal...

The flame attack lasted for a whole night, burning the hay of the whole city, many pyramids were burnt black, Susumi they had already gone back, but there were some Yalong knights hovering in the air, continuing Observing the situation of the whole city, the whole city is filled with the smell of smoke. Those who hide in the pyramid will be suffocated even if they are not burned.

The Jade Dragons should think so, this battle is very successful.

But maybe... things are different from what they think.

However, Lin is more concerned about the former Bai Xiaolong, it, has not died yet... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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