4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 260: Close to

"Maybe your consciousness can be extended to this place."

Wandering in Mead Void II for a while, Charlene didn't find any ... Meadgart's trace of consciousness.

It seems that it just disappeared.

Sharin now thinks there are several possibilities, the biggest possibility is that it is hidden.

Because consciousness should be 'bound' to this void, it cannot be left. If it can be left so easily, it will not be in this place any longer.

In short, Lin does not intend to try to control this place directly, after all, too many questions.

So now ... what should I do?

Now that the consciousness is gone, it is better to do some research.

Then, Lin and Shalin continued to slosh in this place, in fact, they were investigating the composition of this place ...

Mead Void II is different from ordinary space. It makes it difficult for almost any void 'matter' to enter.

Only unpredictable conscious creatures can affect here.

It can be said that Midgart has completely constructed a new rule of void.

In this place ... there should be quite a few interesting secrets.

So, next Lin has been doing various researches on this Mead Void II.

At the same time, Lin is also investigating the original Midgart void ... Although this has always been under investigation, now Lin is investigating whether there is any connection between them.

The original Midgart Void ... It can be said that it is closer to the ordinary space, and it seems that there is no direct connection with Midg Void II.

It's just that Lin found that they are so similar.

That is the storage of ‘history’.

In the earliest Midgart void, some historical creatures also appeared in it ... things that were originally like dead warships have been constructing this void all the time.

Their current construction content includes some historical content, some things like the once ruined tumbler are created, and then some creatures that have been destroyed in the past are also born on it.

They all seem to have a feeling of wanting to recreate history.

Lynn is also more interested in what is happening if these two Mead voids come together ...

In fact, the first Midgart void has been moving around all the time, and it often wanders in the normal void and solidified void.

It feels as if there is no destination flying around, and these two Mead voids may come into contact.

Because ... the first one is not far from the second one, although it didn't move towards this side.

In the next observation, Lin determined that there was indeed a connection between them.

Lynn saw some very similar sceneries.

In Mead Void II, Lin saw a record about the civilization of a species.

This civilization is a civilization built inside the tumbler, they start to develop from a position inside the tumbler ... and slowly move towards the surface.

Then when they reached the surface, they had developed a highly advanced civilization.

But they had a great fear of the void, so they did not plan to fly into the void, but continued to develop under the ground.

Lynn found this fixed scene of civilization in Mead Void II, and then Lynn also found ... meeting scene in Mead Void 1.

To be precise, it was just established.

The tumbler of this civilization, as well as all kinds of civilized creatures in it, were constructed in Void One, and started a life exactly the same here.

Lin felt that there was indeed a connection between the two voids, but she did not know where to investigate the specific connection.

Anyway, next ... nothing special happened.

In the course of Lin's investigation into these two voids, Lin also found that Pantian City, where Snail was riding, had fled to a far place.

They didn't plan to do anything anymore, as if they had just ended their mission.

And nothing special happened elsewhere.

But the calmer the more weird.

Because Lin always thinks what Midgart will do.

... and then another period of time ...

There is nothing special about Mead Void, but Lin found something interesting.

This is within Mead Void II ... the cemetery.

The records of most things in this place include the period of birth and the period of extinction, but Lin found a place that only recorded the extinction during the investigation.

There are many scenes about the extinction of various creatures and the like, they are all fixed at the moment of extinction.

What's more special is that all these extinct things Lin didn't know.

Many of the previous scenes of birth and demise were known by Lin. Although most of them were from earlier times, Lin could also find many things like ruins or records about them when traveling in the void.

And these only recorded the demise, Lynn didn't know any of them.

Actually ... Shalin didn't know.

Charlene is also very surprised by the recorded scenes of these extinctions. Although these biological civilizations and the like are themselves ordinary ... but it has not seen them in past times.

This is quite strange, and Charlene thinks that Midgart shouldn't make the imaginary creature.

But what's even more interesting ... Lin found that something similar appeared in Mead Void One.

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