4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 261: arrival?

"We have arrived."

The travel space stopped moving, and Ersh returned again ... in the void.

When the walls of the space opened, the Ershi people on the ground saw a scene that had never been seen before.

In fact, for most Ershi people, the scenery of the void is almost the same ... This is also called the silent void, and the starry sky seen here is nothing special compared to the starry sky in other places.

And the meaning of this "silence" mainly means that there are very few "super creatures" here.

Although there are relatively large void creatures such as the void bus, there is no such huge thing as the stellar bus ... that can easily destroy a civilized creature.

This is a quiet place, very suitable for the development of the Ershi people.

This is what Ersh suddenly remembered, and before he was going to another place.

At the same time, there are some special things here ... For example, there are many cylindrical objects in the void in front of Ershi.

Each of these cylinders is hundreds of kilometers long, and half of it looks like a rock-like structure, and the other half is transparent.

You can see from the transparent part that the inside of the column seems to be urban, with dense buildings.

"Is this ... the end?"

In the room of a building on the surface of the Ershi, a group of Ershi people sat together around a round table.

At the same time, Ersh ’s doppelganger ‘Nuo’ was sitting inside ... of course Lynn ’s Veronica was there.

"Yeah." Ersh said: "This is a very safe place, here ... you can start a new life."

"We have a question ..." said one Shirmin: "Can we leave your life?"

"go away?"

"Yes, we want to develop ourselves ..."

When they said these words, all the people present showed a very nervous mood.

This is also the idea that they have been thinking for a long time. In fact, they started to have this idea very early ... but it was the first time to speak so directly in front of Ershi.

Although they knew that Ershi knew their thoughts long ago, they still had a lot of determination to say so.

Of course, not all Ershi people have this idea. After knowing that Ershi is a creature, there will soon be many denominations among the Ershi people who worship Ershi.

These denominations worshipped Ershi very fanatically and built many temples and other buildings around the world.

However, the leaders of the Ershi people have reached a common decision, they intend to leave Ershi ... to develop alone.

They have had this idea from a very early age, but at first they also felt that the loss of the protection of Ersh may soon be destroyed.

But now they seem to have figured it out ... If it is destroyed by this, it means that the civilization of the Ershi people can only come here.

And now that they have reached a safe place, although they themselves are not sure whether it is safe, they believe that they should be separated from Ershi now.

This group of Ershi people expressed their thoughts to Ershi and that he has always been ... thanks for taking care of them.

Of course they don't actually have the idea of ​​thanks.

Since contacting Ershi for so long, the greatest understanding of Ershi is ... they cannot understand Ershi.

They do not know when Ershi wants to do what, where to go, and what they will encounter is totally unpredictable.

So they just wanted to try this time to see if Ersh would agree to them.

"Yes." Ersh said: "If you want to do this ... then do it, live here."

"Really?" These Ershi people are a bit weird. They did not expect that Ershi would simply agree to such a thing.

"Of course." Ersh said: "You can develop here ... or do whatever you want."

"……In this case……"

The discussion did not last too long, because Ersh agreed too easily.

Then, this group of Ershi people decided to start a new life here.

Lin also asked Ersh, who said that it doesn't matter where the Ershi people live.

Of course, Ershi also retains the information of these people, and if necessary, they can still be born.

Next, the global announcement began.

All the Ershi people were informed of this news, and they would leave Ershi to develop on their own.

This caused a great reaction, and almost all the people of the Ershi were discussing this matter.

What is peculiar is that the number of people who support and do n’t support are about the same, and the whole group of people who belong to the people of Shir suddenly fall into huge disputes.

As for the fanatical worship of the Ershi sect, they have gathered a large team to try to communicate directly with the Ershi.

They wanted to know how Ersh was towards them.

Lin found that Ersh didn't seem to care much about them.

Previously, Irsh cared about the Irsh people, at least willing to protect them, but now Lin found that Irsh's mood has changed.

It may be that a lot of things have happened recently, and Ersh has recovered some special ... memories.

Although the Ershi people were arguing endlessly, the main commanders still carried out operations. They sent troops to the surrounding void to try to explore the environment.

In fact, there are no tumblers around, and some are those huge cylinders.

Those columns are said to be the ruins left by ancient civilizations, and there are no creatures on them ... but there are many resources.

They can use these resources to survive here.

Soon the Ershi people began to act. Although they wanted to live on a tumbler instead of these ruins, it seems that these Ershi people already feel bad about asking Ershi to do something.

And the ruins may have other civilized technologies ... so they tried to investigate in detail.

After discovering that these cylinders were suitable for their lives, the Ershimin began their migration plan.

Their current technology allows them to have stable temperatures and light without stars at all.

Many Ershi people who agreed to leave Ershi started their movement, and those who disagreed ... stayed in Ershi.

At least most ... they are unwilling to leave Ersh, and Ersh has no opinion on them.

Those who left the Ershi people ... One threat they might face was the Inca Swarm.

Because the Inca Swarm came here along with the travel space and found that after the space stopped, they floated out on their own.

Now they are also trying to develop here, but it seems that they do not intend to use the ruins.

In short ... there will be a lot of collisions.


"Are you going to stay here?" It's still in the building, and now only Lynn Veronica and Marsh are left.

"No." Ersh said, "I still have to deal with some things."

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