"Come on, you are the last ... creatures."

This is sometime in the void.

A huge vortex shining with intense light was slowly spinning in the void.

It is millions of kilometers in diameter and is about the size of a star.

And in the void around this huge vortex ... there are many flying objects.

The number of these flying objects is very large, and their shapes are also various. Most of them look like smooth shells ... aircraft.

There are also some wonderful things like stones, liquids, or a mass of luminous objects.

These huge number of aircraft flew before the huge vortex, but they did not continue to move forward, and stopped at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

They are mainly paying attention to a creature here.

One ... bus.

This stellar bus is floating in front of the vortex. It is also a relatively large bus with a diameter of 20,000 kilometers.

Although it is still very small compared to the huge vortex, most of the attention of those aircraft is on this bus.

Because ... this vortex is what it 'created'.

"Are you finally here?"

The bus sends information broadcasts to these aircraft ... they are all called by the bus, from many places in the void.

There are some kinds of mixtures in these called aircrafts.

Most of them are new species produced during the mixing of the void, and many of these species live in various places in the normal void.

Most of these mixed creatures do not have very high wisdom, but there are still a few who have wisdom and have established their own civilization in some places of the void.

The bus found these intelligent mixed creatures.

And told them ... their end is coming.

As mixed creatures, they are very unstable and may collapse due to various factors such as changes in the void environment.

Maintaining their body structure requires some very special ... ‘rules’, and these ‘rules’ will change due to the distance of the void.

Then they cannot maintain their body structure.

At first, no creature believed what the bus said. In fact, many creatures did not know that they were such a mixed creature.

Some creatures care about it, but they mainly care about who the bus is and where they send these signals.

For these mixed creatures, the bus has carried out long-term operations, and it has been sending a lot of information to these creatures.

This information continues to disturb the thinking of these creatures, making them extremely ... uncomfortable.

Later, some creatures did believe what the bus said, and the bus sent these believing creatures somewhere to wait for the aircraft.

Because many creatures are civilized, they do not have the ability to travel long distances in the void.

Because the bus has built a lot of aircraft to accept those species that are willing to believe it.

These aircraft are designed according to the various forms of different species themselves, they are very suitable for those species.

After a while, the bus accepted a large number of creatures.

Finally, when they thought the number was sufficient, the bus brought them here, before this huge vortex.

"So, now we will go to a new void, a void that will allow you to live forever."

The bus said to the species who came here: "You will form an environment with new rules here, everything here belongs to you only."

"This void ... what the **** is going on?"

Because of the communication function on the aircraft, some creatures also questioned the bus.

The bus told them ... about the void.

In fact, this huge vortex is the entrance to the new void mixed void.

This void was not actually created by anyone. At first, it was very small, just a small space ... it can't be called 'Void'.

The bus found it, and found that this hybrid void has quite interesting characteristics.

It has many different void phenomena.

After the bus discovered the interesting characteristics of this place, it thought of a way to increase it.

That is to gather 'abnormal transmission energy'.

After the collision between the normal void and the unpredictable place, many special phenomena have occurred, such as the dream energy generated in some places, and many new substances have appeared in some places.

And it is not just normal voids that appear abnormal, even abnormal in many spaces.

After a long time in the past, the transmission energy born from space ... also retains this anomaly, like some of the transmission energy is mixed with the void mixture.

Of course these substances are very tiny.

For a long time, the bus has been collecting this kind of abnormal transmission energy and throwing them into the mixed void.

The final result is that the mixed void is getting bigger and bigger, and finally has exceeded most of the space.

In addition to the abnormal transmission of energy, the bus also puts in a lot of mixed substances and the like, mainly to observe what happens to them.

In the end, the bus decided to throw in the creatures.

This is a long-term activity, and the bus decided to continue to put these mixed creatures that have been propagated safely into the mixed void.

Through a long signal broadcast, the bus cheated a lot of mixed creatures, and then put them into the mixed void.

As for why it does not adopt the method of directly capturing these creatures, it is unknown.

At the same time, the bus not only finds a variety of mixed creatures in the distance in the distance, it also raises a lot of itself, and like those found, it will regularly throw in itself.

This bus has been mixing all the time.

It's like adding various ingredients to complete a work.

It's just that it doesn't know what this work will look like in the end. In fact, a lot of strange things happened in the mixed void because the bus mixed a lot of strange things, so that there were various strange phenomena.

These creatures usually shattered completely, but the bus didn't tell them this.

It just makes these creatures think that the mixed void is their new home, and let them enter the vortex one after another.

And the strange phenomenon here was finally noticed by other buses.

At first, it was telling other buses that they were transmitting energy to construct a void tunnel, but there was a bus that had doubts about its claim.

Or simply curious to come here and see.

This is ... Ersh.

It came here a long time ago and visited this bus that had been constructing a hybrid void.

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