"That means ... you want to build a safe area."

"Yes, let those creatures live safely in a large area."

At the time, Ersh proposed an idea.

Provide a safe place for those vulnerable creatures.

Ersh said it has seen a lot of ... interesting civilizations, but most civilizations have perished.

Ersh has calculated the possibility of many civilizations, but most civilizations will perish in a certain period.

There are quite a few reasons for the demise ... but most of them have one thing in common, and they have all developed into ‘bottlenecks’.

Many civilizations have reached this stage when they have developed to a certain extent, and it is difficult for them to discover any new technology.

This is also their first step towards decay.

Another point is ... It is very common for a civilization to develop for thousands of tens of thousands of years, and the longer a civilization lasts, the easier it is to encounter threats from various void creatures.

Ersh ’s proposal for this ‘hybrid bus’ was to use the large amount of hybrid transmission energy it collected to cover a nearby area.

Then adjust the energy, the probability of the creatures living here will die, and they may develop into a very powerful state.

The bus was a little surprised by Ersh's proposal.

In fact, what surprised him most was Ersh's understanding of the 'abnormal transmission energy' it collected.

Ersh knew that the teleportation energy it collected contained anomalous properties that occurred during a collision with the void, and knew that it was getting a mixed void here.

It's strange how Ersh knew, but Ersh didn't explain it.

Ersh just wanted to ask if he would create a ‘safe area’ here.

Through the adjustment of these abnormal transmission energy and its help, Ersh said they can create a large safety zone together.

Even if you have teleport technology in this area, you ca n’t enter it, but the main thing is to dispel some powerful void creatures around ...

This energy will allow many creatures to bypass this void without making them aware, making it a separate zone.

And those weak civilizations can also develop slowly without being disturbed by void creatures.

The bus was very interested in Ersh's proposal ... not interested.

It said that it mainly wanted to do this mixed void, and it planned to find all kinds of anomalies in the void caused by the collision of the void and throw them into it to see what the final result was.

Although at first it was very unwilling, in the end Ersh convinced it.

Because Ersh said that as long as a part of the energy is used to create this safe zone, it will not affect its mixing process.

The bus finally gave Ershi some energy, and then he used this energy to construct a safety zone nearby.

The bus itself didn't care how Ershi got it, and after a while, a lot of ... creatures appeared in the nearby void.

These creatures are some very strange creatures, they are called ‘broken plants’

They are very similar to plants, originally appearing on rocks and the like in the void, and growing at a slow rate.

During the growth process, they will drill through the entire rock with a structure similar to the root system, so that the rock is completely crushed.

At first, they weren't noticed by the bus, but it slowly discovered that these fragments were growing more and more.

In addition, the bus also found that some other creatures appeared along with the broken plants.

Those are some creatures floating in the void, they are very small, generally only a few tens of centimeters, living on broken plants.

As for broken plants, it is how big the rock it grows, how big it can grow.

After discovering more and more of these things, the bus asked Ersh.

Ersh told it that these creatures are some new breeds.

That is, it was born when trying to transform the surrounding environment with abnormal transmission energy.

After that, there was a period of time, mainly broken plants, the number of new creatures is increasing, of course, the most is broken plants.

They seem to be contagious, spreading in many places in this void.

The shattered plant shattered many things such as floating rocks in the void, and some even grew to the bus.

The bus cleaned them out very simply, and still didn't care much.

But one time the bus found that its mixed void also had ... the figure of broken planting.

No matter what was thrown into the mixed void at the time, they would become very weird after a while.

It's as if it was twisted into another substance by a wonderful force. The bus has been observing this mutation and found it very interesting.

But it found that ... the broken plants appearing in the mixed void will not mutate.

They can remain stable all the time, and they can drill other variants.

This makes the bus very angry, and it doesn't like that there is something that will not mutate.

It does not want to enter the mixed void to clear out the debris, so as not to have any impact on the environment inside.

So, it found Ershi again, and asked Ershi how to deal with the planting.

Ersh told it that this was actually the purpose ... because some of the energy the bus gave it was actually not enough.

But enough to make anomalous creatures like shattered plants.

The final purpose of Ersh is to get the crushed plants into the mixed void of the bus, and then create an explosive effect inside.

This effect is actually not a real explosion, but some kind of ... interference with the "rules" inside.

When the interference reaches the end, everything inside will be greatly affected, and the energy in the mixed void will flow into the void of this force, so as to form a real safe zone.

Then ... they fought.

Stellar buses hardly fight each other, but this time things are different.

Ersh obviously destroyed the bus all the time ... research.

In the end, the bus also broke.

It only left some debris floating in the void, and it was also covered with broken plants.

It's just that these broken plants didn't destroy its fragments like drilling through other floating rocks, but grew on them all the time.

Ershi didn't know where he was going after that, and why Ershi did this at that time ... also became a mystery.

But there is indeed a civilized safe area there.

Because at that time the bus built a lot of aircraft to pick up other highly intelligent mixed creatures to come here.

Even after it died, those aircraft were still operating.

It's just that after they are brought by intelligent creatures, they can't enter the mixed void without further operations.

Then some creatures stayed in the safe zone and started to live there ... development.


When Ersh remembered the previous incident, it also behaved in amazement.

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