4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 266: The end of the safe area

"They ... are over."

Many creatures have lived ‘safe’ days.

It is still unclear how big the safe area is. Shalin thinks it is probably more than ten light years away.

At that time, many mixed creatures were received here by the aircraft set by the bus. Since there was no broadcast message after the bus died, most of the later creatures arrived because of curiosity.

Those aircraft will be parked in remote places in the territory of biological civilization, and many creatures have been brought here because of curiosity.

Then a small part of these brought creatures lived in this place.

Without the guidance of the bus, they did not know to enter the mixed void, in fact, the entrance of the mixed void, that is, the huge vortex, would not appear in peacetime.

As these foreign creatures grew, they began to gather together.

To be precise, it ’s because ‘crushed plants’ brought them together.

Although the entire safe area is large, these creatures are basically crowded in a galaxy.

That is, near the entrance to the mixed void.

They originally lived on some huge floating rocks, collecting resources from above and living ... ordinary days.

Of course, there are also many creatures that ca n’t live and die. Those who can survive find that the ‘world’ of their lives ... is constantly changing.

Mainly from the impact of broken plants.

Broken plants continue to grow in this void, and they initially grew on many rocks. The creatures here felt that broken plants were a great threat, so they removed them.

But it didn't take long for them to discover that ... the broken plants could even grow in the void.

Where there is nothing in the void, broken plants can also grow slowly, growing longer and longer in the long years.

These civilized creatures also have a new view on broken plants, they use broken plants as ... bridges.

The growing and extremely huge broken plants can be connected to the rocks of other living creatures.

Broken plants do not grow randomly in the void, they will grow towards the floating objects around them, and finally they can connect two distant objects together.

So the creatures living here ... began to mix together.

These creatures were relatively peaceful at first, because any civilization here is inherently mixed.

After many creatures were brought here by the aircraft, they found that the aircraft did not move and left the aircraft ... floating on the nearby rocks and starting to live.

Of course, some creatures have killed other species and only left their own race to start living.

In any case, their destinies are slowly linked together by broken plants.

Then there was a lot of communication between these species ... There are friendly trade, there are wars and the like.

But no matter how they get it, they did develop ... quite safe.

This has become what Ersh calls a safe zone, and there are no overly powerful creatures to disturb them during the long years.

And the creatures here have only one species left after experiencing countless things, and they have perished all other civilized species here in various ways.

This creature has transformed the safe area into its own civilized territory.

Although the space they occupy is still very small, there are no other civilizations in the safe area.

The last remaining creatures of this group did not actively develop, but launched an activity.

That is the worship of the mixed void.

These creatures began to believe in mixed voids, because during the long development here, they saw the opening of the entrance several times.

Whenever the entrance is opened, they can feel something wonderful inside.

Every time this feeling is turned on, it will be stronger than last time.

This slowly gave this group of creatures a desire to enter the mixed void.

It seems that this is because something happened in the mixed void.

Originally, because the bus kept throwing mixture into it, it was always in a state of ‘chaos’.

Something like a continuous storm, but after a long time ... this state stopped.

The mixture thrown inside by the bus has stabilized and become something, and has a certain attraction to the creatures outside.

Civilized creatures outside began to be fascinated by the occasional feeling of this attraction ...

They began to yearn to enter the mixed void, and as a result produced many religions and the like.

These sects have similar goals, that is, to wait for the entrance to re-open when they enter the mixed void.

Later all the denominations were united together, and this thought spread to the whole civilization, making the creatures of the whole civilization look forward to entering the mixed void.

Although the interval between openings is much longer than the lifespan of these creatures, they tried to wait for generations.

However, they did not wait until it was turned on again.

That huge, vortex-like entrance never opened again when the entire civilization began to aspire to mix the void.

But their worship behavior has led to other changes.

Like broken plants, they begin to produce wonderful behaviors, absorbing and transmitting energy around them and becoming ‘activated’ at the same time.

Simply put, it is moving, from the original plant-like state to an animal-like state.

What kind of planting is actually what the civilized creature has never figured out.

Because broken plants can grow out of nothing in the sky, they don't seem to need any nutrients, and there are quite a few unclear parts of their composition.

This is true even if this civilization has developed for a long time.

At this time, most of the civilized buildings are built on huge debris.

Only a small part of the broken plants moved, but even this has caused a lot of impact on them.

But they also saw this as a precursor to the opening of the entrance, and then even more ... looked forward to it.

In the end they just died in anticipation.

The reason for their demise is mainly because some other things were sent from the broken plants.

These things can be said to be a group of relatively powerful void creatures.

Although it is said to be a safe area, other void creatures will still enter here under special circumstances.

This void creature destroyed this civilization, and then they stayed here for a while.

At this time, the entrance to the mixed void is opened, and then they enter the mixed void.

The cylindrical ruins where the people who left Ershi stayed before were treated by the past civilizations of the security zone.

Now that Lin and Ersh and Shalin have come to the mixed void, while learning about this part of history ... and seeing the culprit that destroyed the civilization in the safe area.

This is also a mixed creature.

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