"It uses this observation."


"Look at other places."

From the stranger, Lin learned something ... what Ersh did.

Marsh seems to have done something very similar to Midgart before-making a 'space telescope'.

It has been doing this kind of thing all the time.

A long time ago, after Ershi put the alien into the mixed void, it made various adjustments here.

It's mainly in the combined space ... various substances, and Ershi assembles them continuously for a long time.

According to the foreigners, most of the assembly process failed, causing explosions and the like in the mixed space.

In the end, however, Irsh managed to stabilize the mixture.

In the end, Ersh transformed a part of the mixed void into a space similar to Midgart's small star space, which can see far away landscapes, that is, space telescopes.

It's just that the telescope that Ersh did not look at the normal void, it mainly used to look at some 'abnormal points'.

These anomalies are like mixed voids, and they are unique spaces created after the collision of voids.

In many spaces, there are some anomalies caused by the collision of voids, and some spaces have been completely eroded by the anomalies.

These places are very peculiar, and there is an environment that is not like any void. The situation in these spaces ... can only be described as "chaos".

The 'telescope' made by Ersh mainly looks for these anomalous spaces, finds their location, and then Ershi ... may check it in person.

This is a foreigner's guess.

In fact, Irsh has never been in the mixed void, it has always stayed outside, and through some methods such as creating avatars or the like to control the material harmony in the mixed void.

Most of the time the area transformed by Ersh into a 'telescope' was covered by very dense fog.

And once the telescope sees something, the dense fog will quickly change to the scene of the observation ground.

The foreigners are in the mixed void, so they have seen many scenes.

According to their descriptions, most of the scenes are like a bunch of ... strange things mixed together.

At the beginning, they saw this kind of "chaotic" things, but the things that appeared slowly were less chaotic.

Once, when the dense fog showed another environment, they saw something special.

They saw their ... imagination.

Because the foreigners have always been trapped in the mixed void, they often imagine things like the places they have been to.

Then they once saw the scene where the dense fog appeared, and they were all the places they had been to.

This includes many locations in the normal void, as well as some ruins of civilization destroyed by them and so on.

At first, the foreigners believed that these dense fogs no longer showed the distant scenery, but began to show their imagination.

But then the foreigners saw something new and subverted their ideas.

They saw some creatures at some point.

To be precise, it is a creature good at traveling.

These creatures all have the ability to travel long distances in the void. They can cross a long distance at very fast speed. Some foreigners have encountered in the void, and there are many new types.

At that time, foreigners often saw dense fog ‘play’ out of such creatures moving in the void.

Each time they can see such creatures moving in the void for a period of time, then Ersh appears near them.

Then, Ersh will attack ... destroy these creatures.

Although many creatures can move long distances, they have little power to resist Ershi, so they are also captured.

A few creatures are very powerful and can easily destroy the more common civilizations.

But they will also be easily defeated by Ersh.

Ersh brought the captured creatures back to the safe area, dismantled them, and finally threw part of these creatures into the mixed void.

In fact this part ... is the organ or device that this creature uses to move long distances.

Irsh not only attacks creatures, but also biological creatures, etc. No matter what it is, as long as it can move a long distance, it may attack.

Of course, Irsh does not attack other buses.

Although it was said that a bus had been killed before, after that, Relsh did not attack any other bus.

The foreigners have also discovered that they can see the entire attack and capture process of Ersh.

Each time they can directly see the target that Ersh is about to attack. Generally, the target is flying in the sky without being attacked, and after a while, Ersh will appear to attack it.

The foreigners later noticed that this was also related to their ideas.

The foreigners have always wanted to know what Ersh is doing, what they are doing, and whether they have a chance to escape.

Because the foreigners are eager to pay attention to Ershi, they see the situation of Ershi.

Although I don't know why it was originally the target that Ersh wanted to pursue.

After thinking so, the foreigners tested it, they found that it was true, where they imagined ... the scene of which place will appear here.

I could only see the dense fog in the abnormal chaotic space, but now I can see the dense fog everywhere.

This made them feel wonderful, and it seemed that Ersh didn't know what the matter looked like.

In fact, Ersh has been catching creatures recently, and has not come in directly to see anything with dense fog.

So the strangers conducted a more detailed study of the dense fog.

They found this thick fog ... that is, the telescope that Ersh created in the mixed void can be controlled.

This is a space telescope system controlled by thinking. Simply put, it is connected to another space to show the scenery outside the space.

Because those who can move long distances must have space around them, they can also see these creatures directly.

After all, most of these creatures move through space.

However, this is not the case for all living things, so aliens sometimes find that biological organs that they have n’t seen are thrown into the mixed void, which means that some of them are not seen during hunting.

So the foreigners try to contact other creatures through this observation.

Now that you can connect to other spaces to see creatures in the void, you can certainly also have some impact on other spaces, and then be noticed by those creatures.

The foreigners want to use this method to see if they can ask ... or fooling other creatures to rescue themselves.

They cannot go out inside the mixed void, but there are some ways to open the door outside.

It's just that they have been trying to use various methods to affect the space, but no one has noticed.

In addition, every time they see these creatures will soon be attacked by Ershi, it is even less likely to come here to rescue them.

But after a long period of time, the alien's request for help received some kind of biological response.

This creature is ... Lynn.

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