4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 269: committed to

"You told us ... you will take us out of here."

These foreigners said they had seen Lin in a certain space.

Actually it wasn't that I saw Lin's arms, but when the thick fog showed a distant scene, they directly felt a very special feeling.

This feeling saves as if something very huge is staring at them.

Although the dense fog does not directly show any creatures, they only see a space environment with nothing.

But they remember how they felt at that time. They thought there was something in the space that could not be observed here.

If there is, the creature will be very powerful.

Therefore, the foreigners tried to connect with the creatures at that time, and they affected the observation site from the mixed void as before.

In fact, what they do is very simple, is to send some special signals to see if they can be received by the creatures in the observation site.

Before, they never let any creature receive their signal.

But this time ... there was a response.

Although nothing was displayed at the observation point, some signals returned and sent back to the mixed void from the observation point.

After receiving these signals, the foreigners find it incredible, because the other party uses the information they can understand.

Then the two sides chatted like this.

The other party asked a lot about the foreigners. At first, the foreigners wanted to make up some reasons for the other party to come here, but after the other party's constant inquiry, the foreigners still told them their true situation.

The foreigners are very strange, the other party seems to know what they think, it is easy to distinguish whether they are true.

After learning the real situation, the other party also agreed to come to the safe area to help the foreigners leave.

At that time, the foreigners thought it was a very strange ... and powerful creature.

After that, Ersh went to the space where this strange creature was.

Ersh didn't seem to find this creature. It walked in the space for a while and then left, which made the aliens confirm the strength of this creature.

Then ... a long time passed.

In the long years, Ersh has finished catching creatures, and he has no idea where to go.

And the telescope function in the Hybrid Void also went out ... the malfunction, from a certain point, the distance can no longer be observed.

Then, the aliens have been staying in the mixed void, waiting for a long time to pass.

The creature that promised to put them here did not come.

Now, when Lin arrived, they felt the feeling they had at the time. They thought that Lin was the promised creature at the time.

So the foreigners think Lynn wants to let them out.

But because they found that Lin did not know them, they only told Lin what she had done before.

After they said it, Lin still didn't know them.

Lin hadn't made any promises with this kind of creature before. Although she said that she had communicated with many wonderful creatures, there was nothing completely consistent with the description of the alien.

So Lin felt that they might have encountered a creature similar to Lin.

While learning about these situations with strangers, Lin also learned some more interesting information from Ersh.

"Here ... is a creature I built in the past."

As Ersh floated in the mixed void, it also remembered more memories of the past.

These memories are not hidden deep in its nervous system, but as a kind of ‘energy’ floating in the mixed void.

When Ersh successfully recovers this energy, its memory will also wake up.

Ersh remembered that it was doing this at the time, constructing a creature.

Or something like a creature.

In Ersh's vision, he wanted to construct the mixed void into creatures that feed on other abnormal voids.

The ability to observe distant places in the mixed void, even its "eyes", can use this part to find those abnormal spaces in the void.

As long as a space with enough anomalous components is found, the mixed void can slowly 'attract' it.

Then devour it.

Ersh had been catching creatures with long-distance travel at the time mainly to give the hybrid void the ability to pull space.

Then there is the foreigner.

At the time, Ersh was planning to let the foreigners think, but this plan was not realized.

In fact, very little has been done, but nothing has been done after simply shutting them in.

According to the original Bensh's plan, it will continue to adjust these aliens to blend them with the mixed void ...

The whole plan was put on hold halfway through, and it seemed that I never wanted to complete it.

In general, why did Ersh want to start this project is also a mystery, what is the purpose of getting such a void?

Do you want to use it as a weapon against the sea of ​​creation or do something else ... It is unclear.

But Lin felt that since Ersh had tried to transform this place before, then Lin could find some control methods by investigating here.

So Lin started the test.

Lin mainly tried to get the arms to many places, and then tried to use various methods to see if it could affect the space.

There is also a survey of the location of Ershi ’s transformation.

There is only one place where Ersh directly transforms, and that is the telephoto part.

The other parts of Irsh haven't actually moved, and the entire void transformation is very ... the primary part.

It's just that Ersh should already have a way to transform it. Lin wanted to see if she could find a way to do it.

As for the current Ershi also wanted to try to find it, although it could not recall how it was going to be transformed at that time.

It just remembered that it had such a plan before.

Of course, Lin did not forget the ‘promise’ and let the strangers leave this place.

In fact, Lin just wanted to see what would happen if they went out.

Because after meeting the foreigners before, Lin inspected them carefully.

The body of the alien is very much like a huge ... soft material, hundreds of kilometers in size.

This is an integrated body of many foreigners, they are regarded as individual creatures, but they will not dispute, and they can be scattered and combined at will.

When Lin detected them, they found that the material that constituted them ... may not be able to maintain in the normal void.

They have been here for too long, and they have a deep and mixed void ... mix.

But because Lin was not completely sure, she wanted to give it a try.

This will not cause their demise or anything, because they find that they can't leave and still have a way to return.

At this time Lin discovered the hybrid void that was transformed into a telescope.

At the same time, Lin also found that the function here can still be used.

And it can see a special place.

That is the interior of a Mead void.

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