4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 270: Mixed structure

In the mixed void, Lin now sees the view in the void of Mead.

The location shown is somewhere in Mead's void.

There are many floating objects in this place. They all look like square objects that are several kilometers long.

Other than that, there is no special scenery.

Of course, it is very special to show Mead's void situation.

There are obviously many wonderful functions in the mixed void.

This telephoto function is mainly activated by some devices that Ershi had left here before.

These devices ... are constructed here in an 'energy' form, and they cannot be touched directly.

But now Ersh recalls how to start the device.

But it does not recall the control method, so it depends on where there is no way to control.

Seeing Mead's Void ... indicates that there must be some connection there.

Next, Lin continued to observe for a while.

Lin tried to adjust the telephoto position, but no matter how you adjusted, she saw somewhere in Mead's void.

It seemed that there was no way to see what was going on outside ... So Lin investigated how Wang Yuan made detailed adjustments.

At the same time, Lin is also studying the situation of the entire mixed void.

The mixed void is full of wonderful things that Lynn has never seen before and all kinds of weird things.

But they are very stable, and there is no special situation caused by random actions.

This may be the result of adjustments made by Ershi, or here it would have become stable after a long period of ‘chaos’.

After going through a lot of tests, Lynn learned a lot about this void ... performance.

In general, many substances here can change between ‘energy’ and ‘entity’.

They can be transformed into a state where dream energy cannot be directly contacted by normal void matter ... Through some methods, almost everything here can be turned into a similar energy state.

After turning into an energy state, they generally float around here, and after a period of time, they will stabilize and return to a solid state.

This phenomenon is only in the mixed void, if you take the things here to the normal void, they will always be in the solid without any change.

It can be said that their own ability to change ... is related to the rules of mixing voids.

There are many other things with similar situations. Many of their characteristics can only be expressed in the mixed void. After they are taken into the normal void, they are ... normal.

Some things will collapse at the moment of contact with the normal void, such as the alien.

Lin tried to let them go outside, but they couldn't sustain themselves when they got outside.

"This place seems to be ... to escape."

Shalin said that much of the material here has been seen before, but there have been many different changes.

To put it simply, these substances were originally able to be normally maintained in normal void, but now they can only be maintained in mixed void.

They are 'stripped' out of the normal void, and become something that can only exist under the rules of the mixed void.

Combining some current information, it is possible that the final goal of Ershi to make this place is to remove the abnormal objects in the normal void ... including the common mixed substances and those abnormal spaces.

This possibility is quite large.

Because after the collision of the two voids, the normal void produced something new that never appeared before, and even appeared something that neither the normal void nor the unpredictable place had.

And this mixed void ... it is designed to continually engulf these anomalies.

And not only is it so simple after accommodating the anomalous objects, it will also carry out various transformations ...

In the end, the anomaly becomes something that can only be in the mixed void.

It can be said that they are separated from the normal void.

This seems to bring back the normal void ... normal, at least to its original state.

Although there are few mixed anomalies due to the collision of the void, they have some impact on the normal void.

Ersh's goal may be to completely eliminate these effects.

After Lynn told Ersh this idea, Ersh also seemed to tell Lynn as if he suddenly remembered it.

"Yes, it is."

Ersh stated that its previous purpose was also almost completely clear. Its own design is to allow all the abnormal parts to be mixed into it.

Otherwise, if the anomaly stays in the normal void for too long, it will become normal.

When all this is done, it will try to separate the entire mixed void from the normal void.

As unpredictable, getting farther and farther away from the normal void, then completely disconnected.

As expected, the Hybrid Void will leave forever and will not come back again. This was originally the case.

At the time, Ersh didn't plan to put the anomalous objects together and throw them out. It also tried to create 'ecology' in it.

Like aliens is the ecological link inside.

In addition, it also intends to get a lot of creatures into it, and inside these creatures there are ...

Ersh remembered some things at the time, which can be said to be a 'travel space' plan that it designed a long time ago.

Of course, the plan was not realized as it is seen now, and was abandoned halfway.

The reason for its abandonment is hard to say exactly what it may be, and it may have something to do with Midgart's void.

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