4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 271: Past trip

"This place ... is travel space."

The reason at that time slowly became clear in Ersh's thinking.

The reason why it made this mixed void was not to use it as a weapon or the like, but to create a travel space.

It's almost the same as now, but the goal at the time ... was to fly out of the void.

At the time, Ersh believed that if there were more things in a space that were different from the normal void, then it would be far away from the normal void.

Those spaces in the normal void have some peculiar phenomena or rules that the normal void does not, but they are generally similar to the normal void.

Ersh ’s idea was to create a completely abnormal void.

Just like the unpredictable place, the difference between this place and the normal void is extremely huge. When this place is abnormal enough, it will be ejected from the normal void.

After going out ... it will float in the endless ‘none’.

In other words, I didn't know what the place was after leaving a void.

The distance between the two voids is not in the true sense, but the two become more and more difficult to touch.

At that time, Ersh wanted to try to travel away from the void, so he began planning.

The main reason why Ersh stopped the plan was not Midgart, or according to Ersh's memory, it did not know what it was at that time.

In fact, the most complete function of the mixed void is the telephoto function. At that time, Ersh had been using it to see the distance.

This telescope function can be activated not only from inside the hybrid void, but also from outside the safety zone.

So for a while, the foreigners thought that Irsh didn't come in. In fact, Irsh continued to observe outside.

Ersh mainly uses this telephoto function ... to see the "outside" of the normal void.

Ersh has never seen the edge of the normal void. Although it feels that the void has an edge, it never reaches the edge.

And observing things that are not in the normal void is not observing whether they are flying out of the edge, but detecting their ... connections.

Every space in the normal void is connected to the normal void. Simply put, it can open the channel to and from both sides.

Generally speaking, as long as a space is far away from the normal void, it will become more and more difficult to open the entrance and exit.

But ... there are some special cases.

Even if these distant spaces cannot open larger channels to allow things in the normal void to pass through, they can still observe their internal conditions through some methods.

Ersh's mixed void has this function.

It can observe the spaces that are almost completely separated from the normal void, which itself cannot open the entrance and exit in any way known by Ersh, but it can observe the situation inside by mixing the void.

Ersh was mainly looking for these places at that time. It found many spaces. There were many extremely abnormal existences in such spaces.

The environment inside can be said to be completely separated from the normal void, but Ersh also found some spaces that are almost the same as the normal void environment.

But even if there is no difference, they are slowly breaking away from the normal void.

Ersh believed at the time ... Excessive anomaly was not the only condition to stay away from the void, and there was obviously another reason.

However, excessive abnormality is definitely one of the conditions.

After confirming this idea, Ersh further adjusted the mixed void, intending to make the mixed void a completely ... anomalous area.

But at that time there was a situation.

The situation mainly comes from some spaces observed by Ershi.

Ersh continually seeks out, studies those spaces that are out of normal void, and investigates the details of the environment inside.

When Ersh investigated a space, it saw a horrible thing.

Ersh had a fear of this thing.

But what Ersh saw at the time was not the situation at the time, but ... the future.

Ersh himself is used to calculating and predicting the future of some things. When he saw something in a certain space, he tried to make predictions.

Ersh believes that there will be something very scary at some point in the future.

It would make Horsh feel horrible at the time, which is quite incredible.

Because Ersh is not afraid of the strength of a creature, even if the other party is stronger than himself.

As for other wonderful phenomena, Ersh has never really been afraid.

Although it will avoid all kinds of dangers, its nervous system will not let this emotion affect its own thinking.

No matter what dangers are encountered, its own thinking is ... calm.

But Ersh said that in the past it had seen what caused its thinking to “pause”.

Similar to the feeling that the Shirmin was taken aback.

According to Ersh, Lin felt that it might be something that could affect the nervous system of the bus and directly affect the nervous system, so that Ersh could make such a move.

But what is it?

And the most important thing is that although the space with terrible things discovered by Ersh at that time was far away from the normal void, it was not moving away, but approaching the normal void.

Ersh predicted that it might reach the normal void in a long time.

At that time, Irsh gave up continuing to adjust the mixed void, but planned to directly find this terrifying space for research.

Then the Mixed Void was abandoned forever, and Irsh never returned.

Of course, I ’m back now, but I do n’t remember what happened then. What is this horrible thing?

However, Ersh said he might see him soon.

Because if the terrifying space is still there, it is now the time when it completely reaches the normal void.

And the place where it arrives is the mixed void here.

Although nothing happened now.

Lin felt that she might find more memories later. What's more interesting about the ‘energy’ of these memories is that they will slowly emerge as Lin and them discover here.

Now, mainly to see if Mead's Void will come here.

The dense fog in the telephoto area is tumbling, as if it was ... malfunctioning.

It cannot show any scenery anymore.

But here you can receive some information, these are information from the dead battleship.

"Nothing happened. The target location is difficult to confirm. Handling ... unable to handle. Find where it is."

These death warships are in a situation that is curious about here.

They saw this and tried to find out where it was, but at present they have no way to find out.

"The target was found and started."

Suddenly, Lin found that the surrounding scenery appeared again.

A large number of dead battleships are all flying in one direction. ,

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