Dark... Completely dark.

Lin saw Ying Zhe's'attack'.

Just as the residents here know, when Shadow Cover launches an attack, everything around becomes instantly dark, it can be said that all perceptions are covered by it, including the detection system of the dead warship.

I have to say that this kind of attacking method is very powerful and can affect everything around you instantly.

The darkness lasted for tens of seconds, and then when the darkness disappeared, the shadow mask and those black and white **** also disappeared.

As for the death ship, it is still in its original position, of course, including the tumbler and those residents.

Shadowing does not affect things that are not chaotic creatures. It seems that even if it launches an ‘attack’ on the death warship, it will be fine.

And not all the black and white **** have disappeared.

In fact, there are currently three black and white **** left, all of which are inside the death ship.

When these **** quickly approached, Lynn let the death ship emit absorption rays to them, successfully capturing a few **** into the interior.

These spheres captured inside were not captured by Shadow Cover, although when Shadow Cover launched an attack... the interior of the death ship was also black.

Now the remaining three **** with a diameter of more than sixty meters have stopped their activities and it feels like they are dead.

Lynn can study them slowly.

Although the shadow cover is gone, Lin's miniature arms continue to observe it inside.

After it attacked, its position shifted to the chaos outside the bubble, and it seemed to have a movement similar to teleportation.

As for from the inside, it has not changed much, or it has maintained a steady change.

Shadow's internal environment is still changing. Lin feels that it may change the environment where she can see the ball at some point.

Another thing that makes Lin feel wonderful is that the captain is now gone.

When Shadow Mask launched an attack, the captain and its captain's room also disappeared, seemingly devoured by Shadow Mask.

But the captain and the captain's room are themselves made of solidified matter in the void, which Lyn has already tested before.

So it will disappear... still a mystery. In short

In short, there are currently too few ways to study shadow cover. Lin thinks that you still need to understand this place... how it works, and then create a unit that belongs here and has the ability to sense here.

The local residents felt very desperate about the dead warships that could be ‘live’ after the shadow attack.

They all began a large-scale escape, and almost all of the cities around the death ship ran out.

Lin's main research is the black and white ball and the signal that these residents attract chaotic creatures, from this aspect to understand the perception ability of chaotic creatures.

If we can analyze their perception, it will be much easier to travel through chaos.

So, Lin started to investigate the situation here from this aspect... Lin started to find this especially interesting after starting the research.

Like the structure of this black and white ball, it is actually a bit similar to the shadow cover, it is a creature that will continue to'change'.

Its internal structure can be said to be a large number of small objects'buckle' together, these objects are like small circles.

After tens of thousands of seconds, Lin will find that all of these objects have changed into gear-like shapes.

After the change, they are also buckled together. From the appearance, there is no change in the shape of the black and white ball.

It's just that the internal microstructure has completely transformed into something else.

Its change is almost instantaneous, that is, the original ‘substance’ was replaced. After observing that for a while, Lin found that this black and white ball can replace many differently shaped microstructures.

These microstructures have a characteristic that they can be fitted together.

It can be said that the change of the black and white ball is much smaller than that of the shadow cover, but it is also a thing that will change.

How is this changed function realized... It is not yet known.

The attack method of the black and white ball is also very interesting. Lynn found that these **** still retain some of the attack responses under research.

When they are hit to a certain degree, they will trigger an attack response.

This response is similar to that of the captain they were dealing with at the time. When the black-and-white ball attacks, it will start from a certain position in the interior... quickly'fuzzy'.

It can also be said that these microstructures have become a kind of'substance' that is difficult for Lin to sense.

This kind of ‘substance’ looks like it sees a flickering blurry object, and it feels like it is touching a continuously beating object.

However, if it is squeezed, you can still feel that this beating thing is a solid whole.

In short, this feeling... is wonderful.

What's even more amazing is that what they attack will also be blurred.

It does not obscure everything except the captain's room.

If Lin’s arms attack the black and white ball, although the black and white ball itself will be blurred, Lin’s arms will not be affected.

At present, only the captain's room...or the material that constitutes the captain's room can be affected by its obscurity.

A new captain's room can be created in the battleship, which is a jelly-like thing.

The constituent material of the captain's room itself mainly comes from the normal void and the solidified void. When it is attacked, it will become blurred from the internal foundation structure.

However, these black and white **** may have relatively few relationships. They can only blur a small part of the captain's room.

They can't be maintained for a long time, they will change back after a while.

Lin felt that their own changes and ambiguities were similar to what ‘replaced’ the original material structure.

But it is not a real replacement.

Because it can be changed back, the substance will not collapse due to damage to the internal structure.

This feels strange, and I need to figure out why.

If Lin thinks it might be completely obscured, it may be obscure to a certain degree... or it will last long enough to cause harm.

Therefore, there are many possibilities. It may be that the internal structure is really replaced after the ambiguity is complete.

At the same time... Lin felt that perhaps Ershi had known the situation here.

But at the moment Ersh didn't think of anything.

When Lin studied these, she found something interesting.

The miniature arms that had been following the shadow cover observed that something special appeared in the shadow cover.

The environment that changed inside before it gave Lin the feeling of "barren", that is, a very monotonous scenery, and this time it appeared a very complicated scenery after the change.

At the same time, you can see many creatures.

These creatures are not chaotic creatures, they all look like cell creatures.

Lynn thought it might have been made by Ersh before.

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