4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 279: Memories


"Look for……"

"We are going to find... find..."

This is the inside of Shadow Cover. Now the situation here is a little abnormal.

Because the shadow cover has maintained the entire environment for three days and nights.

It has never maintained a state for so long before, but it has been maintained for a long time now, probably because of these biological reasons.

Lin called them "Shadowmen".

They are counted as residents in the shadow cover, but the shadow people are not a creature, they have many kinds, and they look strange in appearance.

Each creature has its own form, like those of the Ershi people, but also like various animals or plants and some void creatures that Lin has seen.

What they have in common is that they don't look like themselves, and each creature is completely wrapped in what looks like a black flame.

These things are also a bit similar to the real flame. Under Lin's observation, it can be found that all the shadows may be completely swallowed by this black flame.

All they have to do is eliminate some of the flames before being swallowed.

This is also the daily life of filmmakers.

Although the overall environment of this place has not changed, Lin can see a lot of local small changes, like a sudden addition of an object or something.

When new objects appear, many moviegoers will gather around, and then they will begin... memories.

Because Lin discovered that the newly appeared objects are all normal void things, like stones or something is more common.

Of course, there are many other things... When the shadow people see these objects, they will try to remember.

They will try to remember if they have seen this thing before. If they succeed in thinking...the ‘flames’ on them will dissipate a little, and they will make their original shape clearer.

If they don't remember, they will try to find other objects.

If you can't find it, the movieman will be slowly swallowed by the flames, and in the end nothing will be left.

Lin now makes some relatively large arms here because of the normal void objects that appear here, Lin finds that they are really normal void objects.

They can be disassembled and constructed by Lin. When Lin decomposes and constructs some objects, these objects will not disappear with the change, but will stay here forever.

Then Lin assembled some arms that looked like crabs, and used them to approach the shadow people to question them.

Most moviegoers will not respond to the exchange, and the more clear moviegoers who have some memories will respond.

The language they use is the language used by the residents on the tumbler in the bubble before.

These languages ​​are a bit like sounds, which mainly use vibration to transmit information, that is, they shake themselves, and express different information according to the frequency of this shaking.

The filmmakers here will also communicate in a similar way. After understanding their language, Lin also understands their stories.

In fact, they don't have any special stories. These moviegoers have always lived here like this.

All they can do is look for objects that they may have seen and try to recall it.

It can be found from this point that they were all normal void creatures before... and the objects appearing around them have also been in contact with them in the normal void.

However, they may not find the things they have touched, and may encounter objects that other creatures touch.

After a long time, they will lose their ability to think, but they will still pursue these memory things, and slowly disappear when they think about it again or cannot find it.

And when there is such a lucky creature that continues to find things in retrospect, there will be fewer and fewer black flames on its body.

It will also completely become its original appearance.

In fact, they have not seen this fully restored creature, so they do not know what will happen when they change back.

Lin wanted to give it a try.

Lin has also detected these moviegoers. They are not composed of normal void material, and in fact are the same as the other material composition here.

These ‘substance’ Lin felt that they could be called ‘chaotic matter’.

Their most obvious manifestation is instability, which seems to be replaced at any time... or disappear.

It seems that the black flames on these shadows disappeared, but the original flames on them were replaced.

As for those that are getting darker, the parts of the body are replaced with more flames.

In short, Lin wants to try what happens if they are fully recovered.

So Lin then sent a large number of miniature arms.

These miniature arms quickly spread out across the place, looking for something that suits them...memory.

These creatures that communicate with Lin, they are all a kind of void creature that Lin knows.

So Lin knows that they have probably seen something in their life, and if they go to find it by themselves, it is very slow, and the film people can only fly at a very slow speed here.

Lin helps them find and then takes them to see, it will be much faster.

Soon, Lin's miniature arms scattered found many things suitable for them.

These memories are common floating objects in the void, but here are mixed with a lot of things they have not seen.

They were too difficult to find by themselves, but with the help of Lynn, these creatures soon saw the memories one after another.

As they see the memories each time, their figure becomes clearer and clearer.

At the same time, they are also getting bigger.

Originally they were about the same size as Lin's arms...that is, more than a meter, and they would be bigger every time they recalled.

After Lin took them to find hundreds of memories, these creatures have reached more than ten meters in size.

Their appearance has become increasingly clear.

They are actually a kind of creature that Lin called ‘shipping ship’, a kind of void drifting creature.

They are generally sleeping in the void...most of the drifting creatures in the void are like this, and when there are large aircraft nearby, when the creatures pass by, they will find a way to stick to it and travel with each other.

These creatures have a deep'knowledge base', they can judge what is a natural flying object and what is biologically controlled.

As long as they are biologically controlled, they will try to stick to them.

If they cannot handle it, they may destroy the aircraft.

Of course, it is more likely that they can’t wait for a long time, but they don’t care, as long as they live, they will wait.

After recalling her past identities, Lin can also learn more from them...what is shadow cover?

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