4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 283: Ring creature

The captain... and many "customized rings" left the civilization that created them and moved towards endless chaos.

The original purpose of this civilization was to allow these'customized rings' to explore their way.

Because according to their understanding, the chaotic space is very huge, and it is easy to get lost in chaos by exploring them by themselves.

Many of the detection instruments they built before, including ordinary custom rings, can't be expected to be in chaos for a long time.

Because these things will be affected by chaos, and eventually disappeared.

But after creating the "ring creatures" in the customized ring, it is possible to make long-distance movements in chaos... and finally reach the legendary normal void.

For this civilization, everything in the normal void is a very old record, and they really want to see everything there.

A characteristic of the creatures in the ring is that they can be replaced.

No matter what kind of creature it is, it will always go mad after a long time in chaos.

This kind of madness actually refers to the chaos of their thinking. In this case, biological thinking will continue to imagine very quickly.

Quickly they didn't know what they thought.

Finally, biological thinking is consistent with chaos, and it is said that even the structure of their entire body will slowly chaotic.

Other non-living things are almost the same. It seems that nothing can be maintained in chaos for a long time.

However, the creatures in the ring can always be maintained, because the creatures in the ring will be chaotic, and the ring will replace the creatures.

By constantly changing to new creatures, the entire circle can be avoided from chaos.

From the understanding of this group of civilized creatures, it seems that chaos begins with ‘parts that can accept and store outside information’, such as parts of biological brains.

However, it is not clear how to determine it. In fact, the skin can also be said to be a part that can receive and store outside information.

But the position of the general skin and the like is the last chaos, the first chaos is the biological thinking inside... If it is non-biological, it is the computing system inside.

A thing without any thinking is like a stone that can stay in chaos for a long time, and even a stone will slowly chaos.

Only by constantly changing can it be maintained in the chaotic space for a long time.

The captain does not remember his previous events, because it is actually not a creature, it has been replaced countless times.

Every time a certain distance is advanced in the chaos, the customized ring will start to construct a new creature. The data for this new creature is already collected.

Generally, hundreds of creatures are stored in a ring. Whenever a creature is almost chaotic, it will be abandoned and replaced with a new creature to continue the journey.

This combination of creatures in the ring and the custom ring allowed them to travel for a long time.

But this trip is too long, and it can be said that the customized ring itself does not fly fast, so even if there are hundreds of biological data as a reserve, they still cannot fly for a long time.

After some customized rings have exhausted all biological data, they begin to try to construct new creatures.

Although they were originally able to obtain information within chaos to construct creatures, continuing to obtain information from chaos at this time will only lead to further chaos in themselves.

Many custom rings did just that, so before they constructed creatures, they were completely chaotic.

However, there are also some customized rings that do not directly obtain information from chaos. They obtain data on creatures from certain places.

A small number of such customized rings have supported for a longer time, but most have not left the chaotic space.

Only a few of the few managed to leave the chaotic space and go to the outside world.

The captain is also one of these few.

What it has experienced outside is not very clear on its own, at least it has been to the solidified void and the normal void.

In the end it became one of the captains.

The captain's earliest memory was in the void of Mead, and some changes had taken place at that time.

When the original customized ring replaces the creature in the ring, it is equivalent to replacing all memories and thinking in the past. This new creature replaces the old creature before continuing the journey.

Later, the captain becomes that it can replace creatures in the ring at will, and it will not affect its memory and overall thinking.

Nevertheless, it still doesn't remember

But it is not completely without the memory of the past. The captain's previous fear of chaotic creatures is also related to its past.

However, it truly recalls the past, or because it was here and saw these'shadows'.

These shadows are actually all the captain's past...memory.

When the captain traveled in chaotic space a long time ago, it replaced a considerable amount of biological data to keep his journey.

Each biological data is structured as a creature in the ring to extend travel, and when the creature in the ring cannot support it, they are not completely abandoned.

Some of the messages left by the used ring creatures will be sent back to the original civilization.

Civilization will use this information to understand where and where this group of customized rings has gone.

The information that the captain constantly replaces the creatures on the long journey and sends back is the origin of these shadows.

Shadows are essentially creatures created by civilizations after recycling information. Their original role was to provide civilizations with customized information.

Now, this civilization is gone, so the shadows are all free.

What is special is that these shadows have always had a certain relationship with the captain. They know the general situation of the captain... and they also know what happened in the void of Mead.

Then they began to look forward to the captain's return.

These shadows are trapped in the bubble area and cannot leave this place, but they think that after the captain comes back... they can leave this area and roam in the chaotic space.

The captain itself has the ability to become a chaotic creature like shadow cover.

This is the main purpose of their greeting the captain here.

It's just...the captain doesn't want to be a chaotic creature.

Although it knows its past, it does not have any idea of ​​living here.

It still felt... that he was a member of Mead's void.

Then, the captain tried to leave this information and let other captains... or Lynn came here to find it.

It has now been hijacked by these shadows, because if it does not want, the shadow intends to force it into chaotic creatures.


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