4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 284: structure

Here, it seems to be the ruins of that ancient civilization...

Lin is now riding in the captain's cabin like a jelly, and is slowly advancing in the bubble area.

Before Lin learned from the captain and its "shadow" communication, this ancient civilization is in this place.

And it's gone.

How did they perish? The shadows didn't explain, but at least they roughly introduced what kind of civilization it is.

This civilization...Lin felt that it could be called "condensation civilization".

It is a civilization similar to the ‘God and the people’, that is, there was a God from the beginning, it created countless people, and these people worshipped its form.

However, it is not the same as the situation of individual creatures.

The appearance of this "God" itself is very much like a branch made of white crystals. A large number of these branches are intertwined and intertwined, forming a thousands of kilometers in size of the "God" body.

These branches will produce luminous objects of tens of meters in size, which looks like jelly. They are the main residents of civilization.

Their daily life is to try to understand the world around them.

Each individual will constantly absorb external information, and then classify, parse, shape, etc. the external information.

Unlike many cell organisms, the brain will ‘automatically’ form the world that they see after they are born. The environment around the inhabitants of frozen civilizations is said to be dark to them.

Although their perception systems can obtain information about their surroundings, they will not appear in their minds.

So they need to decide for themselves what this information will look like, that is, to construct the world they see.

What's special is that even if they haven't seen anything except darkness, they can imagine various complicated scenes to construct their own world.

Every time a new generation constructs its own world, the same kind around it will start to communicate with it and exchange their own "world view", and finally they will reach an agreement, forming a world appearance that is a fusion of multiple individual ideas. .

Although their opinions may conflict, they will gradually merge together over time.

And their development is mainly carried out through imagination.

For example, what effect does this thing add to that thing, what happens when this energy collides with that energy.

They often come up with this idea, and then go to test.

This is similar to the usual development of individual creatures. The difference is that all individuals in their entire population will continue to try to combine various new things instead of only a small number of individuals engaged in this activity.

What is more special is that no matter how they perceive their surroundings and assemble new things, they will think of the things that produce them...like crystal branches, they are their gods.

As for the **** who produced all of them...the shadow is nothing.

It will not participate in any activity of this civilization, just like a tree that constantly produces these jelly-like residents.

In short, this "condensation civilization" has developed here for a long time. The place where they originally developed has a lot of resources, so that they can reach... a very high level.

Then they can find resources from chaos.

Because of their characteristics, they will not directly'see' the countless flashing chaos, they will store the obtained environmental information, and then make specific modeling settings for the information, but if they enter the chaos, they will still be I will feel the innumerable information merged into their storage, and finally cause them... to blow up.

Therefore, they cannot directly move in chaos.

The custom ring is the last thing they invented and the longest traveling in chaos.

According to the previous communication between the shadow and the captain, it seems that this civilization has passed very well in the end. They are still evolving and trying to create new things.

So how did they perish?

Now Lin's position, you can see many... the remains of this civilization.

These huge'branches' have a thickness of tens to hundreds of meters. They look like a crystalline structure, the shell is shining, but they have a bark-like texture, and the entire shape is also like a branch, from the huge trunk Divide out many twigs.

It is said that they were originally grown together, and now they have broken apart and are floating here.

Lin approached to examine the structure of a crystalline tree branch. Lin found that the above composition consisted mainly of normal and solidified voids, as well as some special substances.

It seems that this is made up of resources found in chaos.

Because everything will be assimilated by chaos in chaos, but the time of assimilation varies.

To condense civilization is to search for resources that have not been chaotic and drag them back to use.

It may be that they were pure normal void creatures at first, and later slowly mixed with other substances.

Although the sources are different, these substances can be combined well.

It seems that the resources collected by this condensed civilization are mainly integrated into their'gods'.

Lin inspected the epidermis for a while and found a crack that could go inside, so she controlled the captain's room and drilled in.

The captain's room can be transformed into many forms. After drilling into the interior of this'tree branch', you can find that it looks like a...very ordinary cave.

The inner wall is black, unlike the white crystals on the outer skin.

But there are a lot of strange things inside, and there are some...small creatures scattered all over the cave.

These creatures are chaotic creatures, looking like the black and white **** that Lin had seen before, but much smaller.

That is, a group of dozens of black and white spheres more than ten centimeters in size, they quickly move along the wall.

Lin grabbed some spheres to test it and found that they were indeed black and white balls.

These creatures can be regarded as a kind of'solid' chaotic creatures, they have a relatively fixed form, and the internal structure will continue to change.

But what Lin wants to know most is how they are constantly changing. These creatures don't seem to be what Lin originally thought was transformed by a similar transmission method.

But through... a method of stabilizing chaos.

Chaos itself is something that cannot be touched, but it seems that after being stabilized in some way, they will become something that can be touched by normal matter.

This civilization itself knows chaos very well, and Lynn can conduct research through them.

Now... first look for the captain.

It doesn't seem to be in this hole, but Lynn found some clues about it.


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