Here is the ruin of'condensation civilization'.

This place is now more monotonous than the ruins of other civilizations. The most common are the various branches like crystals.

Lin was driving the captain's room, looking for the captain's search here. The captain used a relatively simple method to leave clues, that is, to leave some fragments of the body.

These pieces are not just simple pieces. Lynn can see some of the captain's memories when recovering them in the captain's room.

It can be seen from this that the captain is being dragged there by the shadows.

The captain... has been moving deep into this ruin.

However, Lin didn't follow its message completely, because you can see some interesting things here.

Like two arguing... condensing people.

There are now two in front of Lin. They are exactly like what Lin learned from the captain's message before. They look like a glowing jelly, each of which has a diameter of more than thirty meters.

However, they did not find Lin because they were in a state of ‘unstructured world’.

Every civilized resident needs to construct the appearance of the world he sees, most of them will be constructed within a few pompon years after birth.

But there are also very few condensed residents who will not construct their world, and they will fall into a state of hesitation.

Lynn was curious, before they constructed their own did they feel the environmental information.

Before they construct the appearance of the world they see, their sensory organs will always collect information about the external environment.

In short, this state of hesitation will last for a long time, they do not know how to classify the information, or what kind of information should be displayed.

Such individuals can be called ‘hesitants’.

They will always be unable to decide and hesitate, which also means that it...will not participate in anything else at all, so they have been stuck in hesitation.

And its kind, other condensing people will not feel that this hesitant wastes resources and kills it, but will keep it forever and let it hesitate forever.

At the same time, if there are more hesitants, the surrounding people will find ways to connect their thinking, and let two or more hesitants work together to determine how their world should be structured.

The general result is to cause these hesitants to hesitate together.

They will argue with each other how the information should be structured, and in the end it has been impossible to decide what caused it to last for a long time, even if the civilization has already perished, they are still in this state.

Lin was more interested in how they survived.

And what happened to this civilization will make other individuals perish, and these two immobile people survived.

Lin can use some methods to connect these two creatures and see their long-standing information.

This connection method is also left by the captain.

While the shadows captured the captain, they were telling more things along the way, like there was a lot of knowledge about the residents here.

They directly connect the customized ring with their bodies to obtain the information brought back by the customized ring.

This also means that the customized ring can be directly connected to their thinking... because the captain is also the customized ring, it has this ability.

The captain's room can also achieve this connection, because the captain's structure also imitates the captain's own.

Now, Lin touched these two'hesitants' with the specially constructed connection of the captain's room, and got into their thinking.

At the moment of connecting, Lin could feel...chaos.

To be precise, the two hesitants' minds are similar to the chaos outside, filled with complex information.

This is very similar to the chaos outside, but the transformation speed is not as fast as chaos.

Lin carefully examined the thinking of the two of them... This situation is because they have long hesitated to imagine countless things.

They constantly shape the information they obtain through imagination, but they have never made a decision, so these imaginary contents are accumulated in their thinking.

And they didn't abandon these imaginary contents, so it caused more and more accumulation, became like this.

The information stored by these two bio-energy is quite large, and all of them are'piled' together making it difficult to judge what they are thinking of.

But you can check the outside information they collected.

The information is stored by them very well. They are not piled up randomly as imagined, but are sorted into a certain place in the thinking.

This information is mainly all the external information they perceive from life to the present, and also the historical things they see.

It’s just because they don’t have a shape for these things they see, so they have been here.

And Lin can directly shape this information.

In fact, when Lin feels the information they store, she can directly'see' what they are.

However, for the hesitant, the information has no shape at all, which is equivalent to a dark, but they can indeed feel the existence of the information and can determine the shape for them.

This kind of feeling is quite wonderful... It may be necessary to have a ‘nervous system’ that completely coagulates the organism in order to understand this feeling.

In short, Lynn can learn much of the past through the information they store.

Like how this civilization perished.

From the earlier information, the civilization of condensed creatures is in a very prosperous stage.

Their civilization as a whole looks like a tree, a crystalline tree with countless glowing fruits.

At that time, they were constantly sending out a lot of customized rings, trying to get a way to the normal void.

At some point, they encountered a creature from the normal void.

This creature is... Ersh.

It is also the culprit of their demise.

At that time, Ersh seemed to have been taken in a chaotic space...he was hit hard, and Lynn could see in the message that the surface of Ersh was covered with scars, and the ocean had dried up.

It did not fly in by itself, but was discovered in the process of condensing creatures to detect resources in chaos.

Then they figured out a way to drag Ersh here.

This method of dragging is quite peculiar, it seems to use the ‘flow’ that changes the chaos, which can make very large objects move, just like ersh.

They dragged Ershi into the bubble area and conducted some investigations and studies, and then they decided to decompose Ershi.

The main reason is that Ershi can be used as a material to construct many things, as well as the internal structure. They also feel that they need to be disassembled to see it.

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