4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 286: Identify

The civilization that condensed creatures found Ersh and tried to break it down.

But this decomposition process...not so smooth.

They do not decompose immediately, but put a lot of'dismantling devices' on the surface of the Irsh.

This kind of thing is also called a land cracker, which can slowly make the surface fall apart.

When the condensed creatures were about to be dismantled, they suffered a strong counterattack.

These counterattacks mainly come from a group of creatures on the surface of the Ershi, these creatures... are called ‘deserts’

They are very similar to the Ershi people, but they are not the Ershi people. These deserters are like a kind of creature known as shriveled on the pompon.

They generally look like a skinny creature with dry skin covered with wrinkles.

At that time, there was no sea water on Ershi, and these barbarians wandered the deserted sea all day, searching for the remaining resources.

Condensed creatures originally believed that deserters were not something to be concerned about.

However, when they were about to start cracking Ershi, these deserters had undergone tremendous changes. They suddenly took out a lot of weapons and started crazy attacks on condensed creatures.

The deserters used a very wonderful weapon, which can be called... Chaos weapon.

The bullets they fire can make the condensed creature feel in a short time in chaos.

Although this lasts only a short time, it can cause great damage to the condensed creatures.

Of course, it's not just damage to creatures. Those devices placed by condensed creatures will also be damaged by this chaotic weapon.

If an object is attacked by chaotic weapons one after another, it will also be swallowed by chaos, and it looks like it has melted from the outside.

Condensed creatures are so incredible that this seemingly difficult species has such a powerful counterattack ability... so they carefully studied the weapons used by the barren civilians.

Even more incredible is that they have difficulty understanding this weapon.

These weapons seem to have some kind of'gravity'. A small group of chaos is trapped inside and can't leave. At the same time, this small group of chaos is in this place... This bubble area can also be maintained normally.

But after being launched, they will be consumed quickly.

Just before they are consumed, they can fly a distance of hundreds of meters and damage any targets hit.

Although these deserters often scrambled for a small resource when they first condensed creatures to observe them, they suddenly became very united, and they frantically attacked all the foreign objects they could see, and there was no way to communicate.

Because they had such terrible weapons, the condensed creatures could not land on the ground, so they decided to bomb the ground, clean up the deserted people on the ground and then crack them.

Their bombing is not very efficient, because they want to avoid too much damage to Ersh.

Moreover, most of the deserters live underground, and it is difficult to deal with them completely.

The chaos weapon of the deserter cannot be too high, so there is no way to resist the condensed creatures, even so... the deserter still tries to resist.

The barren set up many temple-like worship buildings on the ground, and kept praying to the temple.

Even after the shrines were destroyed, they would quickly build a new one, day and night, without stopping.

Instead, the worship of the barren makes it easier for the condensed creatures to clean them, because they all have to go to the surface to worship.

Condensed creatures have explored the underground cities of the deserters and found that they will not build temples underground.

All the temples are on the surface, and as the temples are continuously destroyed, the deserters must also continue to build on the surface, which makes them less and less, but before they are completely destroyed, the condensation of creatures on the deserters There is interest in worship.

What are they worshipping?

At first, the condensed creature thought it was just a **** imagined by the barren himself, but he still cares a little bit.

Although condensed creatures have hardly seen other biological civilizations, they have learned a lot from chaos by acquiring information from chaos.

They also know that many individual biological civilizations have the habit of believing in religion.

In general, all **** beliefs can be divided into two categories, one is the biological self-imagination, everything in their doctrine is something they have come up with, and the other is... they worship the real thing, The gods worshipped by these creatures are generally very powerful creatures.

Perhaps the deserter is also praying for a powerful creature to save them... so the condensed creature tries to analyze the worship of the deserter.

Condensed creatures discovered a situation that surprised them extremely.

That is what the deserters worship... It is the **** who condenses the creature itself.

To be precise, it is a huge crystalline tree that produces all the condensed creatures, which is impossible for the condensed creatures.

They have no communication with the deserters at all. How can they know their god?

Lynn found that there is a more interesting part here, condensing creatures...they recognize the worship of the barren as their own god.

Condensed creatures have to customize what they see in the world, and no matter how they are determined by other things... whenever they define the crystalline tree, they will definitely define the tree as creating their own gods.

When condensing creatures determine the worship of the deserters, they will have the same feeling as defining the crystal tree, and they will feel...that is their own god.

But in fact, the two are not the same thing, at least it doesn't look like Lynn.

For condensed creatures, this feeling is very weird.

Although they said they would not feel guilty about their previous actions, they also stopped attacking the temple on the ground after that.

Condensed creatures want to find out whether the gods are worshipped by the deserters.

They can actually forcibly define the worship of the barren as something that is not a god, but it will give them a strong... violation.

It's like looking at a ball and insisting that it's not a ball.

The deserters also built more shrines while breathing, and they are still developing weapons.

A weapon that can directly attack condensed creatures in high places.

And this ability of the deserters is indeed given by the **** they worship, the **** they worship... that is, Ershi,

But Ersh used a special ability to let the condensing creature define it as his own god.

In fact, Ersh felt at the time

Ersh was always in a'silent' state at the time, it was mainly observing the gods of the deserters and condensed creatures.

When Lyn learned about this, Ersh also recalled some things in the past.

Ersh stated that it had an idea at the time that it wanted to become a chaotic creature.

Whether it is the desertified surface, or the deserters, or the weapons of the deserters... are a small part of its chaos.

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