"Our God...what is it?"

Many creatures will doubt their beliefs, regardless of whether the beliefs are imaginary or true.

The same is true for condensed creatures.

They were suspicious of their "God" at that time.

This is the emotion they have never had since the birth, but with the emergence of Ershi...they produced this emotion.

Because their sense of ‘God’ prevented them from launching attacks on Ershi and the Temple of the Barrens above, they planned to analyze the ‘God’ clearly.

So they began to analyze their gods.

The **** that condenses creatures, that is, what produced them... something like a crystalline tree, although it seems that each part is almost the same, but in fact this tree is divided into many different parts.

Most of this crystalline tree was built by condensing creatures, including factories, houses, and research institutes.

It's just that these buildings are exactly the same as the crystal branches, and they are all connected together, which makes all the buildings of their entire civilization look like a huge crystalline tree.

Although it looks the same to other creatures, in the custom environment of condensing creatures, each part of the tree with different functions is different.

In this crystalline tree, there are not many parts as ‘God’, but ‘God’ occupies the core position and is also the initial part.

All other buildings are built around this initial part.

Although such a huge crystalline tree is a little bit created by the condensed creatures themselves, but they have not been transformed at all in the part of God.

They just add their own buildings to the body of God, and God will grow on its own during this period of development, and will absorb part of their building materials as nutrients, and then continue to produce condensed creatures.

Condensed creatures see which buildings are absorbed, and they will rebuild, but they never care what the gods will do.

This feels amazing. Condensed creatures have never thought about the ‘god’ who wants to understand them... They don’t care about this thing that has always produced them, but they have a strong curiosity about everything else.

And now because of the influence of Ersh, they also have a strong curiosity about the **** who has always been around them.

Then, the condensed creature began to crack its own...world.

In order to make the "God" fully manifest, they dismantled the huge crystalline tree. When the condensed creatures dismantled the buildings they built a little, the appearance of the God was fully revealed.

Lynn saw here that there were scattered pieces of crystalline branches scattered all over the place, in fact, the condensed creatures demolished themselves.

The shape of the **** itself is also a crystalline tree...it can also be said that it is like the root system of a tree.

All of its branches are curved. It can be seen that it originally extends like a root system in the building of condensed creatures. It absorbs part of the building as nutrients and also uses the tip to generate new condensed organisms.

After dismantling all the buildings, this is the first time many condensed creatures have completely seen their ‘God’ intact.

They think...very ordinary.

Then they continue to study the inner part of God.

Soon, the condensed creatures learned that there is a conversion system inside their gods, which simply means the function of decomposing and transforming various resources.

It uses this simple function to grow and produce new coagulated organisms.

At the same time, it will do a special thing, that is, ‘deprivation’.

Before the birth of condensed creatures, their thinking structure has actually formed their own set of world modeling views.

If they were born without deprivation, then the condensed creatures do not have to construct the appearance of the world they see.

God will adjust their thinking system before they are born, and strip away the ‘world view’ that they are born with.

Then, they need to construct the world they see.

The main reason for doing this is to let them survive the chaos... I remembered some things at that time, Ershi said so, like the Ershi people, the brain will "automatically" constitute everything seen. Creatures cannot live in chaos. Even if they live in bubble areas without chaos, they will still be affected by chaos.

And condensed creatures have a good buffer, they will not be affected by chaos.

The condensed creatures at that time completely resolved their gods and studied every part of it.

They finally concluded that this god...is not a god.

It can be regarded as an automatic production machine, and it can also be said to be a plant-like creature. What it will do is to continuously grow and produce condensed creatures.

It can be said to be a role similar to the mother of all condensed creatures, but it has no thinking.

With this discovery, all emotions of condensed creatures towards God disappeared.

Their original feeling of God is similar to the feeling of various personality creatures on God, thinking that it is inviolable and supreme, so when the condensing creatures have this feeling when analyzing the gods of the deserters, they are not easy to attack. .

If there is no such feeling now, they can wipe out the deserters in one fell swoop.

When the war started again, the condensed creature found that the deserters disappeared from the surface.

These deserters appeared in the building that condensed creatures.

The buildings, although said to have been dismantled by the condensed creatures, are not damaged themselves, but still have the original functions.

After the deserters appeared inside the buildings, they began to destroy them with chaotic weapons.

This makes the condensed creature panic.

They immediately rescued those buildings and resolved the deserted people inside.

Some condensed creatures landed on the surface of Ersh. They thought it must be that the deserters had something similar to the teleporter, so they could attack them so suddenly.

Although condensed creatures do not have the technology to transmit in chaotic space, they know that there is such a thing as teleportation.

Of course, they did not think that the deserters could use it, but now they suspect that the deserters have this technology, so they must go to the surface to destroy the transmission device.

After reaching the surface, they found that Ershi was in an extremely abnormal state.

The surface of Ershi was blowing a huge storm that swept the world, but it only stopped for a short while, and then other climates appeared, such as lava rain, blizzard, or sunny day.

Crazy changes make it difficult for condensed creatures to reach the surface, but some of them have successfully entered the underground city of the desert.

They found that the deserters in those cities had all disappeared.

It can be said that... all the deserters are'teleported' to the outside and are attacking the buildings that congeal the creatures.

The reason for the change of Ershi at that time was that it...has almost become chaotic.

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