4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 288: Everything changes

"Chaotic creatures, they are an active environment, they don't have a normal shape, their essence is a chaotic... stable form."

"What is special is that normal void creatures are likely to transform into this form."

This was the creature that Ersh was doing to become chaotic.

Ersh traveled in the chaotic space for a long time at that time, and also encountered many creatures inside.

Except for chaotic creatures, most of these creatures come from the normal void, and they live in the bubble area.

They rely on the resources gathered in the bubble area to survive. Generally, there are many resources in the bubble area... most of them are also floating objects from the normal void.

Many creatures can only exhaust resources in the bubble area and wait for death. They cannot explore the chaotic area.

There are also a lot of creatures that die before the resources are exhausted due to the influence of chaos.

At that time Ersh had a question, why are there so many alien creatures?

Many creatures...even species without the ability to navigate in the sky, but can enter this chaotic space.

If it is mixed in occasionally, there are too many of them. It is said that Hirsch has encountered hundreds of species. Of course, this refers to creatures with enough intelligence. If you count them all, it will be more.

Ersh was conducting research at that time on how these creatures appeared. Although they are similar in structure to normal void creatures... but not all of them come from normal voids.

These seemingly normal void creatures were born in chaos.

The source of their birth is stable chaos.

Chaos is not always so chaotic, and occasionally they will stabilize and form a more slowly changing environment.

In this environment, some chaotic creatures unique to the environment will be born, but sometimes... normal void creatures will appear.

Ersh once observed that in a stable environment, the things inside slowly mixed into some normal void structure creatures.

These creatures usually die, but some can find resources around in time and survive.

Ersh noticed at the time that there was a very special place, that these creatures generally have complex structures at the place of birth, and have higher intelligence.

They will soon try to understand their surroundings, and will quickly communicate with their peers.

Among the multiple stable environments observed by Ershi, the first to be born is always a creature with a higher intelligence. From that time, Ershi believed that a stable chaotic environment... is a creature.

This environment will create creatures. These creatures are not randomly assembled substances, they are designed.

It is the stable environment itself that designs biology.

So after this, Ersh called these stable environments chaotic creatures.

At the time, it didn't understand much, for example, why and why these chaotic creatures can construct normal void creatures.

As Ersh studied slowly, it discovered the mixed change pattern here.

They can be completely'informative', that is, things that cannot be directly touched by normal void matter, but they can be felt through many kinds of senses...

Ersh found that almost all the senses of the creatures he knew could feel chaos... and also included the devices created by the creatures.

Even if it is a thing that does not have any perception of external functions at all, after it is put into chaos, its internal information will slowly chaotic under the time, for example, the stored pictures will become a bunch of broken flowers spot.

Then, it is the whole chaos, the whole thing will become chaos.

And this process can be reversed, chaotic things can be stabilized under certain circumstances, and again become things before chaos... things.

Of course, after it is stable, it can't have the same shape as the original.

However, Ersh realized this possibility.

At that time, Ersh studied the way the whole process of chaos from stability to stability, from stability to chaos.

In this way, Ersh found that it could reorganize... everything.

Like the surface environment on it, it can turn them into chaotic information, and then reorganize these...can change them into other states.

It is also possible to change the ocean into a desert after adjusting for chaos.

If this chaotic transformation can be carried out in the normal void, then anything can be done... Ersh thought that way.

At that time, the desert environment on the surface of Ershi, as well as the creatures such as the deserters above, were all composed of Chaos information.

The same thing can be done by operating on the basis of material, but it is more complicated and requires more time.

But in this chaotic world, all transformations have become very easy.

But there was a doubt at that time.

If chaos can be controlled that way, then the creatures here should also be able to master this control method.

It's just that at present, Ersh has not found this creature that can be converted at will.

Those ordinary creatures and chaotic creatures, they do not have the ability to control chaos at will.

Ersh couldn't control it at the time, but it felt that there was such a possibility in this study...Now Ersh can only do some local control.

Ersh was still conducting various tests at that time. After changing the surface, he went to the bubble area where the condensed creature was located.

Through contact with condensed creatures, Ersh intends to further test the control of chaos.

At the time, Ersh decided to chaotically part of his thinking to conduct experiments.

Ersh's chaotic transformation of his thoughts produced some unexpected results.

For example, the barbarians began to build temples on the ground. Originally, the barbarians did not worship Ersh's belief. Although they said that they gave them some techniques such as using chaotic weapons, they did not let them worship themselves.

But at that time they suddenly had faith and decided to start worshipping.

This seems to be the result of chaos of one's own thinking.

So Ersh had an idea at that time, which might allow the condensed creature to worship it.

By adjusting the chaos, Ersh changed the cognition of condensed creatures.

Condensed creatures do not completely construct what they see, they also have some'natural impressions', that is, what they naturally think something should look like.

Ersh influenced the part of their natural impression... through manipulation of his chaotic thinking.

It makes the condensed creature's impression of its own "god" overlap with the **** worshiped by the barren, so that the condensed creature cannot continue to attack.

But Jeansh cared about what happened later.

Part of Ersh's chaotic thinking slowly began to be out of Ersh's control.

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