4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 289: Break away

"To control chaos... there must be enough "ideas"."

Ersh told Lin how to control the change of chaos.

In fact, this control is very suitable for Ershi.

Because Ersh often envisions a very distant future, it envisions many different results and all the details on the way to each result.

The control of chaos is similar.

This needs to be set first... is to imagine the specific situation of the change process, imagine the process of various things such as the surface environment being decomposed and transformed into another state.

As for the reason for the transformation, it is not necessary to think about it, it can also be said to design an image representing the transformation process.

After the design is completed, the design content will be placed in various parts of the world, to be accurately stored in memory.

Ersh's approach at the time was to create a lot of'temporary brains'. These brains were only a few centimeters in size, similar to the brains of ordinary cell organisms, and were then placed around the world by Ersh.

The next step is to directly enter the chaos. Chaos will first affect these brains and make the information stored in them become a mess. After that, it will slowly affect the surface, such as rocks, air, gravel, etc. Everything will be chaotic.

However, chaos does not happen immediately. After being affected by chaos, Ersh then enters the bubble area, and the surface affected by chaos will begin to transform, slowly becoming the content set by Ersh before.

Although those temporary brains have long died in chaos, the current environment can be changed into what is stored in the brain. This is quite wonderful. At that time, Ersh didn't know the reason.

Later, Ersh found out the method of local change. Ersh was always curious about why the bubble area can separate chaos. Later, he found some methods to generate chaos in the bubble in the test.

In fact, this method is also carried out with the brain.

As long as there is a very strong'craving' for chaos in the bubble area, then thinking will slowly chaos, and in the end the whole brain may become a chaos.

This is also the source of chaotic weapons for the deserters.

After growing up, the deserters can generate a paracephalus somewhere in the body, and at this time they have a very strong desire for chaos.

The deserters do not know what chaos is, but they will have an idea that they want to see things outside the bubble area.

And their thoughts will gradually become very strong desires. When this desire becomes too strong and affects their thinking slightly, it will be transferred to the auxiliary brain.

Although the main brain of the deserter still has the original memory, there will be no strong desire.

Following this, they can take off their side brains and put them into their weapons. The side brains will continue to make strong imaginations and slowly chaos.

When the chaos has reached a certain level, it can be launched as a weapon attack. When the secondary brain feels that it has been launched, it will strengthen its imagination and begin to chaos rapidly, which is equivalent to launching a small group of chaos.

Although it can only last a short time in the bubble area, it can affect the object being hit.

Because the deserters can continue to grow their secondary brains, that is, they have infinite chaotic bullets.

At first, Ersh used the characteristics of the deserters to modify the environment of some places for research, and later let them directly use this to deal with condensed creatures.

When dealing with condensed creatures, Ersh tried to chaotically transform part of his neural structure into other forms.

The entire conversion process is relatively simple, that is, using ‘chaotic bullets’ to continuously fire the neural structure, making the neural structure enter a chaotic state, but it will not be completely chaotic.

After stopping the shooting, the nerve structure will slowly stabilize again, and this stabilization process will become the form that Ersh envisioned.

Ersh was thinking about turning this part of his nervous structure into a state of chaotic creature and creating a chaotic creature himself.

At the same time, Ersh can use the original neural structure to control this part that becomes a chaotic creature.

At that time, the change of neural structure was considered to have been successful. It turned part of its neural structure into a shadow-like creature.

Ersh could feel at the time that this nerve that became a chaotic creature was part of himself, and he could directly control it.

Ersh used it to do a lot of things, including directly ‘teleporting’ the deserters to the building that condensed the creatures.

This is actually through this chaotic neural structure to send the deserters to the "invisible" and then send them over.

It only lasted for a while... Ersh found that its control over this creature became weaker and weaker.

Ersh could have felt the chaotic nerve, but this feeling slowly disappeared.

In the end, this part of its neural structure has completely become a free wild chaotic creature.

At that time, the war between condensed creatures and deserters was almost over.

Because the deserters attacked the condensed creatures, many buildings destroyed by the condensed creatures... but only the interior was destroyed, and it was still not obvious from the outside.

At that time, Ersh didn't care much about the situation of the war. He mainly cared about what was going on with his chaotic part.

Then, Ersh discovered that the "God" that produced all the condensed creatures, the same thing as the crystalline tree.

This ‘God’ is also a part of chaotic things.

Like Ersh, it turns part of itself into a chaotic creature, and then connects with itself.

But the condensed creature does not seem to notice the chaotic part of ‘God’

Therefore, at that time, Ersh began to study this ‘god’ and wanted to see how it maintained this state for a long time.

At that time... Ersh directly captured the "God".

In fact, the **** was brought to the surface of Ersh, this **** would not do anything at all.

Then Ersh left here and went to other places to study... Ersh seemed to take away the **** at that time because he could better test the situation about chaos in another place.

As for the remaining condensed creatures here... actually did not die.

They finally found some way to leave this bubble area, trying to track down the **** who captured them.

Only a few ‘hesitators’ remain here, and of course there are those customized ring creatures called shadows.

After a long time, Ersh didn't know that the research was unsuccessful. In short, he returned to the normal void.

Lynn discovered an interesting thing after learning this history.

That is the chaotic creature that Ersch's nerve structure turned into, still active in this place.

It may not have left this place, or it may have been moving around as a base.

Lynn decided to see if...catch it.

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