4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 206: Metamorphosis

Jade Dragon... Victory?

When the Yalong Knight flew to the city to convey the news, almost the entire city of the Emerald Dragon was full of cheers! The three regions of the Jade Dragon are almost all cheering for their king!

This is a moment worth celebrating. The jade dragons gathered on the square. In the hall of worship, they celebrated Susumi, their worship object. At this time, even the lower-level jade dragons who usually like stealing did not steal. Things, but cheering together...

Lin didn't think so much at all, but it was only at this moment that Lin found out how much this group of emerald dragons worshiped Susumui.

Although the lower jade dragons have been miserable, they have always believed that Susumu can bring hope and a better life to them.

Now that Susumumi has succeeded, they can expand the city even more without the threat of a lieutenant, so that the lower class will have jobs to do.

Susumui now needs a large number of miners. The main purpose of Susumumi's collection of crystallization is different from that of other jade dragons. It believes that crystallization can create more weapons and armor, so the city is now opening a new 'registration office. ', summon a considerable number of miners.

But because the distance between the two places is too far, it may take a long time to achieve it.

However, Lin believes that Susumi did not win a complete victory, and the breath of Li Yi has never disappeared. They are still hidden in one place... those eggs.

Susumui may think that these are the eggs of Li, so they are not very concerned. Although it has been destroyed, most of them are left in the pyramid.

This is mainly because Susumui does not think it is a threat, although the egg is large. But only the emerald dragon is half high. It may think that these things will only hatch some pups. Susumi does not understand the ecological activities of the limbs. Although it observes the ants, it has not seen how the ants grow.

If it has been seen, it may have destroyed these eggs long ago.

Of course, the main reason why Susumu doesn't destroy the eggs is...the smell of these eggs is very weird, although they won't smell when they are rotted, but after a while, those eggs are too far away when the eggs are broken. The near jade dragon will be dyed with a smell that is quite unpleasant for the jade dragon. This not only makes them uncomfortable, but the surrounding jade dragons are not willing to approach them. This smell will last for several days and nights, which makes the jade dragons do not want to get these eggs.

Therefore, Jade Dragon only put these eggs in the hands, because of the relationship between the wounded, Susumi can not carry the eggs of the entire city to watch, they seem to be waiting for the eggs to hatch, then kill the young kid.

After all, the eggs are only half as high as the jade dragons, and they certainly don't think there will be anything terrible.

However, Lynn knows what these eggs are. When the time is ripe, they will...


It is the dawn of the end of the night. There are a few eggs standing on the side of a large stone. The two emerald dragons who are in charge of the watch are preparing food. Suddenly, an emerald dragon noticed that an egg next to the stone appeared abnormal.

"Is this thing cracked?" It went over and knocked on the egg, and then to the companion not far away: "Hey, come see, this thing cracked!"

"Maybe there is something to bite it off, don't worry about it, be careful to smell it."

"That's what it is." The emerald dragon turned and just wanted to go. At this time, the egg sent out a ‘Kara’ sound, and the crack on it was much larger.

"No, this seems to be hatching!" The emerald dragon suddenly reacted, and the egg burst open at this moment, and a wonderful creature emerged from it.

This creature is very similar to the scorpion, but it is smaller in size. Their main feature is that the limbs are very slender and have a thin film connecting them, and it can swing the whole body to fly to the sky. Among them!

"It flies!" Jade Dragon screamed in surprise: "Go to report... Hey!"

The words have not been finished yet, and the ‘flying 蝎’ in the sky swooped down, and the hook behind it immediately stabbed the belly of the emerald dragon...

"嘎-!!!" A fierce cry echoed under the sky.

"Kara..." At this moment, the egg placed near the stone began to crack. Another emerald dragon saw this situation. It suddenly turned around and ran, yelling and yelling: "The eggs, They hatched!"

“Hatch it?” There are small tents and stone cottages on the edge of the jungle. The jade dragons are coming out from inside.

"Hurry up, let me go and see!" The emerald dragon ran over and shouted nervously, which caused doubts about other jade dragons.

"Why are you so nervous?" These jade dragons are still picking up their weapons more leisurely, because in their thoughts, the newly hatched pups are quite fragile, no exceptions, so they can be easily solved.

“Is there a lieutenant?” At this time, the commander also came out of the tent. He asked the flustered emerald dragon: “Sure enough, where are they still hidden?”

Because the number of deadly ruins they discovered at the time was not complete, Susumi thought that the remaining shackles might have escaped from the city, so the jade dragons have been guarding them, but Susumi is not very worried about these shackles. It believes that even if they have escaped from the burning city, most of them are seriously injured and unable to fight again.

But in fact, there has never been a departure from the city...

"What is that?" When the Jade Dragons gathered, they suddenly noticed a strange creature flying in the sky...

"That's that!" the emerald dragon yelled: "It hatched from the egg!"

"Is the egg hatched?" The commander looked puzzled at the creatures flying in the sky. If you look carefully, it looks a bit like a shackle.

The commander picked up his bow and pointed an arrow at the fly in the sky.

But at the moment of its archery, Fei Lizhen suddenly rose and flashed the arrow, and then it rushed toward the commander, and when the surrounding emerald dragon had not had time to react, he rushed to the commander, its hook The tail immediately stabbed the commander's thigh.

After hitting it again flew into the sky, the commander is now kneeling on the ground, and the thighs it has been tied to seem to have collapsed.

"Take it down!"

As the commander yelled, the nearby emerald dragons reacted. They immediately pulled up the bow and arrow, and the arrow instantly shot the whole body of the flying scorpion. This terrible creature finally landed on the ground...

At this moment, the sky is suddenly covered by a black shadow... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ mechanical bee ~ reward ~

Thanks ~ 耷 耷 的 的 ~

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