4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 207: Problem with deformation

"Those things...what is it?"

The jade dragons gathered on the edge of the jungle and looked at the huge shadows in the sky...they were now confused, confused, and fearful.

The shadow is made up of countless small creatures that look very familiar.

"Whose are the ones? How come..." Susumumi was also watching the sky. This situation is unbelievable to it. Why is this group suddenly flying?

In fact, it is not only Susumi, but Lin is also a bit surprised by the flight.

The 'eggs' they found before Susumu are not eggs, but something like cockroaches. The deformations of the cockroaches are similar to those of the arthropods such as beetles. They do not directly grow new organs and structures from the body. Instead, it is necessary to make a layer of shell to wrap itself up, then dissolve it into a liquid inside and reorganize the whole body.

This is an extremely complicated way, and every cell is rearranged to create a completely different creature, so many larvae and adults are completely different.

The squats look very close to the previous ones, but they have undergone major changes in their bodies. In order to fly, they must first be replaced with a lighter porous shell, and then they must adapt their body to aerodynamics. It is a change in the structure of the internal organs, and it is relatively easy to increase the wings.

However, one doubt is that the Aet group was a sea creature before, and they should not have the kind to fly. But the wings of the stand are not the wing of the common arthropod, but the shape of the wings similar to the pterosaur. . Lynn speculated that perhaps the Ate group had such a unit before. They look like they are flying out of the sea to attack surface creatures.

But why is Li Yi only now deformed? Was it changed after Susumumi burned a large part of the fire? If they start, they can fly. The Emerald Dragon has long been defeated. Is Li Yuan originally capable of this kind of deformation, or is it only behind? This is also a mystery... Lin thinks they are like brain worms, and may need the community to reach a certain time to produce new arms... but there is still a need for further research in this regard.

Lie's decision to make this change seems to be the same thing as ‘gambling,’ because Lie is not sure if the jade dragon will destroy the egg. Although they have odor protection, the change time is too long. It’s hard to say anything, but now it’s really they’re gambling.

Lin is very interested in their various problems. Ask a lieutenant to ask a question.

Thinking, Lin’s spy left the camp of Emerald Dragon and headed for the city of Lishui.

The Emerald Dragons, still looking at the flying squadron in the air, were surprised.

"I didn't expect the eggs to be like this, but they don't seem to be many, Wang." Mukla stood next to Susumi, who had been carefully watching the group. Although they fly over the sky, the actual number is not as much as the eggs they found in the city.

"I noticed." Susumi said: "Maybe some eggs have not been successfully hatched. No matter how they become like this, even if they can fly, it is difficult to resist our troops with so few quantities... Bow and arrow ready!"

Under the command of Susumumi, the surrounding emerald dragons reacted. They took the bow and arrows and aimed at the flying rafts in the air. They flew in the air and flew in the air, but there was no movement.

Mukla noticed this phenomenon and said: "Some strange, Wang, they have not attacked."

"Then let us attack first, let the arrows!"

‘Hey! A large number of arrows suddenly rushed into the sky, but they lost their power before they contacted Fei Li, and fell from the air to the ground...

And Fei Lizhen still has no attack, but hovering in the air, as if waiting for something.

"Is not enough range?" Susumi looked at the situation. It didn't know how to be good for a while. Now the arrow used by Jade Dragon has a range of more than 100 meters, not very far, and the killing range is closer.

Susumi is now a little anxious, but it is impossible for Yalong to attack the erect, even if Yalong will not be bitten, the Emerald Dragon riding on it is also vulnerable to the siege.

The giant bows were also damaged in the battle before, and now Susumi’s only way is to... build them again.

The manufacturing method of the giant bow is more complicated, and it is necessary to find a suitable wood, and then it needs a lot of work such as cutting to make it, so the Susumi did not bring too much, but there is another reason that it is not convenient to transport.

But Susumi has now found a way to make another giant bow. It looks at some of the trees on the edge of the swamp. These trees are called 'swamp wood', and before Susumi took the sap on these trees. Burning raids in the night.

But now, Susumi thinks about the more uses of this tree.

"Mukra, order to the soldiers!" Susumi said to Mukhla, watching the sky not rushing down. "With those trees, we might be able to hit them..."

"Tree?" Mukhla didn't know much about it at first, but after listening to Susumie's instructions, it immediately ran away to command the soldiers. Some soldiers followed under the orders of Mukla, and most of the emeralds The dragons still look at the air with their bows and arrows, and they will not rush down as long as they keep looking at those who stand.

Susumi did not know what method would be thought of? Although Lin has basically guessed it.

This side of the eye is watching Susumi’s command, while on the other side, Lynn’s spy is now close to the city of Lishui...

The city that has been burned by the fire is now somewhat different in appearance. Most of the pyramids have been opened at the top, and it is estimated that the group of flying scorpions will fly out from there.

They have such a powerful ability to transform, they can't be learned by themselves during the war. It must have been similar in the former Aet group, but why did it change now?

Lynn feels that there are more secrets in the pyramid.

Speaking of it, the white dragon crystallization that dragged the brain of the main brain has been on the edge of the plains since these days and nights, and it has not yet entered the jungle.

Although there are occasional dinosaurs in the urban plains here, they are basically vegetarians, and there is no threat to the crystal madness. In the jungle, no creatures will let a piece of fatty meat dragged.

However, Lin felt that the crystal madness was not afraid to enter the jungle. It was purely because the terrain in the jungle made it impossible to drag the crystal.

After so long, Lin found that it had become more and more anxious and had tried to drag it inside, but then the heavy weights were easily stuck in the roots or everywhere.

But it is still working hard, its perseverance is quite strong, but unfortunately it wastes its perseverance on this madness, which is a rare sight.

Lin now enters the city and comes to the pyramid. The potholes in the center of the pyramid are still empty, surrounded by split brains dug out of black pepper.

Moreover, there is no way to look at it here...

It seems that although Lie has buried the split brain and the main brain here, they don't seem to pay much attention to it. Otherwise, they will not find out the situation for so long...

No, there is something here.

Lin felt that there was some change in the surrounding air, and there were some very subtle sounds, it was like... There are creatures hidden here.


Indeed, there is a strange voice echoing...where?

The next moment, the spy picked up a wall that split the brain toward the rear. With the bang, the split brain seemed to hit something and was bounced aside.

I saw that the walls there were shaking and there was a biological appearance.

It turns out that it is the ability to change color. If you say this, this is also a variety that has been transformed.

Lin found that the creature was exactly the same as the one that was seen before, except for the ability to change color.

It seems that Lie has not only become a kind of flying, but also has become a different kind, but in any case, it should not retain the previous kind...

This Lieutenant seemed to be a little surprised because he was discovered. It quickly swung his forelegs and rushed over, but Lin easily stepped back and escaped the attack.

The speed of Li Wei is not much stronger than before. It seems that there is nothing special except for the ability to change color.

Maybe you can ask this question, how do they achieve distortion?

Looking at Li Wei to continue to rush, Lin immediately called to it: "You, stop!"

Li Yi heard the words of the "Jade Dragon" in front of him, and suddenly stopped.

I didn't expect it to really stop. It should be that the Emerald Dragon said that the slang is too strange, but when Lin intends to continue, the other party first asked Lin: "Why?"

"Why? What do you mean?" Lin was puzzled.

The sickle said: "Why attack us?"

Lin did not expect it to issue such a normal question, thinking that it would be as difficult to communicate as before, thinking, Lin answered: "This is the king's decision."

"Wang?" Lie seems to not understand the word.

Lin said: "Wang, it is the meaning of the leader. All things are decided by the king. The king's thoughts, other members do not understand."

"If there is no king, will the war stop?"

"Maybe it is."


Next, Lin and Li Wei said something. Lin found that Li Yi liked to talk and felt that it was a very 'alternative'. Through communication, Lin also learned about some detailed life of Li, and also asked. There are questions about how they will deform. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~vbbz~ monthly ticket~

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