4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 208: Treasure

Lin talked a lot with this strange lieutenant.

From the very beginning, it asked Lin about the cause of the war. After that, it became Lin’s question. Lin found that it did not have a strong hatred towards the Jade Dragon like other lieutenants, but a feeling of calmness...

Why is it like this? Maybe it's because the brain is affected when it's deformed. Indeed, those Fei Lijun are not too angry with the Jade Dragon.

However, because of this, Lin can also learn some details about Li Wei.

Li Yi has always maintained a relatively calm lifestyle. In fact, they discovered the city of Emerald Dragon very early, but did not intend to attack.

Lie has no leader, but maintains a group life that is individual but is similar to a division of labor.

So far, these are the same as Lin’s imagination. They ask questions about their detailed life. It will explain that Lin will also tell him about the life of the Jade Dragon. It has a strong curiosity. I really like to hear these.

In fact, the word 'curiosity' is very weird, because the heart has no thoughts, why is it curious?

Lynn can confirm that it is purely curious and has no other purpose, because Lin did not say anything about the strength of the Jade Dragon army, but only told him about the habit of the emerald dragon, which is obviously very interested.

Under the exchange of information between the two sides, Lin asked step by step the matter of the transformation, why can Li can be deformed like this? And why did it start to deform at the end?

When Lin asked these questions, it did not say anything about the normal. This Lie seems to be unwilling to tell Lin about the answer to this matter.

This may be because of the military secrets that matter to them. Actually. Lin felt that there was nothing to hide. Now Jade Dragon knows that eggs will give birth to various forms, and they will definitely think of ways to destroy these eggs in the future.

If there is any later.

After repeated inquiries, Lin finally said a word: "treasure."

The word "treasure" refers to a huge and rich resource, but also refers to something that is very rare and valuable, but what is the relationship between the deformation and the treasure?

This is what Li said: "We have acquired the treasure, so we can have this ability."

But in other detailed parts, it refused to mention it again, and then it continued to ask Lin about the life of the emerald dragon and so on...

It seems difficult to get more information.

But about ‘treasure’... Lin should go and investigate.

It is impossible to deceive Lin. Because Lin can feel that the other person is telling the truth or the falsehood, when a creature says something that is not in line with his own thinking, it will always have some special performances and emotions will be different.

This treasure, Lin speculates that it is probably a remnant of the Yate group. Maybe it has any special function that can make the lieutenant deform, but there are restrictions... Where is this thing? Is it related to the main brain?

Lin’s spy and this lieutenant said for a while, and Lin also asked some of the main brains here. This Lie said that this brain was moved from the underground to the place, but it didn’t make any use.

It seems that they do not care about the dead Astra group. Lin and it said that it was not until the sky darkened that it was going to leave.

And this Lie seems to be planning to stay here. It did not participate in the battle, and would not say why it was here.

No matter how much, look for the treasure of this 'Ate ethnic group'.

Lin may have some clues... Maybe there will be something in the place where the linden forest land will be found. Lie is really living outside, but after they are dead in the underground, they rushed to dig up some Things, maybe they have something to discover there.

However, it is also necessary to look for among these pyramids.

When I found out that Lin’s spy stood up, Li Yi asked: “Would you like to leave?”

"Yeah, I have to leave." Lynn simply replied.

"No." At the moment of this sound, Li Li rushed over! Its forelimbs slashed toward the spy's neck.

However, Lynn still easily escaped.

Li Yan looked at the spy and said slowly: "The war is not over yet, the Emerald Dragon... can't live."

"That should continue to work hard." After saying this, Lin's spy disappeared into the air.

Although it has been in communication with it for a long time, it seems to keep the idea of ​​killing the emerald dragon. This is a rather peculiar thing.

Generally speaking, when you communicate with a creature for a long time, they will produce ‘feelings’. This kind of emotion will prevent it from trying to attack the other person's thoughts. However, it seems that it is not like this. It is purely asking about what you want to know.

Soon, Lin left the city of Lishui and went to the direction of the crystal woodland, hoping to find something there.

On the other hand, Lynn is also exploring an island with a white dragon. The two units are also explored from the coastline of the continent. The island is probably close to the land and should be easy to find.

Now, on the edge of the swamp jungle, the Jade Dragons are ready to deal with the Fei Lijun. Under Susumi's command, the Jade Dragons work quickly, but still use a lot of preparation time.

And the group of flying scorpions have almost always hovered in the sky, never intending to attack, the Jade Dragon has never dared to neglect, they each hold a bow and arrow, watching the sky nervously.

Until Susumumi is ready for a special weapon made of swamp wood.

The emerald dragons first climbed onto the tree, tied a rope with a bundle of soft, tough vine plants from the swamp, and then the next emerald dragon forced the whole tree Pull down.

This kind of swamp wood is such a plant, they can bend very sharply without breaking. The following emerald dragons pull the whole tree down to the position close to the ground. At this time, they use the large pieces of swamp wood. The leaves are braided together, shaped into a bowl, and then a stone is placed in the leaf bowl.

Then just let go of the rope and the swamp wood will bounce instantly! Stones will also fly to the sky!

This way Susumi first tested in a farther place, after a series of adjustments, finally they intend to directly hit the air in the edge of the swamp woodland!

Just as the war continued, outside the distant Emerald Dragon City, twelve gray figures also came to this place. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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