
With an order, all the emerald dragons loosened the ropes that tied the marsh wood. At this moment, countless stones suddenly bounced off the ground, and they flew through the air at a very fast speed like a bullet. Hit the standing group in the air.

'Snapped. ’

It feels like something is being smashed. A stone directly breaks a shell that flies up. When countless stones fly into the air, the wreckage and blood of the raft are falling like rain.

"Oh! Great!" "Put them down!"

The emerald dragons cheered, and the new weapon made by Susumumi was called 'throwing stone'. It did play a more effective range than the bow and arrow, although its ejection method is not suitable for attacking high-altitude targets. Sumi tried for a long time to find a suitable position to shoot, but at least it was more effective than a bow.

The point where the stone is launched is located in the inner part of the swamp forest. It is not with the Emerald Dragon camp. Susumi separates some of the troops and launches the stones. The bow and arrow troops are still in the original position, so they attract the attention of the lieutenant. So that they do not notice the launching forces in the jungle.

When the Emerald Dragons cheered, Susumi showed his worried feelings. If they only raised a little more, then this way would not hit them.

However, with this as an opportunity, Susumui has a new weapon. It has already recorded this weapon and is ready to use it elsewhere. This thing may be much better than the giant bow.

"Oh..." Fei Lizhen was taken down a part. They didn't rise, but they made a weird sound.

This sound echoed throughout the sky. Let all the emerald dragons feel a little uncomfortable.

"What they might want to do. Be careful!" Mukla was responsible for commanding the launching forces in the swamp woodland. It looked at the sky with the distant wood, and saw that all the flying scorpions began to hover in the air. They flew faster and faster, but they did not fly to this side, which made Mukla somewhat confused, but it Still issued the order.

"Continue to prepare for the attack!"

The Jade Dragons have now pulled the marsh wood down again with ropes and moved new stones to be placed.

"Hey!" Suddenly, a jade dragon moving a stone made a scream. Its neck spattered a large piece of blood, and it fell to the ground with a horrified expression.

All the emerald dragons looked in the direction of the screams, but they did not see anything except a headless body and a head rolled to the side.

"What happened? What did this do?" Mukla immediately walked over and was surrounded by jade dragons with weapons. They were surrounded by bodies, but they could not get any explanation...

"Oh!" Suddenly, there was another scream in the vicinity. Mukla turned his head and saw another emerald dragon moving to the ground not far away. Its neck is constantly flowing out of blood...

"Alarm! There is something here!" Mukla yelled: "Pay attention to the situation around! Bring the gnome over!"

At this time, some jade dragons brought electric gnomes. The gnomes smelled on the ground around the body. Suddenly, these gnomes seemed to smell something disgusting, screaming and running away.

"Hey! Don't run!" The jade dragon with the gnome immediately chased it up, but because the gnome ran too fast, it couldn't get them back.

"What the **** is going on..." Mukla was very surprised by the situation, but it had no choice but to scream: "Comprehensive defense!"

The Emerald Dragons immediately picked up the spears and they leaned back together to prevent anything from sneaking behind.

But this also caused a problem, they can no longer fill the stone.

On the outskirts of the jungle, Susumui found that the stone had not been launched for a long time. It felt a bit strange. It said to an emerald dragon behind him: "Look at them, why haven't they been launched?"

"Yes!" Emerald Dragon ran into the jungle immediately after hearing it... But after that, it never came back.

...... Time has flowed slowly, Susumi has not waited for the news to come, it is clear that what happened there.

But it is not likely to pass now, because the sky has slowly darkened, and it is very easy to be attacked in the jungle, so Susumi intends to call them back directly!

Susumui opened his mouth and shouted in the direction of Mukla: "Mukla! If you hear it, come back soon!"

At the moment when Susumi’s voice was just finished, there was movement in the jungle, only to see the former launching troops coming out of the jungle.

"What happened?" Susumi saw Mukla and asked him immediately.

"There is an ambush..." Mukla gasped. "There is something sneak attacking us in the jungle. There are already a few dragons that have cut their necks, but we can't find where it is. The gnomes can't find them. s position."

"..." Susumi heard the silence for a while, and then it shouted: "Complete alert, raise the bonfire!"

The Emerald Dragon raised a bonfire on the edge of the jungle. When the fire illuminates the surrounding environment, the airborne squats are still flying tirelessly. I don’t know what they are, but it makes the Jade Dragon only serious and nervous. treat.

Lin has been observing them here, and Lin believes that Susumi should have thought of the purpose of Lie.

The purpose of Lijun is to consume the emerald dragon. Fei Lijun has been hovering in the air, so that the emerald dragon must always pay attention to them. Every emerald dragon has to look at the sky with bows and arrows to prevent them from suddenly rushing down.

At the same time, the use of another method of sneak attack makes the Jade Dragon become more tense. In this way, the Jade Dragon will fall into a state of being unable to rest and staying nervous for a long time. Now, even if it enters the night, they cannot sleep.

Lin found that Lie seems to be smarter. The tactics they used before were relatively simple, and they were not well controlled for some large units, but they now use more complicated tactics.

Even if they can fly, they are not as big as before, and there is no chance of winning with Emerald Dragon, so they think of this tactic.

Susumui should have noticed this, but at present it does not seem to have the corresponding method. As long as Fei Lizhen has been hovering over them, the Jade Dragon is difficult to move.

If the light is an emerald dragon, they can retreat into the swamp jungle, so it is difficult for the flying dragonfly to sneak through the complicated branches, but the jade dragon also carries many Yalong, Yalong is impossible to climb on the ground. In the jungle, Yalong must move to move, so that it will be attacked.

Susumi could not give up these Yalongs, so it fell into a dilemma...

However, it is also necessary to consume physical strength, and perhaps Susumi wants to gamble and see which side is the first.

When the two armies were deadlocked, some of the exploration forces had reached the crystal jungle. They were the predator troops coming down from the floating base. This special place is still a crystal tree that records sounds, as strange as before. The ribs are smashed, and now it adds the possibility of a 'treasure'.

However, the treasure does not know that it is still not here, and may have been taken away by the lieutenant, so the spy is still in the city of Lishui, looking for it in the huge pyramid...

When the multi-faceted search was going on, some things happened in the distant city of Emerald Dragon.

A traveling team arrived at the edge of the Emerald Dragon City on this dark night.

However, they do not seem to know that they have already arrived in the city...

"What exactly is this?"

Under the night, thirteen dragons looked at the tall white walls in front of them, and they felt a little confused.

These dragons were the original travel team. They experienced a variety of things along the way, but they did not encounter any great danger. They all wore dinosaur skins, bags made of dinosaur skins and various After all the tools have overcome the difficulties on the road, a wall... stands in front of them.

There is obviously no such stone wall up to ten meters in the jungle. Xiaolong himself has not made a wall, but they can guess: This is probably something built.

"There is a voice inside." A dragon slammed the ear hole against the wall: "It seems that there are so many creatures in it."

Another Snapdragon was also posted, listening to the voice inside: "Yes, the creatures in it seem to be like flying spears."

"Let me go up and see!" A dragon tried to climb up the gaps and protrusions on the wall. The dragon's claws were very suitable for climbing, and it climbed to the wall easily.

When it climbed onto the wall, its eyes suddenly reflected a scene that was almost unbelievable to it. It almost jumped immediately and said to the surrounding dragons: "There are a lot of flying spears inside! It really is Their city!"

"Yes? It seems that we have finally arrived.

At this time, among these dragons, a differently dressed dragon was worn. It was wearing armor made of bones, which made it look particularly conspicuous among the dragons.

"Tucker leader!" Other dragons saw it coming over and immediately let it go.

Tucker climbed up the wall and saw a variety of architectural houses inside. There were flames at the entrance to these houses, and a large number of emerald dragons gathered in front of their houses or on the street. While eating food, it usually makes a happy cheer.

"They...in the banquet?" At this time, a few dragons around the wall climbed to the wall. They looked at the scenes in the city and felt quite wonderful.

After watching it for a while, a dragon said: "These green dragons don't seem as cruel as the spears say. We should probably go in and try to communicate with them." (To be continued, please search for astronomy The novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks for the ~empty white ~ rewards~

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