4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 210: Incomprehensible practice

The city of Emerald Dragons, they have been holding this special banquet throughout the town since they won the news of the victory of Susumumi.

Every emerald dragon took out some of his own food, then put it together and set fire in the brazier to celebrate Susumumi's victory.

This kind of banquet is held throughout the city, on both the normal and upper levels, and some jade dragons will take the opportunity to steal food from these banquets.

But now, Emerald Dragon is obviously not very concerned, although they will still beat the thieves, but now they have placed food in places that are easily stolen. These emerald dragons are very clear, Susumi promised to win after the victory Can continue to expand the territory, get more resources, but do not have to worry about food problems, and have not worked so hard.

Every emerald dragon thinks about the happy life after the expansion. However, they still don’t know that Susumi’s army is surrounded by flying traps, not to mention that several gray creatures have come outside their walls. ......

"We should communicate with them." A dragon looked at the emerald dragon in the city and made such an opinion. Other dragons also agreed with it.

Except Tucker.

"No, look at it." Tucker pointed to a place on the street. The dragons looked over there and saw two white figures moving slowly there. Their bodies were tied with vines. The ropes were made, and a large slab was dragged hard, and by their side, several guards were driving them with their spears.

“Is it a white dragon?” A dragon saw the scene in front of him saying, “What are they doing here?”

"I don't know, it seems that those green dragons are forcing them to do things." Another dragon said: "It seems like the spear has mentioned this situation. This seems to be called 'slave' right?"

“Is it so forced to work for them?”

"They seem to be very cruel. Look at it." Tucker pointed to another place. I saw an emerald dragon cub taking something in the food piled up under the banquet flame. It looked very flustered, looking left and right, when an emerald dragon noticed it, the emerald dragon screamed and slammed the baby out of the banquet venue.

"They actually treat their cubs like this!" Several Snapdragons almost screamed when they saw the situation. This is an incredible situation for them, although they have seen the white dragons throwing out the pups, but still The first time I saw it, there was a direct attack on the baby.

The dragons have no plans to go ‘communication’. But they still stay on the wall and want to see more.

"Their way of life... very strange."

The more you look at the dragons, the more confused they are. They are somewhat difficult to understand.

They saw some jade dragons exchanging items with each other, and sometimes they were very noisy because they were dissatisfied with the other's items, and they saw more jade dragons trying to steal other jade dragon items...

Because Susumi’s troops left, there were fewer guards in the management. Even the ordinary layer of Jade Dragons began to try to steal the same kind of neighbors. When they only care about themselves, this behavior will become It is universal.

There are also quite a lot of behaviors like quarreling or fighting each other. They seem to be very happy, but in fact there are still many problems.

Such behavior is difficult for Xiaolong to understand.

"Why do they have to pluck or exchange things with each other?" asked a dragon.

Another Snapdragon said: "Their habits are very strange. Maybe because their thoughts are contaminated by certain diseases, they make them look like this."

"In short, this place is very big, we can't fully understand their lives." The third Jade Dragon said: "But they are indeed a rather brutal race, as their spears say, although their The color is better."

"So we still have to communicate with them? Maybe they have some other special places."

"It's hard to decide... what if they suddenly attack us?"

The dragons seemed hesitant, they wanted to touch the green creatures, but they didn't know what the other would be.

But no matter how he hesitate, there is no one who wants to destroy this group of emerald dragons.

Although Liddell thought that he should attack this group of emerald dragons, if they are really cruel, but now, Xiaolong seems to have forgotten this purpose, they hold more ideas to approach the city, they are more I hope to know or communicate with Jade Dragon...

"No, let's go." At this moment, Tucker suddenly said: "However, when we haven't come back, we should go somewhere else..."

"Other places?" Tucker's words aroused the interest of the Jade Dragons.

"Yeah, somewhere else," Tucker said, looking at the stars in the sky: "There are still many places we have not been to, aren't they?"

In this way, the dragons left the city, they went to the jungle again, but this time they don't know where the destination is.

Seeing this, Lin believes that there will be no war between them for the time being, but only for the time being. Tucker may have lived for a long time. It is not as fond of fighting as it used to be. It prefers to explore other things.

It’s like Lin is now.

Now, Lynn's spy is in a dark environment... This place is the third huge pyramid in the south to the north. It has the same empty room as the previous one, but there is no cave that divides the split brain. .

However, Lin found a 'secret road'.

In fact, it was the road that was sealed with mud. The road was under the ground. In it, Lin found a room full of water, and some rooms with eggs and crystal fragments.

Most of these rooms are useful, but at the end of the passage, there is a room that has nothing to put, but Lynn sees some traces here... There are cracks on the ground that have been cut by something.

This kind of trace is obviously very suspicious, basically ok... ‘Boom! ’

Under the spy slam, the stone on the ground suddenly burst, and a big hole appeared in front of Lin.

Under the cracked stone, another passage appeared, but Lin could not see it by walking in. There was a strange thing placed in the place ten meters away...

Is this... a treasure? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ He Sky~ monthly ticket~

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