4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 211: The true face of the treasure

This ‘thing’ is really weird...

Lin's spy is located in the underground passage under the huge pyramid. The spy is full of light, illuminating the surrounding environment, and the thing that looks like a ball in front of him...

The sphere is about one meter in diameter, not very large. The outer layer is surrounded by a shell like a clam shell. Lin can be sure that this is something that is not a thing, and it is not an egg.

Because this thing has a special feeling, let's not know why it appears here, let's see what its content is.

The spy spurs the fingertips in the gaps on the surface of the sphere, injects tiny drillers into the body, and investigates the structure inside the sphere.

This thing is really different from something like an egg or a donkey... Lin first found a lot of inside... the meat, there are some organ structures for digesting food, and there is a mouth that can be eaten. ', in fact, is the small hole connecting the surface layer, it is estimated that it usually needs to be fed by the vertical.

There are also some complete organs inside, which are basically used to sustain life, and there is also a brain inside.

This brain is very small, and does not have a common brain thought area. It seems to be a relatively primitive brain, and it has no nerve line connection with the body. It cannot command other organs.

These things are all squeezed into a sphere of one meter in diameter. What does this mean? This is the case for divisional species, and it is impossible to obtain an accurate answer for observing one of its branches.

This is indeed a rather strange thing for Lynn, but Lynn is no stranger to this kind of thing. a long time ago. Lynn has seen the same things as it...

There is a similar thing in the brainworm...

"Turning at sea. Rolling, rolling, oh oh, my journey, never ending, my roll, not falling a grass, the waves. Deport for me, ah ah, oh oh oh." On the blue sea, a huge wooden boat slowly advancing, and a white and round creature rolled around under the sun, and the infantry behind it also showed a matching posture with its roll.

"What happened? I was summoned!" Suddenly, the creature seemed to receive any information. It quickly rolled into the cabin, and the robbers who sang the weird songs followed it.

In the boat room, the brain worms rolled over to a display that occupied almost the entire wall. At the same time, he followed the robbers and shouted: "This is Maya, I hear back!"

'wave! The displayer suddenly lit up. The shape of a sphere is shown above.

"This is, the ball of the record!" The brain worm saw the image of the revealer suddenly, and the robbers behind him immediately shouted: "Where did this find out?"

"Sure enough, Maya knows this."

Then the displayer told the brainworm about something related to Lie, and Lin continued to study the sphere... The so-called 'recording ball' played a very special role in the group of brainworms. It is used to record the arms.

It takes a long time for a brain worm to create a new unit. In general, it takes a long time to debug to produce a new unit. Although it is much faster than the usual species, it takes a long time... ...

Lynn occasionally has research on how brain worms grow, and maybe a summary can be made soon, but the problem is not there.

But in general, except for the Queen, the new arms have no way to reproduce. At this time, the record ball plays a role. It can record the 'information' of this new service into this sphere, and then the brainworm can give the sphere The queen of other brain worms allows the other party to produce similar units without the need to create them in a complicated way.

This kind of thing can be said to be used to circulate the information of the arms. The ball of record is the same as that of other arms, and it is produced by the queen.

But at first, it was not known which ballworm was made by the brain.

The peculiarity is that the ball of this record is very similar to the record ball of the brainworm, and the shape of the surface carapace is the same, so that the brain can be seen as a record ball.

What does this mean? Is there an intersection between the ethnic group of the Atlantis and the brainworm? Or just a coincidence? Because occasionally it happens that although the isolation is very far, there are very similar species...

For this, the brain worms think that their ancestors may have gone through the sea, and then the two groups met.

Because it likes the sea so much now, it must have been out of the sea among its ancestors. This is the absolute reason!

Although Lin said that the brain worms only went out to sea because they thought of running, but they may have encountered between the two.

After hearing about some things about the Lie and the Yate, the worms immediately rolled outside the boat, and it rolled to the top of the bow. It looked at the endless sea outside, and the robbers behind it. Suddenly shouted: "Come on! We are going to find that... Yate! Ethnicity! We have to find out about their secrets! I will never allow! In addition to my family, there will be another identical ball. !"

"Turn the bow! Go to the destination!"

Although I don't know who the worms are, because the whole sea is only the own fleet of brain worms, but now these ships are turning to the dinosaur continent!

The brain worm is not going to stand there, but it is going to look for it on the coast. Although Lin doesn't know how to find it, there is no problem in not disturbing the creatures here.

Perhaps at some point, Lie found this thing in the underground tunnel of the crystal woodland. Although Lin has never seen this thing before, it is not surprising, and it is impossible to dig through the soil of each meter. .

After Lie finds it, he may try to extract the 'information' from it. It should record some information about the Armenian group, and then they use this information to make changes.

However, the changes will not necessarily succeed, or it will take some time to take effect, so Lie has been dragging on for so long, until they are almost killed by Jade Dragon, they have successfully changed the position of flying, and will change color. The sickle is standing, maybe there are other kinds?

With so many kinds of things, Lie once again began the war with the Jade Dragon.

This inference seems to be more complete.

Lin may have to take this thing to the brainworm to see if the brain is used to store information? Or is it stored elsewhere?

And the most important thing is why it is in this hole, and this hole seems to lead to other places...


Just as Lin thought so, there was a sudden sound in the depths of the hole. This voice, Lin felt... quite familiar.

Thinking, the spy first pushed the ball down the room outside the hole, and then the spy began to smash down the skin. Lin wrapped the spy's skin on the ball. At this time, the skin was discolored and the ball suddenly disappeared. The surrounding environment, along with Lin, put an eyeball here to watch, then the spy once again entered the hole, looking for the direction of the voice...

After walking a distance of more than ten meters in the cave, the light emitted by the spy was in front of a huge yellow object.

Sure enough, it is a brain-building monster.

"Hey?" At this time, the brain-creating genius also found the light behind him and turned to see the spy.

Lynn noticed that there were several ordinary corpses at the foot of this brain-making genie. Their heads were gone, and there was a record ball on the ground... Is there more than one ball? This ball is half the size of the previous one, but the appearance is exactly the same.

The brain-hunter looked at the spy and looked at the ball on the ground. It noticed that the spy was watching the ball. It immediately opened his mouth and bit the ball, then turned and ran!

Actually want to escape? Lynn let the spy immediately catch up!

The brain-creating stalk runs quite fast in the tunnel of the cave. It is difficult for the spy to run close to it with the limbs running. This is mainly because the legs of the brain-making blame are more, but the spy can barely keep following it.

However, in order to seize it, the spy still has to prepare some special ‘weapons’.

This hole does not know who dug it out. The whole is relatively straight. When it ran about a hundred meters away, the brains suddenly stopped.

The spy also immediately stopped his footsteps and kept a distance of fifteen meters from the brain-making genius. At this time, the spy was ready for a special weapon.

Make a brain blame and open the mouth and vomit the ball to the ground, then it roars and prepares to rush towards it!

And Lin, at a faster rate, raised the spy's hand and fired a few tiny sharp needles on it. These needles were paralyzed toxins, which made the brains stunned.

As before, the brain-creating felt that these tiny things were flying towards it, and it immediately flashed to the left... ‘oh! ’

The huge body of the brain smashed into the wall, and several small needles were tied to its body.

It seems that it is a misstep to think that this narrow place does not have enough space for it to dodge. Or is it simple comparison... stupid?

As the toxins slowly spread, the brains smashed to the ground, and the spy went to the head of the brain, and picked up the ball of the record...

Lin looked at the sphere and wondered if there was one or two things, would there be more? Is it a ball to record a unit? That's not very likely, the brain of the brain can record a lot of information, and why do the Atlantes have these things? Their habits should be different from brainworms.

"Hey!" Just when Lin thought about it, the brain-building genius that had supposed to be awkward climbed up instantly. It bit the ball of the record in the spy’s hand and swallowed it in. Astronomy, novels are better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ dew nkysun~'s reward~

Thank you ~mac~ monthly ticket~

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