4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 212: Head hunter

Is this the so-called powerful willpower?

This is the saying of Xiaolong. They think that as long as they have strong willpower, they can have powerful power. Lin has always felt that muscle strength and willpower have nothing to do with it, but the brain-building monster has just shown it.

When it was poisoned, the thoughts were full of ‘moving! 'This idea, then it really moved...

Lin thinks that it may be because of its thought relationship, let the body secrete a lot of substances to make the muscles erupt briefly and reduce the venom effect.

Although it was immediately paralyzed, it did one thing: it destroyed the ball of record.

When Lin digs the stomach of this brain-creating, I find that the ball of the record has been crushed. It’s really strange that the brain-throwing creature has such a powerful stomach power. Maybe it’s usually It is to use the stomach to crush the skull.

However, there is at least one record ball in Lin, which is wrapped in a 'color-changing skin' and should not be easily found.

Now the spy has not gone back, but continues to follow the tunnel to the depths. Lin wants to see what the tunnel is all about. Is it made up by the brains, or is it dug out?

The things that can be confirmed now are that they are absolutely hostile, maybe... their intelligence may be comparable. Of course, brains have no language, they don’t live in groups, they look more wild, but they do. Very smart and not subject to stereo control...

According to Lin’s speculation, this may be the case. When the Emerald Dragon set fire to the whole city, Lie was hiding. They tried to take away the most precious ‘treasure’ in their group, the ball of record. So the hole was dug under the huge pyramid.

But when taking the ball away. They have been attacked by brain-creating geeks, killing their brains and killing them, stealing their record balls, and making brains need these balls. Although they don’t know what they are doing, can they be deformed?

Then there was the situation just now... What is it?

As Lin progressed in the tunnel, she suddenly found a more spacious space in front of it, and some crystals appeared on the ground and on the wall.

Is it here to the crystalline woodland?

but. The most conspicuous scene here is a group of ... Lieutenant, they fall to the ground, and there is a brain-creating in the center of the cave. It is dead like a lieutenant, and there are many spears in the body.

It seems that they have had a battle. The brains are sneaked here, but Lin is still not clear about the habits of making brains. They are originally a group of things that only continue to produce split brains. I don’t know why. Will start attacking the shackles.


Suddenly, Lynn heard a voice. Looking around, I saw a standing body next to it shaking slightly.

Is this stand still alive? Lynn walked over. After detecting the body, Lin found that it was stunned, as if there was no big problem.

The spy grabbed this stand and slammed it a few times. Lie slowly woke up. It immediately receded when he saw the 'Jade Dragon' in front of him, but the injury on it made it painful. The embarrassment also prevented its movements.

“What happened here?” The spy grabbed the lieutenant and asked: “Who is this channel dug out?”

"...?" Li Wei seems to be very strange why Lin asked this question, but still said: "This is... we dug."

Sure enough.

Lin put down this stand and continued to run deep into the passage.

Lie was excavated for the purpose of protecting the ball, but it was attacked here by the brain-making blame. Lin wants to see how the brain-building monster knows the authenticity of Lie.

This may be able to figure out what is going on, and why the brains are going to attack Lie, this should not only be related to the ball of record.

As Lin progressed quickly through the passage, there was another white figure in the forest on the ground moving slowly.

"Hey..." It is the white dragon that is called "Crystal Mania" by Lin. It drags the heavy brain of the main brain, and it is very difficult to go forward in the jungle. The screams of the carnivorous creatures occasionally came out in the jungle. It can make it tremble, the carnivorous trap made up of jungle plants, let the fear continue to surround its thoughts.

Every step must be very careful, very difficult, and if it goes on, its thoughts may collapse.

It wants to go back to its warm nest, don't suffer from this kind of pain, but if you want that, you have to get crystallized. Only when you get crystallized, it will go back to live a carefree time! For this it even killed all the companions!

However, it is only a distant dream, a distant dream...

Crystal madness, it stopped next to a big tree, it sat on the crystal, took out the only dry fruit in the bag and put it in the mouth and chewed hard.

What should I do?

Countless questions plague it, but it won't give up.

‘Kala’. Suddenly, a voice in front made the crystal madness nervous. It quickly hid behind the tree and showed a little head to observe the situation.

Whether it is Bai Xiaolong, Emerald Dragon or Xiaolong, the first reaction to this danger is to climb the tree, but Crystal Mad as a relatively weak 的 white dragon, it seems that even lost the ability to climb trees.

I saw the ground in the distance not far from the tree bursting open. A fat-looking and huge brain-building monster climbed out of the ground...

In the mouth of the brain, he also bit a small ball. After seeing this creature, the crystal madness showed a surprised expression, which deepened the body.

"Oh?" After the drilled out, the brain-cress looked around, and after seeing the huge crystal of the crystal madness placed on the edge of the tree, it suddenly revealed a surprise like a crystal madness.

The brain screams spit out the small ball in the mouth and ran to bite the crystal...


Crystal mad screamed, the reason why not to hide the crystal together, not only because it is very troublesome, it also knows that the average creature has no interest in this thing, and it is obviously not the case.

"Hey?" Hearing the sound of the crystal madness, he raised his head and looked up in confusion. The crystal mad immediately grabbed his mouth, so as not to accidentally make a sound again...

The brain-creating geek did not care too much. It bit the crystal and dragged it to the cave where it had drilled.

This time, Crystal Mad can be anxious, it hides behind the tree, suppressing his impulses, but... Now, what should it do? Jumping out against this huge three-meter-long behemoth? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you~ I miss you, think about you again~ The moon's monthly ticket~

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