4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 213: Battlefield transfer

The madman is always fearless. This sentence from the Jade Dragon does not seem to be used to describe the white dragon.

Facing the brain-building genius that has been oversized several times, it finally chose to retreat. It hides behind the tree and does not move. Let the brains make it cost a lot of trouble and kill the crystallization of all the companions. Drag into the hole.

The crystal mad body is shaking, and in his thoughts, the two ideas of rushing out and hiding are innumerable times, but the brain-creating has already dragged the crystal into the hole it drilled.

Accurately, it was stuffed in. After the crystals were stuffed in, the brains were thrown into the hole and then the ball was thrown into the hole, and then the body was plugged in. Up.

After watching the brains completely dig in, the crystal mad dare to come out from behind the tree. It looked at the cave that was blocked on the ground. It tried to restrain the idea that he wanted to dig. Then, the crystal madness was looking for it on the ground. Coming to a branch, it drew a strange symbol of the 'well' shape on the cave, then turned and walked away, and quickly ran in one direction in the jungle.

I saw something interesting.

Lin has always used the eyeball to observe the crystal madness. Of course, I also saw the previous things. It seems that the brains are interested in the crystallization of the main brain, and the crystal madness seems to have the first life of its own, the second idea of ​​crystal, so Escaped.

The hole that the brain digs to dig out on the ground, Lin feels that the hole that the spy is walking with now is the same. If you go all the way, you can see the brain-making monster.

As for the crystal madness, Lin feels that it will not give up so easily, it is now running wild in the jungle. Lynn thinks it might find a way to deal with brains. But the brains are not so good to deal with. It can use its own brain waves to perceive the surrounding things, so the general sneak attack is useless to it. Just when the crystal madness hides behind the tree, it is already known that it is there, but it is not interested in it. Only.

The spy will continue to move forward and look for the hiding point of the brain-creating. I don’t know how long the tunnel has been dug. It may be that while they are deformed and flying, there are some ordinary shackles left to dig.

Because it was temporarily dug. So there is some instability. I often see some soil falling from the top of the cave. Because of the possibility of collapse, I must go faster.

Along the way, the spies saw a lot of crystals. These crystals seem to be widely distributed in the vicinity of the ground. If the jade dragon discovers it, it will definitely try to start digging here.

But they are now... even the victory is more stubborn.

The troops of Fei Lijun and Susumui are still in a stalemate, and each of the emerald dragons is nervously holding bows and arrows, fearing that they will rush down from the sky. At the same time, they also pay attention to the occasional discoloration in the jungle.

Not long ago, several Emerald Dragons successfully killed a discolored scimitar. This kind of squatting acted quickly, and there was no sound at all. Some of the previous emerald dragons carrying stones were killed by them.

There are definitely more than one kind of stand-ups, and they have a special 'smelly smell', which makes the electric gnomes very disgusted with them, almost to the point where they can't escape. It is difficult for Emerald Dragon to search for them, which makes Jade Dragon They are hard to calm down.

There are so many threats that they can't sleep, they can only look at the sky and pay attention to the surrounding environment, because the Jade Dragon has always maintained a nervous mood, which makes their physical strength slowly consumed.

There is no way for Emerald Dragon to use the ‘throwing stone' attack, because it is not easy to find suitable stones, and it must be dispersed, and once they are dispersed, they are vulnerable to raids.

"It won't work like this, Wang." Mukla was next to Susumi and looked at the emerald dragon that had become less spiritual around him. "We have to rest..."

"..." Susumumi said nothing, just watching the sky, the flying scorpion in the sky has been surrounded, but they also have some conditions, there are quite a few flying scorpions flying obviously slow, and occasionally Will also hit the companion.

"They are also tired." Susumi said to Mukla: "If you can wait a little longer..."

"But we will be tired too, Wang." Mukla said: "We should use a method of taking turns to rest."

"No." Susumi suddenly said loudly: "Notify the whole, march toward the city of Lili!"

“嘎——?” The emerald dragon around was shocked when they heard it. They all questioned, even Mukla said: “Wang, why are we going there?”

"Because there is the only place we can rest..." Susumi said: "Go forward!"

"Hey!" Although the jade dragons were very confused, but no one questioned Susumie’s orders. They started to take action and started to act. Because there is a plain around, Yalong can also kneel on the ground and walk around in a crawling way. Fly.

Only Mukla is still very worried and said: "Wang, there may be ambushes there, there may be more erections..."

"If that's the case, we have to face them, but I think that kind of thing is impossible." Susumi said: "And that's our only choice."

All the emerald dragons moved slowly in the direction of the city, including the emerald dragons riding the Yalong. After seeing this situation in the sky, they also flew over them, but they obviously appeared. Doubtful emotions...

They don't know what the Emerald Dragon is going to do, but they still keep following.

A large number of emerald dragons are not a very fast move, but the city is not far away. After a period of time, the emerald dragon's troops came to Licheng.

"Investigate these houses!" Along with Susumi's orders, a large number of emerald dragons entered the surrounding pyramids, and after they quickly detected them, they ran back to report to Susumemi.

"Wang, these houses are empty!" The soldiers who came back to report were basically saying this.

"Very good..." Susumumi made a bet. It didn't know what was going on here, but now it seems that there is no danger in the city, so that it can take advantage of this place.

"Then next..." Susumi gave Mukla and several commanders some instructions, and they began to command other emerald dragons.

Accompanied by Susumi's orders, the Jade Dragons began to act. Most of them entered the small pyramid around the giant pyramid, and some of the emerald dragons entered the Great Pyramid.

Obviously, Susumumi wants to use these pyramids as a place to rest, but Lie does not watch them do this.

"They are coming!" Just as the Emerald Dragon distributed the pyramid, the numerous shadows flying in the sky suddenly swooped down, and the fly slammed into a sneak attack!

"Shooting!" However, each of the Emerald Dragons has a bow and arrow. Under the command, they immediately aim at the flying squat, and countless arrows are fired instantly, colliding with the rushing shackles. ......

The cockroach's carapace is more fragile than ever, and the arrows easily penetrate their bodies, and their bodies quickly fall like rain.

And there are more flying scorpions through the arrow attack, they directly rushed to the jade dragon, with a tail, the jade dragon will fall due to poisoning...

However, there are also many Emerald Dragons who use the spears to counterattack when they rush down. The number of flying scorpions is not much. They quickly fell into the disadvantages in the battle and fled back into the air again.

The former slashing knives have never appeared.

Although Susumu did not know what was going on, they had successfully killed more Fei Lizhen, and Susumi let the Emerald Dragons accelerate their actions. Most of the emerald dragons entered the pyramid, in the pyramid. At the entrance, some emerald dragons were left to guard the door, and the Yalongs were unable to enter the pyramid, so many emerald dragons were waiting to be guarded by them.

So the Yalong does not have to fly, Susumi successfully used the enemy's city as a resting place.

Next, Susumi took turns to rest, allowing each jade dragon to rest.

After the defeat of Fei Lijun, they did not revolve around the Emerald Dragon, but they all spread out.

Susumi did not care, but still maintained this tactic.

Lin believes that its battle has been successful... although it is irrational in the enemy's city, because even Lin can't know what is hidden in the city.

However, at least Lynn has now found that brain-building.

Here is somewhere in the depths of the earth. The brain-creating is in the channel ahead. Lin’s spy sees it biting the crystal of the main brain, as if to bite it.

But the thing is too hard, and the teeth that make the brain seem to be difficult to bite.

Lin is not going to start, but wants to see what it will do for this brain. Lynn is far enough away from it. The brains don’t know where the spies are, and the spy itself uses a special 'eye'. 'To observe the brain, it is not the whole body, so it will not be discovered.

After biting for a while, the brain-creating genius did not continue to bite, and it began to put a sphere next to it on the crystal.

The ball is a record ball, and there are a lot of looks, but nothing happens after the brain is put on the record ball, and the brain-making monster seems to be tired, and it just starts to rest on the side...

No, it’s not that nothing happened...

Looking closely at the past, Lin could see a lot of tiny tentacles sticking out from the outer shell of the recorded ball. They stretched into the crystal of the brain and began to groping, but did not reach inside.

It seems that the recorded ball will respond to the brain. Does it have the ability to observe the outside world? Lin remembers that the ball is not capable of sensing.

Anyway, you should take a look at it... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~metallicclaw~ monthly ticket~

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