"It's... the most perfect."

Custom ring... There are many kinds of creatures.

Many customized rings still fulfill their missions after the condensed creatures leave.

They wander in the chaotic space, collecting all information in chaos.

Some customized rings continue to wander in chaos, but they are not swallowed by chaos, because they will rest in the bubble area and continue to travel in chaos after that.

Some of them have lived this kind of life for a long time.

They obtained countless information from chaos and learned countless things.

However, they never cared about these things.

The customized ring can'filter' out all kinds of information from chaos. During the period of their own lives, since there is no condensed biological control, they collect random information.

When a large amount of information is obtained, they will discard the information and continue to collect it.

Their lives have been like this for a long time, until recently... these customized rings began to pay attention to the information they collected.

Of course, they do not pay attention to any information. They only pay attention to a part of the information, for example, there is something about Ershi.

Like the chaotic nerve, there are also some things that Ersh has traveled here, and the ring has obtained a lot of information in chaos.

The most important thing is that they will pay attention to this information rather than abandon them.

These customized rings are very concerned about the matter of Ershi, and have been carefully studied about it... In fact, they are trying to find more information from chaos.

Although they don't know why they do it themselves.

After a period of time passed, the Custom Ring also got some other information, that is, about the void of Mead.

This surprised them.

Because the custom ring was the first to learn about Mead's void.

Information about many things can be obtained in chaotic space, but they never knew there was a place like Mead Void.

Although they used to collect information and discard it, they will remember how much information they have obtained before.

Of course, it is also possible that they have collected too much information and many of them have been completely forgotten.

In short, after obtaining the information of Mead Void, this group of customized rings began to try to understand Mead Void, and found a lot of relevant information in chaos. This group of customized rings generally understood the formation of Mead Void and the inside. Happening.

They began to care very much about these things, and developed the idea of ​​longing for Mead.

These rings of destiny feel that Mead Void is a perfect Void.

Perfection mainly refers to being unfettered, because it is said that this void of Midgart can wander between the voids.

It can travel to any void and touch many different things.

In short, after the ring of customization has created the yearning emotions for Mead Void, they began to take action... They feel that if Mead Void accepts themselves, they must live like the creatures in Mead Void.

The custom ring is therefore brought together.

They have never gathered before, and although they know that there are some of the same kind around, they don't care.

And this time, they united for one goal, that is, to make a death ship.

The custom ring is trying to imitate a creature that is more common in Midgart's void-the captain.

There are actually many types of captains, but they all have one thing in common is that they are driving death warships.

Therefore, these customized rings also decided to make themselves a creature that was driving a deadly battleship.

After they had this idea, they began to make death warships. They found various materials in some bubble areas, and by gaining knowledge from chaos, they slowly assembled these materials.

In the end, their results are now the group of... cylinders.

The cylinders are completely imitated by death warships, and their weapon of ‘expulsion beam’ is also imitated to disintegrate rays.

Although the actual principle varies greatly, it looks a bit like it.

In fact, this is the most similar thing they can do to death warships.

In addition to being able to emit expulsion beams in the bubble area, this cylinder has other functions, such as sailing in chaos.

They can ‘expel’ themselves and quickly reach a location in the chaos to quickly travel to different areas.

Different levels of eviction can reach different positions in the chaos. The Custom Ring has a profound research on this, so there is a way to move at high speed in the chaotic space.

What's more interesting is that the coagulating creatures that made them have never found this way.

Of course, cylinders cannot sail in chaos for a long time, and their movement is generally to reach another bubble area at the fastest speed.

So now that there are battleships, the custom ring decided to go to Mead Void, but they don’t know how to get there.

At this time, they got some special information from the chaos, that is-Captain.

This captain belongs to their kind, is also a customized ring, and came to the chaotic space.

Because of the emergence of the captain, these customized rings were very excited, and they only discovered that there was such a kind who was already there as a captain.

This group of customized rings drove the cylinder, and finally came to the bubble area where the condensed biological ruins were located.

At this time they found the captain caught by the shadow, then they expelled the shadow and rescued the captain.

The first thing after this group of customized rings rescued the captain was to communicate with it.

This communication refers to the connection in memory. They want to know more about Mead's void through the captain.

Although they have been obtaining information in chaos before, the information obtained is not so comprehensive.

And the captain had no way to resist, so they had learned a lot of things from their group.

After the Ring of Customs learned many things about Mead's Void through the captain, they discovered a shocking thing.

That's... the thing about chaotic nerves.

They have obtained a lot of information about the Ershi and the chaotic nerves before, and there is some information they cannot understand. This kind of information gives them a feeling like a "password". Although it seems very complicated, it is completely impossible to know the inside. meaning.

After learning from the captain about the collision between Mead's void and chaotic space, they suddenly understood the information.

They discovered a situation in which chaotic nerves would affect the contact between these two places and eventually cause them to be destroyed.

This is not to say that the chaotic nerve has such a powerful force, but that it can do some kind of guidance.

What is peculiar is that the chaotic nerve before this guiding function is not available, that is, after Ersh dropped the chaotic nerve here, the chaotic nerve grew up on its own for a period of time to have this function.

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