"This possible destruction must be ended."

The customized ring controls their ‘Death Battleship’ and madly attacks the ruins of condensed creatures.

Many crystalline branches that were once buildings have been completely driven away by them.

But there are still a lot of branches left here, so Lin has more time to research.

These fellows of the captain maintain constant communication with the captain, but their thinking is still very different. For example, these customized rings are indiscriminately attacking the crystal branches.

This is because these customized rings believe that these branches are all likely to be the "fields" of chaotic nerves.

They felt that it was most appropriate to eliminate them all, and Lin was curious about their...thoughts.

How does the Chaos Nerve affect this space and the Midgard Void?

Lin tried to find the answer from the captain.

Lin can feel his thoughts just by contacting the captain, because it is now in an ‘open state’.

All customized rings have a similar state. After entering this state, it can let various creatures around it know its internal storage information, including memory and thinking.

Originally, their open state was mainly used to allow condensed creatures to obtain their information, but the captain's situation was somewhat... strange.

Its current open state made Lin realize that many creatures seem to be able to obtain information directly by touching it.

So Lin also learned from it the details about Chaos Nerves.

Chaos Nerve is a special kind of "domain chaotic creature", which is a bit similar to some creatures in unforeseen places.

It can't move around like creatures such as shadow masks or black and white balls, it can only exist in a certain area, like a building of condensed creatures.

As long as the area where they can exist is completely wiped out, then such creatures will also disappear.

And the chaotic nerve, the position it occupies... or the bubble area of ​​the condensed creature, is an ‘entrance’.

In the bubble region of the chaotic space, we can often see a lot of normal void matter. Some of these things are foreign, and some are constructed with information.

Their source is also chaotic information, chaotic creatures like shadows can use chaotic information to form living things, and of course they can also form non-biological things.

The Ring of Customization first believed that the Chaos Nerve had been continuously constructing various things in this bubble region since a long time ago.

These structures have something to do with Ersh's experience. For example, Ersh has seen a stone in the void before, so it is possible for Chaos Nerve to construct this stone here.

It has built a lot of things for a long time, and this group of customized rings has known this thing before.

But after they recently studied Ersh and Chaos Nerve carefully, they discovered that what appeared here... is not constructed by Chaos Nerve.

They are all pure foreign objects.

Foreign objects are exactly what has entered the ‘nothing’.

They will gather in the chaos space and become a part of the chaos, and some things will happen to be in the bubbles when they come in, so they will remain intact.

Of course, it is not necessarily complete, because there are often chaotic creatures and other influences that make these things enter the chaos.

The Ring of Customization has a way to classify what is pure foreign matter and what is constructed with chaotic information.

Even if two things are exactly the same, they can detect whether they are foreign or constructed.

Everything that appears in this bubble area is all foreign.

This is mainly... still related to chaotic and neurological thinking.

When the chaos nerve thinks of something, there will be related things appearing in the bubble area of ​​the condensed creature.

Although it seems to be mainly crystalline branches now, in fact there have been many foreign objects here.

So Chaos Nerves don’t appear just as they think about it. Things like Ershmin have never appeared here, because they can’t completely pass through ‘Nothing’.

In other words, no Ersh people pass through nothing.

But things like broken stones in the void are very common.

The "thinking" of chaotic nerves is mainly learned by entering its domain. Usually when you enter the domain of chaotic nerves, you can feel a lot of information. This information will flood into the thinking of creatures and make them feel that they are some kind of Ersh Biology in history.

But it's not just Ersh's history, but there are also situations where you feel that you are some kind of normal void creature.

In short, the creatures here must be creatures that Ersh has seen, guessed, or set.

In this feeling, of course, you will also see various scenery in the normal void, and objects in these scenery may appear in the bubble area.

After understanding this, the Ring of Customization believes that the Chaos Nerve will constantly "imagine" various scenes, so that the creatures entering its domain feel that they are a member of the scene.

And the things in these scenes, as long as it is possible to be in the'nothing', will be attracted here.

Those that can't be in ‘nothing’, like the various creatures on Ersh, will not appear.

This wonderful ability of Chaos Nerves is the first time we have seen the Ring of Customization. They have never discovered any creatures that can attract objects in'Nothing' to the chaotic space before.

Although these things will enter the chaotic space by themselves, they all appear randomly.

In the bubble region where the Chaos Nerve is located, what appears is completely the same as the imagination of the Chaos Nerve.

This kind of attraction was originally very weak, and only small and few objects could appear at the beginning.

Later, it gradually became more and more, bigger and bigger, as if chaotic nerves were growing.

Generally, chaotic nerves attracting various normal void objects will not cause any special circumstances until a certain time.

In the imagination of the chaos nerve appeared... the Midgard void.

The Ring of Customization began to discover that when the Chaos Nerve imagined Midgart's void, it didn't know what it was thinking, because at that time, entering the field of the Chaos Nerve could only feel a bunch of meaningless signals.

After they contacted the captain, they knew that Chaos Nerve was thinking of the Midgard Void.

What is more special is that the Midgard Void approaches the chaotic space under the imagination of the chaotic nerve.

Moreover, the main thing is that Chaos Nerve keeps repeating the idea of ​​destruction after contact between these two places.

As long as you enter the realm of chaotic nerves, you can feel the ‘doom’ brought about by the collision of these two places.

But... Lin has always been in contact with Chaos Nerves, and didn't find Chaos Nerves thinking about this kind of collision scene.

And the custom ring and the captain...In fact, it is mainly the scene where the captain enters the chaos nerve field and can directly feel the collision and destruction.

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