4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 296: Withered

This thing... it seems there is no way to expel it.

Lin thinks that this'Ersh' should be called a dead star, because it looks like a tumbling person without water, and its surface looks like a pure desert, with dry rift valleys and peaks. of.

When it appeared, all the warships of the customized ring fired expelling beams at it.

These beams fell on the surface of the dead star like thin lines, without any effect.

Lin could see that even the gravels on the ground didn't respond when they were irradiated.

Lin thinks... it's interesting.

So Lin also decided to land on the surface to have a look.

The dead star is still moving, and it looks like it is chasing a chaotic nerve-controlled aircraft, and the warship of the customized ring is also attacking it.

The light beams are constantly shooting towards the aircraft, and the aircraft is constantly moving to avoid these light beams.

From the looks of it, Lin felt like Chaos Nerve was driving the aircraft to avoid...but it didn't keep hiding.

A beam of light suddenly hit the aircraft, and the aircraft disappeared instantly.

It did not flicker for a while when the branches were hit, and it was not driven out of the bubble area.

When this aircraft appeared again, Lin found it on the surface of the dead star.

The Custom Rings were a little surprised by this situation, but soon they attacked... They shot directly at the aircraft on the surface with beams.

But after being hit by the beam several times, the aircraft did not respond at all. It seemed that after it reached the surface, it would no longer be expelled.

In fact, Lin felt that the appearance of dry stars changed the ‘rules’ of the bubble area.

Then... the dry star did not stop, it continued to fly over here.

The warships of the customized ring also stopped attacking. They seemed to enter a wait-and-see state and did not continue to attack.

The speed of the dead star also slowly increased, and it flew into the ruined area where the crystalline branches were floating, Lin found that it produced a...very strange gravitational force.

A part of the crystalline branches flew towards the dead star, and then fell heavily to the ground and smashed.

But some branches did not respond, they were not attracted by the dead star just like that.

While a large number of branches smashed on the ground... one branch did not break when it fell, and it slowly fell to the surface.

This branch, which is more than one hundred meters long, was actually transformed by Lin and transformed into a structure similar to an aircraft.

When it landed on the ground, it released a large number of Lin's troops. Most of them were pompoms. They quickly dispersed and explored this place.

The environment here looks very ordinary, there is no air, and all the matter on the surface is also composed of normal void matter.

Lin was still wondering if the dead star was a chaotic creature, but it seems that it is not, at least retaining most of the normal parts.

At the same time, Lin also saw a lot of murals during her exploration.

Large stones can be seen everywhere in the vast desert. There are various murals on many stones. They are almost the same as Ershimin’s paintings, with limbs posing in various poses. Painting.

Lin feels...this should be painted by a deserter, although no creature like deserter has been found here.

After exploring for a while, Lin found some caves on the surface.

After letting the pompoms go in and explore, they are all quite deep, and the strange thing about these holes is that they have air.

These airs are all ‘tethered’ at the entrance of the cave and will not leak out.

As Lin flew deeper and deeper, she also saw a considerable underground space.

One of Lin’s pompoms saw a large hole with a height of more than two hundred meters and a width of more than ten kilometers. There were huts all over this place.

This kind of hut is several meters high and looks like it was piled up with clay, and there are many...inhabitants moving between the huts.

But they are not like the deserters Lin knew before, they are more like dwarfs, very short, less than one meter in height.

Their eyes are very large, occupying most of the head, and their black pupils completely occupy the eye sockets.

And their skin is like dry tree bark, clinging to the bones to show the shape of bones.

In terms of Ershite's aesthetics, they are a very scary creature.

Lin thought they should belong to the deserters... Close relatives and the like. When they saw the pompons flying in, these short deserters screamed, and they took out some sharp rocks or stones. Throwing things like spears at the pompoms.

It seems that they are still living a very primitive life.

So Lin asked the pompom to randomly find one that seemed to be older, and flew to its head to pierce its head with fluff for detection.

This creature...it's kind of interesting.

The one tested by Lin has lived for thirty Ersh years, and their daily lives are here in a daze.

Because there is no food for them to find, and there is no land for them to cultivate.

Dry stars seem to be in the bubble region most of the time, as long as the dry stars are in the bubble region, they are in a daze.

And if the dry star leaves the bubble region and enters the chaos, this group of dwarf deserters will pop out.

They will directly expose their bodies to chaos, and their bodies will change at this time.

This kind of change has many results. Sometimes it makes their bodies bigger and taller, and their skins become fuller than they are now, and they can fly and even gain some super powers.

Some will change into a mass of unnamed objects, this change is no different from death, anyway, they can't move anymore.

Others will not change.

Finally, there are poor quality changes, that is, becoming shorter, drier, and weaker.

No matter what happens, if they can move after being soaked in the chaos for a short period of time, they will hide in the hole again.

Because staying in Chaos for a while will also fill their stomachs, it seems that Chaos has supplemented them with nutrition.

They therefore do not need to find food.

Then wait for the dry star to sail to the next bubble region.

Once it reaches the new bubble area, those with powerful changes that seem to be able to fly will all leave the dead star.

They want to live outside on their own with their new abilities, and those who can't leave, continue to squat in the cave and wait for the next dead star to fly into the chaos.

Of course, those murals were painted by them too. When they are soaked in chaos, they pay great attention to the same kind of people around them.

Any kind of the same kind that has undergone a good change will be recorded by the surrounding dwarf people in whatever posture they took before the change, and then painted on the nearby rocks. They plan to take this posture themselves next time. In order to make good changes.

But most of them are useless.

Just like the one tested by Lin, it was wonderfully alive for so long without any good or bad changes.

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