4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 297: Depths of the dead star

The dead star is slowly advancing.

Along with it is the destruction of the ruins of condensed creatures.

The floating crystalline branches fell to the surface one by one, smashing to pieces.

The battleships of the customized ring could not drive away anything on the dead star, but they did not flinch.

Facing the advancing dead star, these customized ring warships rushed over directly.

They slammed into the surface of the dry star at high speed, and of course the target was the one on the surface of the dry star that was still intact...the aircraft with chaotic nerves inside.

The cylindrical battleships of the customized ring approached the dead star, and they even spun at high speed and fell towards the surface.

'boom! ! ! ’

A column hit the wasteland hundreds of meters away from the aircraft, smashing a hole in the ground, and the entire column became powder.

Next, these cylinders hit the ground one after another. Although they appeared to be aimed at the aircraft, none of them hit the ground.

None of the columns seemed to be affected by a strange force and distorted the orbit, and all fell on the wasteland around the aircraft.

One by one, the cylinder shook the ground at the same time it was broken to pieces.

However, the custom ring inside was not broken.

When these columns smashed into pieces, the custom rings inside could be seen flying out, and they flew toward the Chaos Neural Aircraft.

They quickly surrounded the aircraft, but didn't do anything, just... surrounded there.

After hundreds of seconds, Lin discovered that a customized ring had moved. It began to spin at high speed, and a picture appeared in the center of the ring at the same time.

This picture looks like a chaotic scene, a large number of flickering fragments are constantly surging in the circle, and finally gathered into a ball and launched out.

The ball hit the shell of the aircraft, but the aircraft...nothing happens.

Then other customized rings also began to rotate. Different colors appeared in these rings, some were chaotic colors, some were various scenes, some were black, and some looked like empty scenery.

But whatever it is, it will eventually gather into a ball and launch it and hit the outer shell of the aircraft.

However, their attack seems to have no effect, and the outer shell of the aircraft has no cracks at all.

And this group of customized rings did not intend to go inside the aircraft, they continued to attack outside.

It seems that this may continue for a long time.

When they were besieging the aircraft, Lin also let the soldiers enter the depths of the ground of the dead star, and followed the burrow where the dwarf people lived to reach a deep place.

Lin found that many underground caves have a deep tunnel. What is more interesting is that no matter how deep they go, the environment inside is the same...cold, dry underground caves.

But the residents inside are different.

The deeper you move, the more deserted people can be seen. These deserted people are more peculiar. The skin of the shallowest layer is shriveled and looks as if it is directly attached to the bones. If you go deeper, the skin becomes more ...Wet.

They have blood-like fluid in their bodies, which makes their bodies more normal, according to Ershimin’s aesthetics.

Of course, they are still very short, so they are still short deserters.

Lin has a pompom that has gone down the tunnel for more than a thousand kilometers.

Every few kilometers, you can see the dwellings of a group of dwarf people, each group has more'blood' than the above.

At a depth of one thousand kilometers, Lin found that the short deserters living here were completely different from those close to the surface.

The group close to the surface is similar to a group of terrifying mummy to the Ersh people, while the deep group is very in line with the Ersh people's aesthetics.

They are still very short, but the body is full of blood. The skin looks smooth and plump, and the color is the normal color of Ershmin skin. With long shiny hair and huge eyes, Lin thinks they fit Ersh very well. People’s preferences.

However, this group of short deserters is so normal, mainly because their towns are built on nerve pillars.

In this underground cave, you can see a giant pillar with a thickness of several tens of meters passing by. All the short deserted buildings are built on this pillar, or to be precise, glued to it.

This dwarf deserter never goes out to contact chaos, what they do every day is to gnaw this pillar.

Of course, there is no day and night here, but the short deserters have a cycle of work and rest. After resting in the building, they come out to eat and rest.

This pillar is their foundation and food.

In fact, it is the bus nerve structure...the dry bus nerve.

After Lin used a pom-pom to test it, she found that the pillar was a small part of the bus's nerve, but it lacked a lot of ingredients.

Including the most important, some substances that convey the consciousness of the bus, they seem to have been dug out from the inside and disappeared.

Therefore, the bus nerve seemed to be dried up, without any consciousness.

However, it is not dry for the dwarf people, they can get ‘blood’ by gnawing on this nerve.

There is no liquid in the nerves, and it bites like grit, but when the dwarf people swallow the fragments of the nerves, they will undergo chaotic transformation in their bodies.

That is, from the original fragments to something like liquid, it becomes the blood of the dwarf deserters.

Therefore, the short deserters here look full.

This is only true at this one kilometer depth, because the nerves only extend here.

The dwarf deserters above are thinner and thinner than the other layers. In fact, they have no nerves to chew and their blood is slowly draining.

These blood will be lost with their activities and need to be continuously replenished, which is the same as ordinary cellular organisms.

Even so, the dwarf deserters are constantly moving upwards, and when they are close to the surface, they have almost dried up.

This is also the reason why the dwarf deserters above continue to enter the chaos but still have a huge number, because the following is continuing to add.

Obviously, if you go deeper, you can know where their source is.

These creatures look like parasites that gnaw bus nerves. When they are below 1,000 kilometers, bus nerves protruding from the walls of underground caves and short deserted villages built on bus nerves can often be seen.

They don't seem to have the power to threaten the bus at all. They are quite fragile, similar to the Ersh cubs.

The pompon went deep until it was almost three thousand kilometers... If it was an ordinary tumbling person, the environment here was a place of drastic changes and high temperatures.

The place is still the same, but...there is water.

In this underground area, Lin saw a lot of pools and some familiar creatures soaking in them.

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