4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 298: Move method

The withered Tumbler...was constantly wandering in the chaos.

After coming here, Lin discovered the reason for its ‘dry’.

There are many pools in this place, and something similar to vines is slowly growing in the pool.

They swayed constantly, trying to crawl towards the edge of the pool.

Others gathered together and twisted into a ball.

These vines are actually the nerve structure of the bus, and they grow ‘automatically’ here.

Then Lin can also use these nerves... to know some conditions of this dead star.

Lin felt that the birth source of the dead star should be regarded as the'Ersh Residue'.

When Ersh was in the chaotic space a long time ago, it was constantly experiencing the process of chaos.

Chaos continues to destroy Ersh's surface...and other parts, plus Ersh himself is also using chaos.

Although Ersh was able to control the change of the surface between chaos and normal, but every time he controlled it, he would always lose some.

Generally speaking, these lost parts are the stones and gravel on the surface. After the chaos, they do not change back, but are mixed into the chaos.

It can also be said that they are the'residue' of Ersh.

These ‘residues’ were combined together for some reason and became the prototype of this dead star.

At first, the dry star was very small and grew up slowly over the long years. Its'resources' mainly came from chaos.

After the chaos was ‘precipitated’, it turned into materials like rocks and gravel, which merged with the dead star.

However, only the initial core is from the residue of Ersh, and the later part is not necessarily.

The formation of the dead star is similar to the normal void tumbler, but there are also many different places, for example, all its structures are accumulated little by little like a sand castle.

The inside is completely different from ordinary tumbling people, in fact it is what Lin saw, mainly composed of sand and stone caves.

Such a world can still maintain stability, which seems to have something to do with the ‘rules’ of the chaotic space.

Originally, the dry star was always located in a bubble area. This bubble area was a bit special. It looked like a giant customized ring, and the surrounding chaos would often enter the bubble and become an entity.

It seems that this bubble has filtered the chaotic information, allowing them to "sediment".

Later, withered star did not stay here any more, it left this place... and moved into chaos.

The reason why it has the ability to act is because of the relationship between a certain chaotic creature.

This chaotic creature is very similar to Ersh's chaotic nerve, and it can only exist in places like caves.

To be precise, it is a place surrounded by a stable substance.

Such chaotic creatures are more difficult to detect. They will not move around and do nothing. If it does not affect the incoming creatures like the chaotic nerve, it is difficult to detect such chaotic creatures here.

And this chaotic creature is indeed inside the dead star, and at the same time it is slowly'growing'.

Originally it was only located in a certain cave underground, but it slowly grew and spread all over the ground of the dead star.

Then, like a chaotic nerve, it controls the ‘domain’ it covers.

The chaotic nerve can activate the original function of the condensed biological building, and this chaotic creature... activates the dead star.

It ‘activated’ the dead star first.

That is to let some creatures appear under the dry star, such as dwarf deserters.

In addition to this, there are some other creatures, which are considered to be'constructed' by chaotic creatures, and they are very suitable for this underground environment.

Finally, it made the entire dead star begin to move.

The dead star itself does not have the function of moving, but it moves in the chaos...the usual method is not necessary.

This chaotic creature uses the ‘desire for chaos’ movement method.

Simply put, it is to have a strong curiosity about the chaotic environment and desire to enter the chaos.

In the end, the dead star will be ‘pulled’ and fly into chaos.

After entering the chaos, it will not always be maintained, but it will continue to move.

Then the dead star continues to move in the chaos and is eroded by the chaos, but it can always reach the next bubble region before it becomes completely chaotic.

During the journey of the dead star, more bus structures appeared underground, including the bus nerves Lin saw now.

This bus nerve traverses the ground, but it is not a normal bus nerve...It has no thinking of its own, and it lacks many parts.

However, it can record the thoughts of Chaos creatures here.

Now Lin can understand the behavior of the chaotic creatures that occupied the interior of the dead star from the neural structure.

It has been controlling the movement of the dead star, and at the same time supporting the ecology inside the dead star.

More and more creatures were born in the dead star. During this period of time, the deserters also lived a relatively normal life. They would hunt those creatures and cultivate something similar to plants.

But at some point, the chaotic creature suddenly left.

Similar to the chaotic nerve transferred to other buildings, the chaotic creatures here also disappear.

The main reason for the disappearance was that the dry star hit something else... something about the same size as the dry star.

The collision did not lead to the destruction of the dead star. In fact, it received almost no damage, but the chaotic creature inside... just disappeared.

After it disappeared, the life environment inside the dry star quickly collapsed, and the creatures here became abnormal.

All creatures are made up of chaotic creatures, but they cannot live after chaotic creatures leave.

Their bodies will begin to shed some skin or limbs, and slowly die.

Among these creatures, only the short deserters survived.

The main reason is that they found that gnawing on the nerve structure can maintain the normal body, and if they don’t gnaw, they will continue to wither.

But the nerves will gnaw less and less. At first they fought a war to **** the nerves, but the war soon stopped.

Because they found that being immersed in chaos outside can also change their bodies.

In fact, they don't know that gnawing nerves will transform'blood' in their bodies, but they just know that they can live by doing so.

The dwarf deserter tribe reached an agreement that after gnawing their nerves, they would move to the surface to contact chaos.

At the same time, the bus nerves here are still growing, but they are growing very slowly.

Although it lost control, the dead star continued to move, which was actually related to chaotic nerves.

After understanding the general situation of this place, Lin felt that she already knew...how to control this dead star.

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