4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 299: Fly away

Now Lin has left the bubble area of ​​the condensed creature, driving in chaos.

Currently Lin is driving...withered star.

The dead star itself can be controlled by thinking, and it is relatively simple to control, because there are many incomplete bus nerve structures in the underground.

Because of their incompleteness, they can't think about themselves, although they can store information.

And Lin can repair them, as long as the incomplete bus structure is repaired into a complete one, then they will think.

But Lin didn't fix them completely, but made some adjustments.

Under Lin's transformation, these bus nerves did not produce their own consciousness, but Lin could control their thoughts through the arms, so as to control the actions of the dead star.

Now, withered stars can move in chaos... also because of the use of neural structures for thinking.

This kind of movement is very interesting, not just to go where you want, but to move while analyzing.

The surrounding chaos is a huge group of flickering information, Lin can try to parse this information through the bus nerve.

Feel the chaos on the surface, try what is contained in the chaos, and understand each flashing fragment.

Just try to analyze the chaos and the dead star can move.

Like to analyze the chaos of the ‘East’, the dead star will move towards the ‘East’.

Simply put, you can analyze the chaos on which side you want to go. Even if you can't find any results, just make the chaos in that direction a little clearer, and you can move in that direction.

But it doesn't make much sense just to move, after all, I don't know which direction is what.

So this requires a custom ring.

All the custom rings before were trying to attack the Chaos Nerve aircraft, but they had no effect, so Lin caught all these custom rings.

Currently Lin puts them under the ground and locked them in a simple cage.

This group of customized rings, including the captain, can play a guiding function. Lin only needs to use the bus nerve to analyze the chaos, and then input the slightly analyzed chaotic content into the ring of Dingzhi.

The input method is that Lin directly sticks some units on them and transfers them directly with her brain.

The customized ring will turn the resolved chaos... into clearer information like ‘instinct’.

From the appearance, the pictures in their ring will continuously change colors in this process. These changed colors are the chaos that they have ‘cleaned’.

Although it still looks strange, in fact this is the surrounding map.

Different color blocks, flicker frequency, etc. all represent the ‘concentration’ of the surrounding chaos.

The chaos in the chaotic space is not exactly the same, just like the seawater in different areas of the sea, the subtle substances contained in the sea are very different, and the chaos is the same. Through analysis, the'concentration' of the surrounding chaos can be judged to understand The position and distance to some bubble areas nearby.

Then go to the nearby bubble area... it's easy.

The dry star moves in the chaos, and the chaos will slowly erode the surface, that is, chaotic rocks and gravel.

This speed is very slow, so this dead star can last for a long time...At the same time, the deserters are also on the surface at this time, trying to make Chaos change themselves.

After a period of travel, the dead star reached a nearby bubble area.

There is nothing larger than one centimeter in this bubble area, it looks very empty.

And what Lin mainly came to look for was not the ‘physical object’, as long as he came to a new bubble area and told Ersh about the situation here, it would make it recall some things in the past.

Ersh wandered in these places a long time ago, which is also normal.

The bubble area is almost indispensable for many creatures in chaotic space.

Some creatures with less mobility will experience the birth and death of civilization in a bubble area.

As for the more powerful creatures, they use the bubble area as a rest stop and move between different areas.

Lin quickly left the bubble zone, because Ersh had only stayed here for a while, and there was no useful information.

Driving the dry star, Lin continued to the next bubble area.

During the movement, Lin also allowed the troops to quickly spread inside the dead star. Lin mainly used the dead star here as a material and used it as a base to create a large number of troops, and then completely transformed the inside of the dead star.

In this case, Lin would have a...Chaos dedicated bus.

In addition, there are still many things Lin didn't know about Withered Star, which needs to be understood carefully.

When Lin controlled the dry star to move, Lin found that the dry star occasionally deviated from the direction...this was actually caused by chaos.

The Chaos Nerve can affect the dead stars from a long distance, which may be the reason why they are all works of Ersh.

After the chaotic creature that originally controlled the dry star left, it was the chaotic nerve that attracted the dry star to the condensed biological bubble.

But its influence is not great, so Lin now puts the chaos nerve in a hole in the dead star and takes it forward.

Soon, Lin reached the next bubble zone.

This area... has a lot of content.

It feels like the scene of an impact, the entire bubble area is more than 100,000 kilometers in diameter.

Half of the area is a large amount of black matter. These things are a bit like paste, soft and sticky, and they are hundreds of meters in size.

The other half is a lot of golden material, these... just like gold, it looks very hard.

They are also hundreds of meters in size, and all the "golden" are tapered.

They aimed the pointed end in the direction of the black object, and in the center of the contact between the two sides, a lot of "gold" could be seen stuck on the black paste, and some penetrated the past entirely, causing the paste to fall apart.

It seemed that the gold was attacking the black paste, but they were completely still.

It felt like a picture to Lin, fixing the moment the two armies collided here.

And this place... Ersh was not impressed either.

When Ersh came here a long time ago, it was just a very ordinary area with some normal void debris.

It seems that this kind of wonderful...collision scenery was formed after Ersh left.

You should investigate it.

Thinking about it, Lin controlled the dry star to fly towards these things.

Because they are denser, Lin will bump into a lot of them while flying towards them.

When the black paste hits the surface of a dry star, it will bubbling and dissipate violently as if it is boiling, but the'gold' will not respond.

When Lin asked the troops to examine them carefully, Lin found that everything in the entire place moved.

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