Everything that stopped... started the activity again.

Golden cones, and those black pastes.

Suddenly they all started to slam into each other.

The impact process lasted for a very short time. Within a few hundred seconds, these objects covering the entire bubble area just collided, and then disappeared completely.

Soon, everything here was gone, and the bubble area became a...clean space.

Lin thinks this is the ‘removal’ effect of this bubble area.

The expulsion standard for each bubble area is different. At the moment when the objects collide, they transform into a state that conforms to expulsion.

So they all disappeared from here.

And now, something new quickly appeared here.

Lin found that the two halves of the bubble were quickly occupied by new things, and a large black area appeared on one side. This was different from the previous paste. It was a pitch black similar to the void, and there were many shapes in it. Various lumps floated.

On the other side, there is a scene of continuous flickering, similar to the chaos outside, but it does not flicker so fast.

Obviously... it can be seen that half is Chaos Space, and the other half is Mead Void.

This place seems to simulate a scene where two voids collide, because they are just like before... they collided together.

Then there was a wonderful change in the location of the collision, and the pure pitch black and the flickering color mixed together, becoming a very strange state.

Although it looks like a mixture of various colors, it can also be seen that some creatures appear in the mixture.

In other words... something that looks like a living thing.

At this time, Lin found an object flying over.

This object also appeared when the two sides collided. It looked a bit like a death battleship. It was an object several kilometers in size composed of a bunch of fragments of different shapes, but its color was colorful.

In fact, the mixture produced by the collision of the two sides is almost all colored but not flickering.

This colorful "Death Battleship" quickly approached the dead star and landed on the surface of the dead star.

When it landed completely on the ground, one side of it cracked, and many...circles flew out of the crack.

These...looks like a customized ring, the only difference from the customized ring is that there is no picture in the center of the ring, it is empty.

After they flew out, they approached the ground, and the gravel on the ground suddenly floated through the center of these circles like a stream.

There are hundreds of rings, each of them doing similar actions... letting the gravel go through itself.

Lin felt that they should be detecting dead stars, and they could control the gravel in some wonderful ways.

However, not all the gravel here is ordinary gravel. When the gravel detection of this group of rings was carried out, the sand on the ground not far away suddenly moved and rushed towards the rings like a sea wave.

This group of circles reacted, and they immediately flew towards the crack of the battleship, but the speed was much slower than that of the sand waves.

Many rings were directly swallowed by sand waves.

Of course, these sands were actually made by Lin, and they began to detect these rings quickly... Lin found that they were not the same kind of customized rings, but a chaotic creature.

Like the black and white balls, their bodies are slowly changing.

And the source of these rings is the "scene" Lin just saw.

This bubble area simulates the scene when two voids collide. At the moment when the scene collides, some creatures will be born.

Just like them.

But they are not'born' for the first time.

The scene displayed in this bubble area is mainly a big event that occurred in the chaotic space.

Events that may appear in the future and affect the entire chaotic space will be displayed here.

As long as this big event has not occurred, the bubble area will continue to show its scene.

In fact, after a major event has occurred, it will continue to be displayed until the next major event is confirmed.

Before Lin saw a lot of things colliding scenes, it was a big event that happened at some time before, but now it has become...a scene of two void collisions, indicating that the collision is the next big event.

These chaotic creatures that resemble custom rings can be regarded as creatures that have experienced many such big events.

Every time a major event appears here, there will generally be a lot of'materials' colliding with each other.

This group of creatures will be born in the collision, but their life span is not very long, and they have no ability to eat.

So they will die after a while.

But because the big events in the bubble area continue, this kind of chaotic creatures will continue to be born.

Most of the time, this group of creatures died before they had had time to do anything or knew what was going on.

And from a certain point, a group of chaotic creatures suddenly discovered that they were not unique.

They noticed in some way that they had had many similar chaotic creatures born in the collision before.

At the same time, the future will be the same. Countless chaotic creatures are born in the collision and then die.

After discovering this, the group of creatures began to try to leave some information to the next batch of born creatures.

After their death and the birth of the next batch of creatures, these messages were indeed found.

Then, these creatures also tried to leave information to future creatures.

In this way, they passed on from generation to generation...

Each generation of creatures will have some new discoveries. With the accumulation of countless generations of information, they understand that this place they live in is a chaotic space, and they also know that what is shown here is a simulated scene of a big event.

They were born in this simulated scene.

Then each generation of chaotic creatures will discover as much new information as possible.

In fact, they are not the same. The shapes of these born creatures are related to the big events.

Like the group Lin encountered, they are in the form of a customized ring because they are now appearing as void collision events.

And because their thinking structure is similar to the real customized ring, Lin can detect their thinking.

And Lin is most interested in this bubble area, why does it show these... events?

But it seems that there is not much time left to study this.

Because Lin discovered that the big event had already begun.

Although I can't feel it on the side of Chaos Space, it can be clearly seen on the side of Mead Void... Chaos is swallowing everything there.

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