4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 301: exchange?

The erosion is spreading.

However, the residents of Mead didn't seem to resist too much.

Now their reactions are very different from before. When the chaos had a possible impact on the Mead Void, the Death Ship was actively fighting back.

Now, Lin found that most of them were not fighting back, many were trying to escape, and some were not moving at all.

Many creatures in the Mead Void have similar reactions. They have no resistance and are allowed to be swallowed by Chaos.

But not all creatures are like this. The less creatures they know, the more afraid of chaos.

The Mead Void is full of ‘buildings’, and these things have been constructed since the Mead Void was formed.

Their forms are very diverse, ranging from small tumbling people to other strange shapes.

There are many residents in these buildings, and many residents... are completely ignorant.

They don't know that the place where they live is the Mead Void, and they don't know all the things in the entire Void. They just think they are ordinary creatures living here.

Some creatures know the general situation of Mead's void.

The less they know, the more they are afraid of the current situation. They try their best to escape, and those who know... don't have much reaction.

They all seem to have gotten some signals to keep them from resisting.

On the side of Chaos Space, Lin saw a larger reaction, even though she saw not many creatures.

Lin left some units in each bubble area that she passed. These units can be seen... many creatures appeared in the bubble area.

These creatures are mostly solid chaotic creatures.

Many creatures came to the originally very empty bubble area. Lin felt that they were coming for refuge... They were all flying towards the center of the bubble area.

And there are many creatures constantly flying from the chaos to the bubble area.

This is obviously what happened in the chaos that caused these creatures to continue to gather towards the bubble area, but Lin did not see creatures like shadows.

There are more and more chaotic creatures, and tens of thousands of creatures have arrived in an originally empty bubble area that Lin had visited before.

Lin thinks it's amazing, because there are so many...solid chaotic creatures in the chaos.

It is difficult to find them when moving in chaos.

As more and more creatures increased, the edge of the bubble area also changed, and large black areas appeared at the edge of the bubble.

Lin couldn't feel the emotions of these chaotic creatures, but they all moved closer to the center, seemingly scared.

In this way, the erosion here and the erosion of the Mead Void are completely opposite. Everything in the Mead Void seems to be chaosing rapidly, but here instead, Mead is becoming void.

The chaos outside the bubble area looked as dark as it was being eroded by the Mead Void.

Moreover, it is not just eroding the outside, Lin found that a lot of black gathered in one spot, and kept squeezing inward.

Suddenly, the place where the black was gathered exploded, and a large amount of black poured into the bubble area.

What's more interesting is that after these blacks enter the bubble area, they solidify from the original liquid-like state into various shapes.

There are spheres, cubes, and there are many different...looks like the buildings in the Mead Void.

Chaos creatures knew there was nowhere to go, and they also started to fight back.

The counterattacks of these chaotic creatures are quite interesting. Most creatures emit flashing things.

When these flickering and indeterminate objects hit the black aggregates, they will immediately make black slowly appear in color.

Then the black objects will flash together, and finally disappear.

This is similar to the previous expulsion. In all bubble areas, avoiding chaotic creatures are trying to eliminate black objects.

Except for Lin, the bubble area that shows the big scene.

The big scene continues to be displayed here, and there is no black object coming in from outside.

But Lin felt that this place would soon be eroded.

The chaotic creatures in the bubble area could not last long, because more and more black objects poured in, and finally they could only stay together and be swallowed by black.

Those black objects gathered together and seemed to become solid, but they sucked them in when they encountered chaotic creatures.

And when Lin’s troops were touched, it felt like they had entered a dark space.

This feeling is not the same as Mead's Void, it is actually a normal void.

It's just that there is no light around, it looks like it's all black.

As for the chaotic creatures, they are also in this pitch black, and they are all motionless.

Lin asked the arms to detect some chaotic creatures and found that the changes in their bodies had all stopped.

For Chaos creatures, it seems that this is already dead.

At the same time... Lin also asked some units to go outside the bubble area, and the chaos outside was completely eroded by pitch black.

Saying that they merged, it made Lin feel that the two voids were...exchanging.

Chaos was switched to the Mead Void, and Mead Void was switched to Chaos.

Regarding this strange phenomenon... Lin also told the captain.

The captain was frightened at first that these two places collided, but after Lin said it, it showed no fright.

The captain felt that this should be Mead's plan.

Because the Mead Void is larger than the Chaos Space, if chaos all flood into the Mead Void, it will not occupy the Mead Void.

Maybe the Mead Void will in turn affect Chaos, allowing Chaos to slowly'calm down'.

On the chaotic space side, the Mead Void can be completely occupied, making Mead vanity.

In the end, the Mead Void had completely absorbed the chaotic space and turned into a...more massive void.

The captain thought so.

It is amazing that it had no such idea before, so it constantly tried to prevent the void collision.

But now, it feels this is a good thing.

Other Mead void creatures may also have this idea... so they didn't resist that much.

Although I don't know how the Mead Void proceeded and whether the final result will be like this, in short, there are only Chaos creatures...reluctant to accept this result.

Although it didn't make much sense, each bubble area was completely swallowed by pitch black, including the ruins of condensed creatures before.

Lin felt that maybe those large chaotic creatures were unwilling to accept it, like a shadow.

Before the shadow was divided into two and flew away, now Lin still has troops in it.

Some of these units can leave the shadow cover to see where it is. Lin found that the shadow cover is not in chaos, but a big place.

This should be regarded as the biggest bubble area Lin has ever seen, if it is also a bubble area.

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