4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 305: Constructed new world

"This world...seems to be intact."

"However, it is newly constituted."

This is Ersh’s ‘Chaotic Battleship’.

Now that there is no chaos in it, all the chaos has flowed out... so this ‘battleship’ has now become an ordinary space.

But it is not completely ordinary, because there is also one...'Ersh' in it.

Lin is on this ‘Ersh’ now, observing the situation here, and at the same time...sha Lin is also here.

It also has a lot of interest in this Ersh, so it is now standing on the beach with Lin's Veronica, watching the ocean being slightly...formed.

Because this ‘Ersh’ is made of chaos.

In fact, the chaos did not completely flow out, there was still a part of it. When Lin came in to explore, she found that the remaining chaos here was forming the ocean of Ersh.

As for the surface, it was there when it came in, but Lin thought it should be made of chaos.

But the Ersh people here do not seem to be composed of chaos.

There are many Ershi people in this place, including Lin who is on the beach now. They are all looking around here, and it seems very strange why they are here.

Lin also tested a few before and found that this group of Ersh people had more interesting memories.

They have their own names, addresses, jobs and identities, as well as all the knowledge of this era, but no memory of life.

They have no idea why they are in this place, what they have experienced in this life, or why this ocean is slowly forming.

Directly, it seems that a large number of small particles are quickly gathering together to form ocean water.

So all the Ershites here are in a very confused state. Although they can slowly analyze what they should do with their current knowledge, this state will last for a long time.

"This place does have this feeling..." When the structure of the ocean seemed almost complete, Sha Lin said to Lin: "Maybe your birth is somewhat related to chaos."

"……is it."

Lin doesn't have any special feelings about this place, but she must study what is going on in this place.

"What the **** is going on here!" Suddenly, an Ershman on the beach shouted: "Why am I here! Exactly...what am I doing!"

Its shout aroused the resonance of some Ersh people, and many Ersh people began to shout.

In addition to Ershmin, other creatures can be seen here, such as birds. Their behavior is nothing special.

Lin found it interesting.

Because Ersh has constructed many creatures, it seems that Ersh people have been chosen as ‘long-term residents’ in many places.

Many worlds created by Ersh, including the world in this chaos warship, are full of Ersh people.

Even Ersh, who has lost his memory now, treats Ersh people... better.

Ersh himself thinks so, it's not that the creatures like Ershmin have anything special in themselves...but they belong to a kind of creature that predicts the end.

Although Ersh had thought about the situation after the extinction of Ersh people, it was a speculation that had not yet been fully settled. Book Barda

Ersh always predicts the results of what it sees after countless years, and there are usually many guesses, and it is not entirely certain.

The future that Ersh was completely sure of should only be the people of Ersh.

... But now Ersh is not sure whether it is like this.

In general, the proportion of Ersh people appearing in various Ersh structured worlds is much higher than that of other intelligent creatures.

Although there are many other creatures.

After a period of confusion in this world, the Ersh people began to organize their knowledge and start a normal life.

The Ersh people here are in an era when the world has just been unified, which can be regarded as a rather chaotic era.

Because all kinds of thinking, race, language, etc. are integrated, they have not yet fully adapted.

In addition to hanging out among them, Lin continued to conduct various tests.

Although this space is no longer chaotic, it is still under the ‘rule of chaos’.

That's everything here, including this Ersh, which is essentially chaotically formed. Like a dead star, it does not have a high-temperature core. The Tumbler is mainly composed of some rubble that is similar to the surface of the earth.

Although any ‘matter’ here looks almost the same as normal void matter, when the space is taken out, it will quickly become chaos and slowly dissipate.

But as long as they are not taken out, they are the same as ordinary normal void matter, and they will not keep changing internally like chaotic creatures.

As for the Ersh people here can be taken out, they are not made of chaos.

In other words, Ersh used some methods to store a large group of Ersh people inside this Chaos Warship a long time ago.

This group of Ersh citizens was only injected with knowledge, without any memory of life, and then Ersh made some settings for the chaos here.

It may be set that when the space is opened, the chaos here will form such an Ersh, and then wake up the Ersh people, they can live a normal life here.

Ersh can do this to Chaos... Lin feels very interesting, but even so it doesn't affect the normal void.

Why is this? From the inspection point of view, the ‘matter’ composed of these chaos is almost the same as the normal void.

As for the'matter' in the original chaotic space, it is quite different from the normal void.

Sha Lin believes that Ersh's chaos research technology is related to Lin's consciousness.

The more amazing thing is that Ersh can't remember the internal composition of the Chaos Warship.

Its memory of the Chaos Warship, only Ersh used it to attack a creature before.

This kind of creature is rather peculiar. It is generally not easy to be considered a creature. Perhaps Ersh was the first to study it and regard it as a creature.

This kind of creature called star silence makes the starry sky silent... but in fact it does not make the starry sky silent, mainly the civilization in the starry sky. Ersh has noticed a phenomenon before, which can be called'civilization shrinkage' .

If a civilization invents a device that can place its mind in a dream-like world... they may just stop the development of the entire civilization, and then completely hide underground, they create something that can last forever or for a long time. The automatic device allows all individuals of civilization to maintain life, and then put their thoughts in the'dream' forever to enjoy.

It looks like a normal phenomenon, and some civilizations do.

But after studying, Ersh discovered that many civilizations in an area have entered this state.

This is the effect of "Xing Jing".

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