4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 306: Pleasure

"Should we continue to live in this painful reality, or gain eternal happiness in the virtual world?"

The'Ersh' in this chaos warship is developing rapidly.

Lin found that they are developing much faster than ordinary Ershites.

Since there was no life memory at first, it only took a short time for everyone to go to their own jobs.

Then, they began to develop rapidly.

Their development direction is mainly entertainment, and they are constantly developing various entertainments.

Their various entertainment activities, works, etc. are much more than those Ershe folk society that Lin knew before.

Although they are surprised that there are no other tumbling people in the surrounding "starry sky", they have not studied too much and put almost all resources on research and entertainment.

Lin has been observing them, and at the same time watching Mead's void.

Nothing special happened to Mead Void and Chaos Space itself, but the Chaos Space was constantly forming something.

And after this'Ersh' developed to three pompom years, this group of Ersh people invented the'perpetual motion machine'.

Although there is no chaos in the chaos warship, there are still the rules of chaos space here.

For example, the ‘matter’ here can be temporarily chaotic and restructured.

This group of Ersh people slowly noticed the rules of this space during the development of this period, and they immediately studied it.

After all, as long as the excrement and waste are chaotically reconstructed, there will be no more consumption, and resources will no longer be a problem.

In their research, they have created something similar to a perpetual motion machine, and with continuous improvements and upgrades...Finally, they have created a system called the "Eternal Paradise".

It can allow the Ersh people to be immersed in the virtual world forever, and the "Eternal Paradise" can maintain the energy of all the Ersh people in this virtual world.

In fact, they are not really eternal and perpetual, even under the rules of chaotic space, and the resource and energy will be exhausted sooner or later.

It's just that this system can greatly extend the time to run out of energy.

Of course, the'life span' of the Ersh people living in this virtual world will also be very long.

After feeling that the Eternal Paradise system was perfected, this group of Ersh people began to act quickly. Most of the Ersh people decided not to continue to spend a short life in the'reality', they wanted to enter the virtual world to enjoy eternal happiness .

Although a small number of Ersh people were unwilling, it was of no use.

After the decision was made, Ershimin began to act.

This action is mainly to dig underground to create a huge underground space, and then let all the people on the surface move below.

Because there is no high temperature or other obstacles to excavation in this ‘Ursh’ underground, they can drill into very deep places.

Underground, the Ershite built a huge life-sustaining device, which is managed by the Eternal Paradise system.

Every Ershmin stopped their life in reality, connected to the virtual world through the eternal paradise, and obtained endless happiness in the virtual.

Until the end...

"It's gone, Veronica classmate..."

This is a vast desert, and a special building also stands here.

This building looks like a two-story house, but it is actually an entrance to the underground.

Now almost all Ersh people have moved, but there are also a few who do not want to stay on the ground like this.

Like the classmates of Veronica, Veronica itself is not for exploration but for life. During this time, it lived on the ‘campus’ together with the Ersh people here.

This is also because Shalin wants to carry on this kind of life here.

In general, the Ersh people's thinking here is no different from other Ersh people, but it is amazing that they all support living in eternal virtual entertainment, giving up all future development plans.

Generally speaking, although the opportunity to recognize the void is lost by doing this, it is still very attractive to these individual creatures.

It's just that if it's the ordinary Ersh people Lin encountered before, maybe only a small part of it supports this.

Here is almost all.

The "eternal paradise" created by the rules of chaos can connect all Ersh people into a virtual world similar to a dream.

The classmates like Veronica wanted to go in, but because Lin didn't go in, they also stayed.

"Veronica, are we really not going in?"

At this time, a classmate said, "In another year, they will start the Scorched Earth Destroyer to sweep the ground."

The Ersh people didn't just hide in, they also prepared a kind of ‘weapon of destruction’.

The function of this weapon is to completely erase all the empty buildings on the surface and the traces of civilization.

Starting a year later is a time for those Ersh people who have not moved down to choose or escape.

Although it will not bomb every location on the surface, it may be affected by staying on the surface.

"That thing won't start." Shalin said, "Now the whole world belongs to us. Think about what we can play here?"

"Yeah... Now that there are no people in those cities, we can go there and play casually!"

After a classmate proposed it, everyone seemed to agree, so they all decided to move on to a nearby city.

Sha Lin herself seemed to want to play, and Lin mainly cared about Xing Jing.

According to Ersh’s records, it first called this phenomenon a ‘civilized graveyard’.

In the past, many civilizations in a certain area of ​​the void entered this state of enjoyment, and made devices that they thought could move forever... or close to it, and then hide themselves.

The hidden spots of these civilizations are regarded as graveyards by the Ersh people, and these civilizations usually eliminate all traces of life around them.

The main thing is to make alien creatures feel that there is no life here so as not to disturb them, but it is easy for Ersh to disturb them.

At first, Ersh was only testing the reasons for these civilizations to enter into pleasure, and the structure of ‘perpetual motion machines’, and did not disturb them.

They all have many similarities. According to a large number of clues, Ersh found the Star Silence and launched an attack on it.

This is the chaos warship.

The essence of Xing Jing is a more interesting ‘imaginary creature’.

It allows many different species to move towards a common direction of development. It will only appear when these creatures act in one step.

Ersh somehow trapped it in this chaotic warship.

Now if Lin and these Ershi people go to the city together, they might see some starry silence...

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