4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 310: Cognitive side

Creatures are always cognizing the world around them.

The greater the gap between creatures, the more different the world they see.

In this place, it is said that no matter what creatures, the world they perceive is exactly the same.

In other words, after all creatures come here, their perception of the world will be forcibly distorted to synchronize with a certain creature.

...It is said to be so.

Lin's current pompom is in ruins, and there are all kinds of incomplete buildings and plants growing on these buildings.

It seems nothing special.

This is the scene that appears on the other side of the entrance to the special space in the Chaos Battleship, and here is also a Ersh.

To be precise... is incomplete Ersh.

Linyou flew high to test here. Lin found that the Ersh here is missing some parts, whether it is land or the sea, there will be a few missing pieces, as if it has been penetrated, as for the center of the earth, most empty.

It can be said that...there is only an incomplete surface.

Although Lin had thought of it before, Lin also saw some related diaries in the ruins of the city that recorded the situation here.

This incomplete Ersh is actually a manifestation recognized by Ersh people.

The Ersh that the Ersh people have known in hundreds of Ersh years will be displayed here.

For example, if the Ersh people have seen a certain piece of land, then this land will appear here, and the Ersh people are very familiar with their creations such as buildings and vehicles, and these things will also appear here.

The conditions for appearing here are said to be carefully recognized, such as staring at a stone carefully, using your eyes and brain to observe as far as possible with the permission of the tissue structure, and feeling its shape, the stone will appear. it's here.

Generally speaking, as long as there are Ershimin staring at a place for long enough.

At the same time, things must be displayed with sufficiently high biological cognition.

The cities of the Ersh people can basically be displayed here completely, and the places such as the wilderness and mountains...Many of the Ersh people have never been to, so they will not appear, and those places will appear. Incomplete situation.

As for the shallow sea area of ​​the ocean, the integrity is relatively high, because what cetaceans recognize is also counted.

But what Lin cares more about is what kind of space it is.

In fact, some Ershi people have been here before, and Lin can see the records of these Ersh people in some ruins.

An Ershite wrote a very complete record on some building debris. The reason it was carved on the building was simply that it could be kept for a long time, and it was also convenient for later generations to see.

This Ershite is developing entertainment for the whole Ershite, and arrived here before he entered the underground.

Of course, he didn't enter through that huge opening, but suddenly fell into a small door.

Then it spent a lot of time here to survive... researching what's going on in this place.

At the same time, a group of other Ershi people who strayed into this place were gathered.

Life here is not very difficult, because food will also be recognized here, but living things will not.

Therefore, the spoilage rate of food is much slower than outside.

After the Ershmin found enough resources, he began to study how to go back, and finally he discovered the essence of the cognitive world here.

Everything here... is what the Ersh people outside recognize, so there are so many gaps. many

It is actually not difficult to realize this. Just like the whole incomplete Ersh, most of the stones here are hollow, because many stones are not recognized by Ersh citizens.

However, the inner walls of the hollow stones are intact, and although these stones are only a shell, they are thick enough.

According to Ershimin’s cognition, most stones should only have a very thin surface layer.

At this point, this Ershimin didn't know what was going on.

In short, it still regards this as a world of cognition.

The most important thing for it is to find a way back... but it hasn't researched it yet, and some abnormal phenomena have appeared in the gathered Ersh people.

They saw very weird things, so they were greatly frightened, and the weird things that the Ersh people said, after seeing them, they found that they were just common ordinary objects.

At first it was just regarded as a ring sense, but gradually more and more Ershi people showed this phenomenon, and they couldn't ignore it.

Later, the Ershmin who wrote the diary determined that this was a phenomenon called cognitive distortion.

The Ershi people who see weird things are because their senses have changed, and the things they see are different from before.

Even if they are the same cellular organisms, they also observe with eyes, and the world in the eyes of many organisms is completely different from Ershmin.

Some creatures are just the difference in color, and some are the shapes of the objects they see, and even the whole world is very different. In the age when the technology is very advanced, the Ersh people still can't imagine what their world looks like.

And now... these Ershites also felt that after their senses were distorted, the world had undergone tremendous changes.

Some Ershites went crazy because the surroundings became too weird and totally unbearable.

Of course, not only sight, but other sense organs such as their hearing and smell also began to change. The completely mutated Ershmin found that the originally normal language had become a kind of weird noise in their hearing.

This... makes them crazy.

After more and more Ersh people went crazy, the Ersh people who wrote diaries were not immune. After its hearing mutated, it found that the world was full of strange sounds it had never heard before, but there was a voice... Or the information directly transmitted to its mind tells it that all of this is to unite all perceptions and turn countless worlds in countless biological senses into one.

Therefore, it believed that this should be done by some alien creature, and this alien creature wanted to distort and mutate the perception of all creatures.

Although it finally changed its various sense organs, it still wrote down its own diary of this period of time through unvaried sense of touch.

Then I didn't know where it was going, Lin thought it shouldn't die.

Lin also wanted to see what the world they saw with their sensory mutations. There was not much description in the diary, but it was mentioned that after its vision was mutated, the vehicles on the road looked like dinosaurs and the plants looked like flesh and blood.

The plants here were not recognized, but some Ersh people came here with seeds and the like that grew up here.

From this point of view, this place seems to be a very interesting place, and Mead Void also wants to do something here.

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