4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 311: projection

"Sure enough, this void is still a lot of strange creatures."

"Although it is interesting to say that the unforeseen places are also very interesting, relatively speaking, the organisms may not be that diverse."

The world of the knower is what Shalin now calls it.

It seemed like it was fun here, so Shalin came in too. It was sitting on the tall building with Lin's Veronica, watching the sun shining from the sky.

There is no sun in the world of the knower, perhaps because the Ersh people in this era know little about the sun.

But they know something about sunlight, so this world has the weird phenomenon of sunlight but no sun.

These lights seem to emerge from the sky out of thin air, continuously shining on the ground, so the plants here will grow.

There are many other strange characteristics here. Generally speaking, as long as it is in the cognition of normal void creatures, it may appear here.

"There are almost no creatures outside of the'rules' in the unforeseen land." Shalin said, blocking the sunlight in the sky with her hands: "But here, many creatures try to avoid the rules and create their own rules..."

"But are these creatures trying to create their own rules in another kind of rules?"

"What are the rules?" Shalin said: "Generally speaking, things cannot be done in the void, but why? Do you often have such questions?"

"Occasionally," Lin replied.

"I think..." Shalin laughed: "Ersh's purpose should be to find them, to find these monsters hiding in the deep space, there may be no special reason, just want to know them, pure curiosity... only This emotion will last forever."

"However, it shouldn't come for curiosity." As she said, Shalin pointed away.

I saw a black object flying over there quickly. It looked like a ‘battleship’ sent by Mead from the void before, but it was only a small piece, only tens of meters in size.

"It's probably carrying out an ecological infection." Shalin said: "It's like it did to the chaotic space."

Lin said, "Is it ecologically infected?"

"It twists this place to a certain extent, and then makes this place give birth to its own creatures." Shalin said: "These ‘infected’ voids will eventually give birth to...the Mead void species."

"Maybe because of the characteristics of the chaotic space, the speed of change there is quite fast, maybe not so fast here, but what I want to know is how the makers here will react, and why does it create this place? Is it just for fun? Or its own ecology? But in any case, it is quite strong."

It is true.

Lin felt the same way. In short, this cognitive space is related to the cognitive apocalypse mentioned by Ersh.

Its goal may be to distort the cognition of a large number of creatures, of course not only the Ersh people, but also various civilized creatures.

So a certain previous civilization created something like Xingjing, allowing all civilizations to enter the virtual world of complete enjoyment, so that they completely closed off their cognition of the outside world.

But in fact, it is not completely closed, because many civilized species enter the virtual way by stimulating the body's senses, and then transmitting the perception to the mind. In the final analysis, they still perceive the outside world through the senses, and even if the information is directly transmitted to the brain, it can be It is said that the senses are used to perceive the outside world...Just think of the brain as the senses.

The senses are all defined by living things.

And ‘cognition of the end’, it also has a set of definitions.

Generally speaking, it is the normal empty things that a creature perceives through non-neural structured senses...such as Ershmin’s hearing, smell and vision.

Although Ershimin’s virtual games and other things are normal and empty things, the content of the game will not appear here, even if Ershimin completely believes that the virtual game content in front of him is real.

However, devices that can play virtual games will be recognized.

In short, Cognitive Doomsday may not like that different creatures have different perceptions of the void, so I want to force them to be distorted to exactly the same perception. Long ago, it focused on many civilizations.

These civilizations escaped it through closed virtual pleasures, but they all perished.

Finally, I realized that the Doomsday is now in the Chaos Battleship, which seems to be because the Ersh people here did not fully enjoy the virtual game due to various influences.

It’s just based on the Ershi people’s diary, it seems that the end of recognition began to affect them before the Ersh people collectively went underground.

Lin didn't find it at the time, after all, Lin was not monitoring every Ershite individual.

It composes the world recognized by Ersh people, some cetaceans, primates, and other intelligent creatures, into an incomplete Ersh, incomplete sunshine, and possibly other tumbling people in the galaxy. There are also incomplete parts floating in the surrounding void, but they are not visible on the surface.

The most amazing thing is that these incomplete things are maintained in a very stable state. The sun does not have continuous solar radiation, and there is no center of the earth but there is also normal gravity.

As for how big this space is, it is unclear.

Because Lin is not so convenient here, including Sha Lin.

Lin here is not made of cells, but something similar to an "energy cluster". It is a bit like a "body" in an unforeseen place. Although it can change its shape, it cannot be divided. The divided part will be Disappear.

And some of the units that Lin touched the entrance didn't enter it, but stopped at a certain position.

Shalin said that Lin and her body here are something similar to a projection of consciousness.

Those Ershi people who came here were the real cell structure, that is, they entered directly.

This is also what Shalin thinks is the power of knowing the doomsday. It distinguishes and separates creatures like Lin and Shalin outside.

But there is no way to completely isolate it. If Lin must try to come in, she can generate a ‘projection’ here.

But what the projection can do is very limited. Before Lin can directly get the troops in, it will have little impact here.

The same is true for the battleship of the Mead Void. Shalin thought that the battleship came in as a projection, but it was a bit larger, perhaps using some special method.

Of course, only by catching it can we confirm what is going on.

Shalin felt that she could use the resources here to create something that could knock it down.

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