"Wait for it to come."

Over the incomplete cognitive world, huge flying objects are slowly flying.

It has been moving around here for a long time.

No impact has been discovered so far, Shalin decided to capture it.

I mainly want to see what this thing...what is it.

Although I think it is likely to be a kind of ‘thinking projection’.

Lin also wanted to see it, so she and Sha Lin modified a lot of aircraft here. They were originally passenger planes. In this world that Ersh people recognize, airplanes are also very common.

However, in general, they cannot be activated because they have been placed here for too long.

But it is easy for Lin and Shalin to fix them and transform them. Although this kind of consciousness projection can't split into units, it can be transformed into various shapes or become huge to transform various things.

"It's almost coming..." Shalin and Lin were in an airport at this time. The vast surrounding area was full of modified aircraft. They looked almost the same as before, and their placement remained unchanged. .

This probably won't cause the target to be alert.

At this moment... Lin also saw the target.

This black object with a size of several tens of meters appeared under the incompletely colored sky in the distance.

As it approached here, all the planes... also moved.

They did not move on the runway, but flew directly towards the sky towards the target.

The black object immediately turned and flew towards the distance. It seemed to want to avoid rather than fight, but it did not fly very fast.

At least it was slower than these modified airplanes. An airplane approached it very quickly. The head of the original passenger airplane opened quickly at this time, biting into a black object like a mouth.

The original idea was to try to remove any debris structure from it, so that we could know what it was made of.

The black object also fought back at this time. A crack was opened on its'back', and a large number of birds flew out of it.

This group of birds looked like a kind of creatures called crows, but they were about the size of ordinary Ersh people.

They flew directly into the open ‘mouth’ of the passenger plane, and then crashed into the cabin inside... and killed part of it.

However, some of the people who came in later landed safely in the cabin, and these crow-like creatures were attacking everywhere in the cabin.

Their beak is not a bird's beak, but something like a drill bit that can easily drill holes in the cabin.

But they also received a counterattack, because the original chairs in the cabin moved.

Lin transformed them into some very simple mechanical units, originally wanted to vomit out and use them as attack units, but now they can be used to defend against these...crows.

The chairs themselves are very simple. They attack and move through several legs spread out under them. The ends of these legs are blades, which can easily split these crows.

Although Lin is not on the plane, these chairs are equipped with a communication system, which can send everything they see as a signal back to Lin.

So Lin could discover...these crows themselves are cell organisms, to be precise a mixture of species.

Some of their internal structures and internal organs are made of various metals and other things, and their mouths are replaced with drills that are activated by brain signals.

Originally Lin thought that they should be species similar to Mead's void creatures, but they still looked like Ersh creatures.

But this creature should be made by itself.

At the same time, other airplanes also approached the black objects, and the black objects released a large number of creatures on these airplanes as before.

In addition to the crows before, there are many... terrestrial animals.

They screamed in the air the moment they were thrown out, and then hit the plane to pieces.

Lin was surprised at the significance of throwing these creatures.

After all, the plane opened its mouth before, and some of the crows that were thrown out flew in and survived... Now because they didn't have one, these creatures were hit and killed directly.

After throwing out a large number of strange creatures, an airplane also successfully approached the target. The moment it approached a distance of ten meters, it opened its mouth and bit on it.

The black object was shaped like an irregular stone. When it was bitten, Lin felt as if it had bitten a soft object and deformed directly under the squeeze of the force.

Lin also discovered that it is not here indeed. Its ‘substance’ structure is similar to Lin’s and Shalin’s, which is a kind of projection.

It's just that there are some differences, and you still have to bite it off and check it carefully.

The airplane itself does not have teeth. After it bit the target, a large number of chairs in the cabin became active. They quickly ran toward the part of the black object that was swallowed, and then cut through the skin of the black object through its blade-like legs.

The black object is not very strong, so it is easy to cut open, and the chair that gets a small part of the black object will leave.

They jumped directly from the air through the escape exit and landed back to the ground.

The black object began to struggle constantly at this time, it directly disconnected a part of its body, and after getting rid of the part bitten by the plane, it began to flee towards the sky at high speed.

Lin didn't continue pursuing, because... I also wanted to keep it and see what it would continue to do.

Now that a part of its body has been obtained, it is time to study it carefully.

"I thought it might have a powerful counterattack, but I didn't expect it to be so easy..."

Looking at the flight back, Shalin said: "I think it is affecting the creatures here through a relatively normal method."

"It's quite normal indeed." Lin thought so too after studying the black objects brought back.

Because it is a projection of consciousness like Lin and Shalin, you can feel the location of its consciousness by touching Lin.

Although it and Lin came in at the same entrance, its consciousness was not in the same position as Lin.

Simply put, it is not in the Chaos Battleship, but in...a very strange place.

If you feel this position carefully, Lin realizes that it's inside.

Consciousness itself is in this world of cognition... This is quite strange, and Lin really wants to know how it is done.

This gave Lin the feeling that it was not projected from outside, but was remotely controlling a black object here.

Just not far from this incomplete cognition Ersh, almost 300,000 kilometers...close to the position of the moon.

Ershmin's awareness of the moon is very low, so it is invisible on the surface, but there may be some fragments there.

Now build a flying machine and take a look there.

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