"This void really doesn't look like a void, even though it is not a void in the first place."

An aircraft is flying at a height of 1,000 kilometers above the surface.

This aircraft was assembled from the aircraft that had been modified before. All the aircraft were merged into one thing that was nothing like an aircraft.

From the outside, it looks like a sphere made up of a large number of aircraft components. A huge engine provides power at the bottom of the sphere. As for the internal cockpit, it is a vast space. The surrounding walls and ground are covered by a large number of screens. Stitched together, these screens show the scenery outside.

Lin and Sha Lin are flying this aircraft right here.

Everything outside is pitch black, there is no starry sky, it looks like there is nothing...actually most of the space is the same.

But something strange is that gravity and some other signals from nearby tumbling people can be detected in the void.

But the tumbling person cannot be seen, it seems that these signals are alone in the void.

Of course, there are other things besides the signal.

When the aircraft flew more than 100,000 kilometers above the ground, you could see many Ersh people floating here.

Of course they are all dead, they are not complete, most of them are some parts, and the relatively most complete is only half of the body.

"Oh, this looks terrible." Looking at the corpse floating outside, Shalin said: "There are so many suspicious things here."

After the aircraft approached these corpses, it opened its head, and a large number of mechanical units made of chairs or other things flew outside to detect and study these corpses.

Lin discovered that these Ersh people... have lived on the surface.

While on the surface, Lin has been to many places, including some places where the Ersh people lived. Although they are no longer there, they can still find some things left behind, such as dander.

And these corpses floating here are those who fell from the dander. They should have come here from the Chaos Battleship and lived on the surface for a period of time. As for how they came to the void, I don’t know. .

There are no aircraft or similar debris here, only hundreds of incomplete Ershites floating here.

After checking for a while, the aircraft continued to move forward. Occasionally, I could see the floating Ersh people along the way, but not as many as the first hundreds gathered.

At the same time, Lin also saw...the goal she was looking for.

This location is more than 300,000 kilometers from the surface, and there are some large floats here.

These floating objects are also incomplete objects, they look like... some huge Ershite skulls.

These giant skulls are more than ten kilometers in size and have a silver metal shell. You can see from the eyeholes that there are many structures similar to buildings.

Lin felt that it was possible that Ersh people or something else created a city in it.

"This kind of thing is more common in comics." Shalin said: "Maybe it has something to do with cognition?"

The moment Shalin finished speaking, the mouth of this huge skull slowly opened, and then a strong light was emitted from it.

"Could it be said that it... also does this trick?"


A dazzling beam of light shot from the skull's mouth, coming towards Lin and Sha Lin's aircraft.

The aircraft violently moved aside and hid in the second before it was hit.

The skull was also rotating with the aircraft at this time. It tried to swipe the beam of light to hit the aircraft, and at the same time its eyeholes lit up.

Its attack power is quite strong, so Shalin also turned on... all the fire systems on the aircraft.

This aircraft assembled from an airplane opened many openings all over the body, and a large number of barrage flew out of it, shooting at the huge skull.

Although Lin felt that these randomly pieced missiles would not cause much harm to the skull, Sha Lin fired them all.

Most of the missiles hit the'face' of the skull, and their explosion failed to leave a mark on the metallic surface.

Others flew in from their eyes and mouths, because there was a short interval between the beams of light emitted by the skull, and the missile flew in during this interval.


There was an explosion inside the skull, and the aircraft was hit by the beam of light from the skull again, and the entire aircraft turned into smoke and dust in an instant.

"It seems that things that are assembled casually are not very useful."

Shalin and Lin are sitting on a chair now, flying quickly towards the skull.

This skull doesn't seem to react to small flying objects like Lin and Shalin, so it easily reaches the...eyehole of the skull.

The diameter of the two eyeholes is hundreds of meters. If you look inside at the edge of the eyehole, you can see that it is indeed a city.

A large number of buildings are covered with the inner walls of the skulls. These buildings look like corals.

And there are many things flying around inside the skull, including Ershmin... who are still alive.

So Lin and Sha Lin also flew in.

There is no response to the new creatures that suddenly broke in. It seems that the defense mechanism and the like can only be triggered when a large enough object like the previous aircraft approaches.

Lin and Shalin floated inside the skull, looking at the various deliberate flying objects around. These things are very diverse, some are like marine creatures, and some are like rocks.

They are generally tens of meters in size, but there are also very small flying objects like Ershimin.

Now... Lin was close to an Ershite.

"You..." The floating Ershimin saw Shalin and Lin floating over in their chairs, it instantly showed a shocked look.

Because there is air in this skull, its words can be conveyed.

"Hi." Shalin said: "You are here...what?"

"What?" Ershite asked in doubt.

Shalin continued: "Are you a resident here? Or were you arrested, or..."

And before Shalin finished speaking, Ershimin said, "No, how do you keep normal?"


After chatting with this Ershmin for a while, it can be seen from its description that it has been completely assimilated by the'cognitive end.'

After complete assimilation, it has never seen any of the same kind again, and it can also be said that the same kind is no longer what it used to be.

Moreover, it could not understand any words spoken by the ‘kind’ after the change. At first, there was a large group of Ersh people together, but after the cognitive change, most of them went crazy, and those who sustained it were scattered.

It was the first time after the change that Lin and Shalin were so "normal"... Ershimin.

Although Lin and Shalin are not Ershmin.

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