4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 314: Gathering point

"Cognition...what the **** is it?"

It is said that the cognition here is not entirely true.

Some Ershites discovered this...like sunlight can appear out of thin air, and other things are also possible.

Some Ershites discovered that even if they were in the void, they could still live.

Because Ersh people know most of the things that can sustain their lives, some Ersh people can still live after they get into the void.

In this ‘cognitive end’ space, a group of Ersh people discovered this.

This group of Ersh people are also tortured by cognitive changes. When they find that the surrounding things are more and more different from their original cognition, they have thought of all means to get rid of this phenomenon.

Escape from the surface is the final plan they came up with.

Because no matter where they are, their cognition continues to be affected, so this group of Ersh people feel that this distortion of cognition will take effect on the entire surface.

This group of Ershites tried to leave the surface, and then they found a vanity travel and sightseeing aircraft.

The Ersh people of this era have already launched the void tourism industry, which is actually just flying to low-Earth orbit for a stroll.

And I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad. Although these Ershi people have no relevant practitioners, they have figured out a way to start the aircraft. The aircraft itself is not damaged and can be started intact.

Although they can't drive at all, but because the cognitive end is constantly affecting them, they want to escape from here crazy, and the aircraft has an autopilot mode, so they board the aircraft directly and fly toward the void.

The aircraft was set to automatic mode. Originally, it would take this group of Ersh people around in the void and then fly back, but at that time something seemed to happen. The aircraft did not return to the surface, but flew into the deep sky.

But what these Ershites are most concerned about is that after they fly out, they realize that the end is still not over.

They found that the things around them were getting more and more weird, so this group of Ersh people... went crazy.

This is more similar to the scenes in some movies. The Ersh people on the aircraft began to kill each other in a state of insanity. These Ersh peoples treat their companions... or in their cognition, they no longer see that they are companions Killed, and then threw the body into the void outside.

Some Ershites also jumped out on their own, letting themselves die in the void... but they found that they were not dead.

Instead, they have been floating there. Some Ershi people have been floating like this, but some... have drifted to this place.

This place looks like a huge Ershite skull from the outside.

This skull is called the ‘head of ever-changing’.

It is a place where creatures affected by the end of cognition gather. The various things that wander here are affected creatures... They are all species that originally lived in the normal void, but they are all trapped in the cognition. In the space of knowing the end.

The Skull of Change can be said to be their ‘salvation’, because every creature here sees a different shape.

Ershmin saw the appearance of his own skull, while other creatures saw other shapes.

No matter how deeply they are affected by the cognitive apocalypse, this ever-changing skull will still keep changing, and its shape will not be unified.

So looking at it, there is also a feeling that my own perception is not completely distorted.

Of course, these creatures are not just gathering here to'keep self-aware', they also intend to destroy the cognitive end.

They think there is a way to kill the Cognitive Doom...this creature.

Some creatures also feel that knowing that the end is not a creature, it may be due to the special rules of this space.

In short, the first step in resistance is to resist this rule and keep the mind from being completely affected by watching the changing skull.

These creatures will communicate with each other and tell each other what the Skull of Change they see looks like. They also use this to confirm that the Skull of Change seen by each different creature is different.

However, apart from looking at the Skull of Change, the cognition of the creatures here has been completely synchronized, which is why they can communicate.

Some creatures learn about things around them through the senses that are aware of the changes in the end, and invent ways of communication.

The first batch of creatures that came here were the creators of this resistance force. They had a way to communicate with any creatures affected by the cognitive apocalypse, and they also proposed the idea of ​​destroying the cognitive apocalypse.

But it is said that the Skull of Change was here earlier than the earliest creatures.

As for why the Skull of Change is here... they don't know, but they have now transformed the Skull of Change into a fortress with powerful firepower.

It will automatically attack some approaching... enemy forces.

Enemy forces are ‘units’ that recognize the doomsday, and the Head of Change can automatically determine what are the forces that recognize the doomsday.

The aircraft assembled by Lin and Shalin was judged to be an enemy by it. As for why it is unclear.

Generally speaking... the enemy forces are very cruel things, they will immediately attack the Head of Change when they approach.

For small creatures such as Lin and Shalin, it would not have any reaction, it seems that the enemy has never been so small.

"That's it."

After Ershmin introduced these, Shalin said: "Then we are going to meet the first creatures that came here."

"It doesn't care much about us." Ershimin said: "Although it will tell every creature that comes in here about this place, it doesn't care about us next."

"Besides me, there are many smaller creatures. It just allows us to wander around here, fend for itself."

Ershmin said: "It only cares about the stronger creatures."

"It's a matter of course." Shalin said: "You look weak.",

"But..." Ershimin suddenly became a little excited: "Aren't you also floating here like me? And why do you keep the same? Have you been affected by the change in perception?"

"It's not the same." Shalin said: "Anyway, let's go take a look first."

After leaving with this Ershmin, Lin and Shalin flew to the target location.

The creators of the organization that resisted the end of cognition were also the first creatures to come to the Skull of Change. These creatures look quite conspicuous.

From a distance, they are like a lot of cards tens of meters in size, floating near the center of the Skull of Change.

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