4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 316: internal


The head of change is shaking.

Countless hundreds of meters in size of'attack fragments' flew from a distance, and hit the surface of the Skull of Change one after another.

Although the Skull of Change used a beam of light to destroy part of it, there were more fragments that successfully hit the Skull of Change.

The shock caused a lot of damage to the head of change... Along with the trembling of the head of change, many of the smaller creatures here showed fear. They seemed to try to find a place to hide in a panic, although here There is nowhere to escape.

And these "event cards", there is no panic.

In other words, Lin couldn't see if they were panicking now, every card looked normal, and the picture on the card didn't flicker.


Another collision, this time the collision seemed to be relatively large, and directly knocked out a huge crack in the Skull of Change.

"It must be attacked."

At this time, the lord of the event card seems to have decided to act.

The Skull of Change is generally automatic, like an attack on the outside, but the Skull of Change can also be directly controlled.

Now the lord of the card came to the position to control the Skull of Change, and there seemed to be nothing in this position.

However, as soon as the card reached this position, the Skull of Change made a different movement, and the outside scenery could be seen to rotate quickly.

Of course, it is actually the Skull of Change itself spinning.

The high-speed rotation made the beam of light instantly swept away most of the debris around it, and at the same time, the bruised part of the head of the change was also quickly healed.

It seems that this changing skull is quite versatile.

After almost sweeping the surrounding enemy forces, the Skull of Change itself began to move.

"Now, we are going to destroy it, do you know all the creatures? This moment has arrived!"

The lord of the card sent a ‘broadcast’ to the inside of the Skull of Change, which made all the creatures here pay attention to this side.

Most of the creatures just stayed in place as if in a daze, without any special reaction.

It felt that they were not ready, but the lord of the card did not care about their opinions, but directly controlled the head of change to move.

The Skull of Change flew in one direction. Lin originally thought it was going to the depths of this space, but it flew in the direction of Ersh.

"Do you fly in this direction to mean that the'cognition of the end' is in this place?" Shalin asked the card lord.

"Yes." said the lord: "This huge cognition has appeared recently. All cognitions... are not natural. When it was generated, it was guided by consciousness."

"Now we want to destroy that consciousness, that consciousness is... the consciousness of this dimension!"

With its words, the speed of the Skull of Change is getting faster and faster, and the incomplete cognition Ersh also appears in the eyes of the Skull of Change.

Lin was very curious about how it would attack this crippled Ersh, and it looked like it was just a card in battle, and it had nothing to do with other creatures...

The Skull of Change was slamming towards the surface at this time. The creatures in it all showed a lot of panic after noticing this. Many creatures even screamed... Actually they were all there. Express the fear of impact in your own words.

The lord did not stop because of this.

The Skull of Change rushed to the surface, directly hitting the surface...but at this moment, nothing normal happened.

At the moment it touched the surface, countless powders of the surface were dispersed, and the Skull of Change passed directly through the surface and moved toward the center of the earth.

Although this incomplete Ersh does not have a center of the earth, its interior is empty... but it is not completely empty.

There are many rocks floating inside the incomplete Ersh, most of which are tens of meters in size.

These stones hit the surface of the Skull of Change, they didn't turn into powder, but hit the surface of the Skull of Change, but these stones did not cause much harm.

"I saw it, it's here!"

The lord slowed down at this time, and it seemed to think that the ‘consciousness’ that knew the end was in this place.

Although Lin couldn't see what was outside.

The Skull of Change stopped at this moment, and the moment it stopped, I saw all the event cards flying towards the skull of Change.

They were fast, and after a while, hundreds of cards all flew out, and all that was left here were... creatures that didn't know what was going on.

"These cards obviously know a lot of things." Shalin said: "Shall we go out and have a look?"

"Try this first." With that, Lin floated to the position where the lord had just controlled the Skull of Change.

When she came to this seemingly empty location, Lin suddenly felt a special feeling.

This made Lin feel as if directly connected to the Skull of Change...

Lin could feel the things ‘seeing’ by the Skull of Change, as if there were eyes on the surface of the Skull of Change, and could see everything around the Skull of Change.

At the same time, Lin discovered that through this perspective of Skull of Change, she could see many strange blinking objects outside.

These objects resemble a blurry and blinking image that Lin hadn't seen before.

Lin also found that many originally normal objects, like rocks, began to flicker under this angle of view.

And looking at the surface above, you will find that some parts of the surface are shining.

The location where it was smashed into powder just now was a flashing location.

That's it, it seems that these flashes represent some special...characteristics of this position.

Maybe those cards have been studying the Skull of Change from a very early time, and they have learned a lot about this space and the Skull of Change itself.

The other creatures here hardly know anything, they are still very confused about everything here.

But the control of Skull of Change is not only the card can do, Lin can also easily control it.

Through imagination, you can control the head of change to move and attack.

Lin mainly paid attention to the cards. After they flew out... now they all gathered in one place.

From the perspective of Skull of Change, that location was covered by a mass of red, similar to a mass of thick red fog.

Maybe that's where the ‘consciousness’ of the doomsday is?

Thinking that Lin controlled the Head of Change and flew towards the target, when approaching the target, Lin found that the thick fog began to disperse.

The group of cards that had gathered in the thick fog before... became a huge card.

If you look closely, you can see that this card is assembled from the original cards, but what makes Lin care about...they now show the pattern of Sha Lin.

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