"Eliminate that projection."

After these event cards said such a sentence, they began their attack on the Skull of Change.

Because they no longer communicate, there is no way to know why they did it.

It's just obvious that they want to destroy Shalin.

It might also include Lin, but these combined cards only show Sha Lin's appearance.

Their attack methods are also quite special, mainly releasing a large number of... strange objects from the card.

These objects look like various creatures, that is, the group of creatures gathered in the Skull of Change, but they are completely black, like a group of...shadows.

I don't know where the card got so many such ‘biological shadows’, it seems to be related to this space.

After all, many things in this doomsday space have emerged out of thin air, and now the shadows rushing out of these cards seem to be the same.

These shadows are actually made of sturdy normal void matter. They will shatter when they hit the surface of the Skull of Change, but they can also cause some damage to the Skull of Change.

Lin controls the Skull of Change in this position, and can feel all the damage suffered by the Skull of Change.

It's not pain, but can feel whether there is a crack in it, or a missing piece.

Now these ‘shadows’ are constantly impacting the head of change, and currently they have not caused any special effects, they are just impacting.

Lin activated the ‘beam of light’ of the Skull of Change to solve some of the shadows that were about to fly in. At the same time, Lin was also trying to see... if she could do more.

Lin controls the Head of Change entirely by imagination, and she will do whatever she wants.

But currently it can only do things that Lin has seen it do, such as moving and attacking. Lin wants to see if it can do other things.

It's like deformed or something.

And while Lin was thinking about it, those cards also changed a little. All the cards were changed from the original Sha Lin pattern to another pattern.

This pattern looks like a tumbling person.

"Could it be..." Shalin also saw the changes in these cards, showing some surprised emotions.

"Do you know this?" Lin saw that the tumbling person in the card was just an ordinary-looking gray rock tumbling person.

"Yes." Shalin said: "This is... something in an unforeseen place."

Shalin told Lin that this tumbling person was called the "moon of quest" by it.

Because it looks a lot like the satellite of Ersh, and its size is relatively close, it is called "Yue".

Shalin had encountered this tumbling man in an unforeseeable place a long time ago...Of course it was not a real tumbling man, after all, there was no normal void matter in the void of the dreamland.

The Moon of Pursuit is a...roller that imitates the normal Void Roller spawned in an unforeseen place for some reason.

Shalin was very curious about it, so she investigated it carefully.

There are many creatures in unforeseen places on the Moon of Pursuit, and these creatures are all in a state, that is... the state of ‘pursuing’.

They think that they are looking for something this month, so they have to live here in order to pursue... that kind of thing.

But they don't know what they are looking for, they just think so.

Many creatures after this month have this idea.

Shalin didn't have it herself, but it was paying attention to this month's dynamics. The Moon of Pursuit was always on the move, and it was indeed a bit like looking for something.

After Shalin continued to observe, she felt that it was looking for something.

Because the movement pattern of this month itself is very special, it will move to some more hidden places, such as the areas of other creatures.

Some creatures in unforeseen places will establish very secret areas, or places similar to their own spaces, and this month they can always find entrances to enter.

Although the Unforeseen Land does not have a truly separate space similar to the normal void with different rules, there are many places where it is very difficult to find a way to enter, and an entrance can always be found this month.

As time passed, Shalin became very interested in it, and then sat on it for a long time to travel.

The Moon of Pursuit itself did not show any consciousness. It entered those hidden places and only came out after just wandering inside for a while.

To say what effect it has brought, it is the creatures that stay on it.

Because many creatures stay on the moon, after moving to some hidden places that month, some creatures will feel that they have found the target they are looking for and leave the moon.

This is a bit like a bus, Yue brought in some creatures that had never been able to enter a hidden place.

Apart from this point, it is nothing special.

Shalin's days of observing it also ended with the moon being destroyed. The reason for this month's destruction was still related to a group of chasing creatures.

There is a group of creatures who, after living on the Moon of Pursuit, believe that what they are looking for is buried in the moon, so they are constantly trying to dig out the Moon of Pursuit and find what they are looking for.

Then they succeeded, although it took a long time, they dug through the whole month.

But they were not satisfied with this. They used it again for a long time and kept digging...the moon was broken down smaller and smaller, and finally there were some fragments left.

Shalin was there to observe the last. At first, Shalin didn't like their actions so much, and there had been some wars with them. Shalin mainly wanted to continue watching the moon and find some special hidden places.

But later Shalin felt that the behavior of this group of creatures was also caused by the influence of the moon, so there should be some special circumstances at the end of their excavation, so this group of creatures was not stopped.

In the end, there was no special situation.

Then... Do these event cards have anything to do with Moon of Pursuit?

Shalin said that she couldn't see it before, and any creatures on the Moon of Pursuit were not like the cards.

Maybe it has something to do with the civilized creature that made the event card.

"Anyway, you can try it." Shalin said: "I know a kind of'language' that was used by the creatures that dig through the Moon of Pursuit at that time. I can talk to them and see, but I don't know if I can say..."

"What kind of language is it?" Lin asked.

"To make a large enough object, at least one hundred meters in size, and then throw this object at them." Shalin thought for a while and said: "Or you can throw me at them."

Lin said, "Then throw you at them."

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