4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 318: The end of quest

Shalin flew out.

To the countless shadows... and the cards that released the shadows.

When Shalin flew out, all the dark shadows flew towards it immediately.

However, they did not meet Shalin.

Every black shadow flew close to Sha Lin, as if Sha Lin had somehow avoided colliding with these things.

As Shalin was constantly approaching the target, these shadows were also trying to hit Shalin, but each time Shalin could dodge within a very limited distance.

These shadows didn't want to encircle Shalin either, they just ran into it and then escaped.

Soon, Shalin approached the cards.

When Shalin flew within ten kilometers of the cards, they stopped and continued to emit black shadows. All the cards were constantly flashing, as if they were saying something.

At this time Lin also received a message from Sha Lin, after all, it had a communication device when it flew out.

Shalin said that it is communicating with these cards, which are indeed related creatures of the "moon of quest" it has encountered before.

But it wasn't the kind of creature that drilled the entire month, but another kind of creature.

There used to be many creatures in the Moon of Pursuing, and there were some creatures whose ‘subject’ was not there at all.

This group of cards is the same.

Among the normal and empty creatures, some will dream that they are in an unforeseen place and experience things there.

Many creatures can only get very vague information in this situation, but there are also some creatures that can get very clear information. When they dream, they feel that they are living in an unforeseen place.

It is said that this is also the case for cognitive end.

Knowing the doomsday... is actually the goal pursued by the Moon of Pursuit.

Recognizing the doomsday itself may be a giant space creature, or something like an ancient civilization creation. In short, this is a huge thing, and it will also "dream".

In fact, it is connected to the unforeseen to some extent.

The connection between cognitive doomsday and the unforeseen has caused it to form a huge ‘projection’ there.

This is somewhat similar to Lin and Sha Lin’s current state. The projection of cognitive doomsday itself has some special abilities, which can cognize things around them.

Like normal void creatures, creatures in unforeseen places have their own cognition of surrounding things... and when approaching the end of cognition, their cognition will be changed and become close to normal void cognition .

Creatures in unpredictable places with distorted cognition will see many normal and empty things.

Generally speaking, what Lin sees in unforeseen places is similar to the normal void... it is completely different in the perception of the local creatures.

For example, if Lin looks like a stone, the aboriginal creatures in unforeseen places may look like...a thick fog or something.

After being changed in the cognition of the end, these aboriginal creatures also saw stones.

After these creatures discovered that what they were originally familiar with had become a normal void, they did not go crazy like the creatures here, but rather liked this situation.

Over time, around the projection of the doomsday, many unforeseen creatures gathered.

But they could not stay here forever, because the projection of the cognitive doomsday is mobile.

It is said that each time you recognize the ‘waking up’ of the doomsday and then fall asleep again, it will appear in different places in unforeseen places.

The creatures whose cognition has been changed by it have also noticed this, so when the cognitive apocalypse leaves its original position, they will pursue the cognitive apocalypse.

They will always find some clues, and then look for the location of the cognitive end.

This is how the Moon of Pursuit was born. It was assembled by some creatures in the process of constantly searching for the doomsday...a vehicle.

At first, the Moon of Pursuit was small, but it was enlarged continuously over a long period of time, and finally became...like a tumbling person.

The maker of the Moon of Pursuit has also been riding on the Moon to continuously pursue the cognitive end.

Their earliest purpose was to find the end of cognition, but later they became enjoying this journey. They traveled around in unforeseen places through new cognitions, watching the vastly changed void.

Afterwards, slowly finding the end of cognition became less important. This group of creatures began to merge with the Moon of Pursuit, so that they could enjoy this journey forever.

They adjust the month to a slower state, which makes the month of pursuit never catch up with the cognitive end.

Before the moon finds the end of cognition, the end of cognition will definitely leave and go to the next place, so that the pursuit will continue forever.

After this, there are many creatures...including Shalin who discovered the Moon of Pursuit.

They felt the sentiment that the Moon of Pursuit was pursuing the doomsday, and the Moon of Pursuit itself was no longer...a normal creature, at least it wouldn't react to these creatures that came to it.

Then, just as Shalin had discovered, the Moon of Pursuit was finally broken up by the creatures staying on it.

But in fact this is not over yet.

After the Moon of Pursuit was split, Shalin found a special kind of "crystal" in the fragments of the Moon of Pursuit.

Then Shalin felt that she could use this crystallization to continue to find the target she was looking for.

Shalin used the crystallization to create a new little moon of quest, and let it find the end of cognition by itself.

What was the result, Shalin did not follow up.

It was indeed...found.

This little chasing moon is different from before. It does not have the kind of restriction that it can never catch up. The little chasing moon finally finds a projection of cognitive doomsday in an unforeseen place.

What happened in the last little month of pursuit...I don't know.

But this seems to indirectly lead to the birth of the species ‘event card’.

The event card was created by a civilization, and this civilization is also related to the Moon of Pursuit.

Like many previous civilizations, they completely closed themselves in a state of enjoyment, but the content of their enjoyment was a bit special.

In fact, what this civilization is enjoying is the pursuit process of the Moon of Pursuit. The virtual world designed by the entire civilization... is to allow yourself to stay in the Moon of Pursuit, and then search for the end of the day in the unforeseen place, while enjoying the journey. .

This civilization in the normal void would do this, and it seemed to have a close relationship with Shalin.

Probably the little Moon of Pursuit created by Shalin contained the information of the original Moon of Pursuit, and then this information was transmitted to the normal void through the cognitive doomsday, affecting a certain civilization.

But why it was passed like this is unclear.

In fact, Shalin didn't even remember that she made a little month of quest.

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