4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 319: Cognitive outcome

"This creature..."

Shalin was still moving forward, and it had already flown to... in front of these cards.

To be precise, it is only a few meters away.

These cards told Shalin that their relationship with the Moon of Pursuit was actually quite simple.

It is that the civilization that made the cards was affected by the Moon of Pursuit, which caused this civilization to close itself, using their life-sustaining devices and virtual reality devices to simulate the state of the Moon of Pursuing, allowing the entire civilization to ride in the illusion. Moon, pursue it forever in the void.

Although they eventually perish without finding anything.

But the cards fulfilled the wishes of this civilization... They found the goal they were looking for, which is to recognize the end.

It took a long time for the card to find the end of cognition after countless difficulties.

The card found it mainly because I wanted to know...why did the civilization that created them pursue this goal, and what is its meaning.

Of course, the card has its original purpose, which is to record some rare scenes.

In the process of searching, they mainly obtain various clues through their own civilization... The civilization that made cards simulates the scene of the Moon of Pursuit, which looks like a completely imagined one, but a lot of information in the simulated scene It is real, and it has become an important clue for the card to find the end of life.

However, the card does not specify what these clues are.

In the process of continuous research of the cards, they discovered that their civilization believes that the cognition of the doomsday is the ‘truth’ of the emptiness, and as long as you find it, you can solve everything in the emptiness.

Finally, the card found the end of cognition.

They discovered that this is not truth, but the real end.

When Shalin told Lin about this, it also touched these cards. The moment Shalin touched the cards... all the card patterns changed.

The pattern that appeared in the card this time... seemed to be the surface of a certain tumbling person.

This surface looks like a very common rocky surface, but there are many destroyed buildings that look like a ruin.

The picture lasted for a while and then changed to another one, this time it seemed to be the surface of a star.

The surface of this star has many huge raised objects, which look like half a tumbling person floating there.

"That's it, I've heard of this legend before."

Shalin told Lin that it had heard a legend about the "Galactic Ruins" a long time ago.

It is said that it is a large area where the civilization has completely perished, and there is no civilization left.

There are many differences between these civilizations. For example, there are civilizations that live on the surface of stars, and there are civilizations that live on ordinary Tumblers.

But these civilizations have all perished... The entire galaxy is full of ruins due to the huge scope of extinction.

But Shalin had never seen this kind of galaxy before, just heard of such a place.

In addition, there is a legend in this place that the civilization that perished there was caused by something.

A very powerful thing that can destroy the entire galactic civilization.

And now from this group of cards, it is known that Cognitive Doom is actually the guide who destroys all civilizations.

It can also be said to be a kind of ‘forecast device’.

The other party makes all civilizations perceive its arrival by cognizing the doomsday. As long as the senses of these civilizations are almost affected, it will manifest and destroy these civilizations.

This kind of powerful thing that can destroy a large number of civilizations seems to have no way to directly attack it. It needs to be recognized. That's why a device such as Cognitive Doomsday is used to make the civilization in the void recognize it.

In the face of the doomsday that will be brought about by the cognitive doomsday...some civilizations try to resist.

In fact, Xingjing is the way to resist it. By closing everything in itself, it will not be affected by the end of cognition. Although it will cause many civilizations to fail to develop, it will cut off the influence of the beginning of the cognition of the end. Civilization... even if it is safe.

But there are some unexpected things.

Because the cognitive doomsday will connect to unforeseen places, this leads to the birth of the Moon of Pursuit.

Although the Moon of Pursuit was broken in the end, but because Shalin created a small relationship with the Moon of Pursuit, the Pursuit continued.

The Little Moon of Pursuit successfully traced to the "projection" that recognized the end of the day in an unforeseen place. Then something happened, which allowed information about the Moon of Pursuit to reach the civilization that made the cards, causing them to begin to simulate The month of quest.

Finally, after the death of this civilization, the cards continued to search for information about the doomsday, and finally found the doomsday, and learned that the doomsday is indeed a device that brings about it.

After understanding all of this, cards have a chance to end the cognitive doomsday forever.

Just like what they said before, unite the creatures that have strayed here to fight the cognitive end.

It is not to let them fight with force, but to let them deny the cognition of the doomsday in their thinking. To put it simply...just don't recognize it and think it is fake.

Cognition will bring the dooms closer, and negation will bring them away. This is basically the truth.

Then, the card began to try to deny the cognitive end.

Of course, the cards never thought of teaching these creatures to understand this for themselves, but instead installed small explosive devices in the thinking structure of each creature.

Every creature in the Skull of Ever-changing, including the Ershmin who Lin saw before, has this device in their mind.

When they are close enough to the core of cognitive apocalypse, the card will activate these devices to blow up a small part of their brains, but will not kill them, which can cause all creatures to instantly think that cognitive apocalypse is a false effect. .

Because the cards have carefully understood the thinking structure of each creature, they know which part of the brain to be damaged can have this effect.

It is useless to destroy the brains of creatures in advance, or kill these creatures directly. If these creatures are killed and there are no creatures here, the cognitive doomsday will enter a state similar to sleep until there are enough creatures. I only wake up here.

It can also be said that as long as enough creatures are affected by its cognition, they will wake up.

These creatures must be alive all the time, and then negate it together at the core moment of the cognitive end, so as to expel the cognitive end forever, the card thinks so.

It seems that the card is trying to save this void civilization.

But they thought that the arrival of Lin and Shalin...interrupted its whole plan.

Especially Shalin...Card felt that knowing the doomsday might be able to affect a large number of species in the void through Shalin.

In this case, it is no longer possible to prevent the cognitive end.

If too many species are affected by cognition, they will lead to the true end.

Shalin felt that...this doomsday probably won't happen.

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