4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 8 Chapter 320: Conversion

"They seem to say that there is no way."

The cards believe that the cognitive end can be transmitted to all parts of the void through Shalin, so at first they wanted to destroy Shalin.

But now they feel that this is meaningless.

In fact, from the moment Shalin and Lin entered here, the influence of the cognitive doomsday has begun to spread.

Now, they can't stop it at all, they have...planned to give up.

That's why I decided to tell Shalin these things.

In fact, they wanted to see if Shalin could solve it by herself.

Lin thinks these cards are very interesting, because they seem to be for the sake of other civilizations in the void.

Of course, these cards actually think that if those civilizations are ruined by the cognitive apocalypse, there will be very few rare events they can record.

"So..." Shalin asked the cards at this time: "How on earth did you study the cognitive doomsday here? Why do you know so much detail?"

For this, those cards are just a little explanation.

What they can know in such detail is mainly that their manufacturing technology actually originated from a civilization that was recognized as the end of the day.

The civilization that made the cards acquired this technology to make them... But these cards only said so much.

However, they said they could show Shalin and Lin a look at the ruins created by the cognitive end.

Of course Shalin said she wanted to take a look.

After Sha Lin said it, Lin found that the outside environment began to change.

The gravel and the like floating around here began to slowly disappear. They looked like they were dissolving, first becoming mushy little by little, then getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappearing completely.

It's not just like this here.

Lin found that the entire cognition of the incomplete Ersh was also disappearing little by little, and the land masses in the distance could be seen dissolving.

At the same time, some new structures... are slowly being formed.

"They told me that this doomsday-aware space stores the experiences of various creatures. It keeps these experiences as data in the space and can compose them at any time."

Many finely divided substances appeared and formed new objects around.

This process lasted for a long time, so Shalin also continued to ask the card more about Cognitive Doomsday.

They didn't seem willing to say too much, so they asked about the Skull of Change instead.

In fact, the Skull of Change is a...very ancient creature. It is said that it came to this space a long time ago.

It has a special ability to maintain a certain degree of normality in biological cognition, without being affected by cognitive doomsday.

Therefore, all kinds of creatures that enter this space will eventually gather in the Skull of Change, and the purpose of the Skull of Change itself is... to eat these creatures.

It has also been alive through this method. The Skull of Change has such a large size, which is basically formed by decomposing living things for a long time and accumulating substances on itself.

Skull of Change usually does not attack creatures very early, but allows them to live in themselves for a period of time. Therefore, some creatures will build various buildings and even cities here, but in the end they will be attacked by Skull of Change. Eat it.

In essence, the Skull of Change can be said to be a very ordinary...'wild animal'.

It didn't think about doing anything special, just wanted to use its special ability to keep eating creatures that strayed into it.

But it is not known how its ability to be unaffected by cognitive distortions came from.

The same was true for the cards before. After they entered the space of cognitive doomsday, they were attracted by the Skull of Change and came to the inside of the Skull of Change.

The cards were not eaten like other creatures. Instead, they killed the Skull of Change, transforming the body of the Skull of Change into a controllable vehicle.

Since then, they have been attacked by cognitive doomsday.

Said it is an attack, but in fact it just throws a lot of fragments here, this kind of attack is not a threat.

The card indicates that the real threat will come soon.

Now you can see that the original incomplete Ersh has disappeared, and many new things have appeared.

This is not controlled by the card. The card indicates that this place will be transformed into a "doomsday scene" every time.

The doomsday scenes are those ruins of civilization that have been destroyed, some of them will appear here, while the original scenery that seems to be incomplete will disappear.

Every time a doomsday scene appears, it is also the most dangerous time in this space. This generally does not last long, but Skull of Change usually chooses to hide at this time.

Although the changed scenery around is not much different from before, they are all large-scale, stone-like things.

Most of these stones are hundreds of meters in size, and many of them have various architectural objects on them.

This kind of ruins looked ordinary. Lin controlled the Skull of Change and approached a stone, and carefully observed the buildings on it.

These architectural styles are all like cylinders, the interior is almost solid, with only a few small passage structures.

It feels that the builders of these things are creatures resembling corals.

The stones around here are similar, the builders are very small, and the buildings are quite huge.

After flying out of this area, you can find more different kinds of rocks and different buildings on them.

It can be seen that they come from different civilizations. When Lin observes these rocks, she suddenly finds a strong light shining in the distance.

Is that a...star?

But its shape is a bit strange, it looks like a huge pipe, and it is not as big as a common star.

It has a length of more than 60,000 kilometers, and the whole emits a shining red brilliance. The inner diameter of the pipeline is more than 3,000 kilometers.

It looks like a star...grows into the shape of a pipe.

I don't know if it has anything to do with Midgart.

When Lin thought so, Lin found that a black object was flying towards the stellar pipe.

This black thing flew directly into the inside of the stellar tube, and then it...disappeared.

It seems that it can't stand the high temperature.

But since it flew past, Nalin felt that this pipeline should be related to Midgart.

Maybe Midgard’s main purpose is not to transform this place, to occupy this place, but to find something like this stellar pipeline?

Anyway, Lin will go over and take a look.

Although the black object disappeared just now, Lin did not detect any high temperature when he approached, but Lin saw...

Civilized buildings on this stellar pipeline.

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