In the pipeline of stars, Lin was watching these creatures...destruct themselves.

They flew into the stellar pipe on various large rocks and attacked the Skull of Change.

It looked like this at the beginning.

And now, Lin found that they were only attacking for a short while, and then flew towards the inner walls of the surrounding stars.

They crashed directly into the star's flames and disappeared completely.

It seems that it is a very safe place in the stellar pipeline, but I don't know why they hit there.

So... Lin tried to catch a group of creatures.

Lin let the Transmutation Skull quickly approach a smaller stone on which the creature was riding, and swallowed the creature on it.

The moment these creatures entered the Skull of Change, Lin found that they... disappeared.

At the same time, all the creatures in the head of Everchanging also disappeared one after another.

It seems that the attacking creatures outside will trigger a strange teleportation effect after being swallowed.

Does this have anything to do with those attacking creatures crashing into the star pipeline?

When Lin thought this way, Lin found that this teleportation effect... also affected the Skull of Change.

Lin suddenly found that the dazzling stellar light outside the Skull of Change had disappeared, and at the same time Lin's consciousness projection also lost control of the Skull of Change, as if the connection was suddenly cut off.

Following this, the surrounding tremors violently shook, and huge cracks spread wildly along the inner wall of the Skull of Change, and the buildings built by the internal creatures were also shattered one after another, but this only lasted a few seconds and stopped.

Almost all the internal buildings of the Skull of Change have been destroyed, and the Skull of Change itself has not been broken, it is just full of cracks.

Lin flew out from the ‘eye’ position of the Skull of Change, and could find that this was no longer inside the stellar pipe, but a...broad place.

The ground is smooth and flat, and the Skull of Change has just been trembling so violently because it hit this ground.

This place is also a space for cognition of the doomsday, but it is very far away from the original location, in fact...I don't know how far it is anymore.

Thinking, Lin floated to a high place and took a look. Lin found that the place where she was now was a tumbling person, and the surface was covered by a large building.

These buildings are all in one style. They look like flat and smooth metal, covering the vast ground like fields.

This tumbling person was also constructed by knowing the doomsday...there are quite a lot of things stored in the knowing doomsday.

But what happened just now? Why did it teleport here, and it's out of the control of the Skull of Change?

It should have triggered some strange effect... but why?

Thinking, Lin landed on the surface, looking for an entrance on the flat ground.

These buildings were not completely smooth and flat, and there were obvious cracks in some places. Lin went to a place with a crack tens of meters wide.

At this moment, Lin suddenly found a creature... crawling up from the edge of the crack.

This creature Lin actually knew that this was a group of creatures riding on rocks swallowed by the Skull of Transmutation, and after swallowing these creatures, the teleportation effect was triggered.

This creature looks like a pile of... white particles several centimeters in size. What's more special is that these particles are not glued together. There is more than a centimeter between each particle.

All the creatures that attacked by rocks before were all such particulate structures, but they had different shapes.

This kind of swallow is relatively small, it is only more than three meters high, and it is shaped like an Ershimin.

And the way it can speak...actually it sends the meaning directly to Lin.

"Stopped... activity."

This creature made the same climbing action as Ershmin in the rift and climbed outside, feeling like this place is gravitational to him.

"What are you going to say?" Lin asked it.

'Snapped--! The moment Lin finished asking, it disappeared.

Originally, the particles in its body seemed to be maintained by a certain power, but now that power disappears, it disperses.

The more amazing thing is that its consciousness...has not dissipated.

It could have conveyed its thoughts in a certain way. Lin could feel this signal when it was close to it. Now even if it dissipates, this signal has not disappeared, and it has become stronger and stronger.

Through Signal Lin learned some things it wanted to say.

It mainly wanted to tell Lin that the flat buildings on the surface of the Tumbler were actually creatures.

They...are in a state of ‘hedonic’.

It's similar to those civilizations that have sealed their own enjoyment, but there are some differences in that the creatures here...will not wake up anymore.

Their enjoyment is not to do things in the virtual world, but to find a way to sustain their ‘happiness’.

This method consumes very little energy and allows them to support a very long time, much longer than those civilizations that enjoy in the virtual world.

Although it doesn't look so fun, the happiness is the same.

And the creature made up of this particle came from a place full of such enjoyrs.

The civilization it was in has visited many Tumblers, and wandered in the depths of the void.

At least they think that they have traveled deep... and they have never seen any ‘alive’ civilization.

All the civilizations they saw were ruins...Except for ruins, it was this kind of hedonic civilization.

These civilizations can be regarded as completely blocking their own thinking and cannot be awakened.

In fact, it is like a silent void. According to the information of this creature, the scope of this silence is much larger.

Later, the civilization where the granular creatures were located also slowly collapsed.

It doesn't know the reason for the collapse, but it knows that its civilized colonies have been destroyed and disappeared one after another, without knowing any reason.

It was originally located in a colony on the border of civilization. From a certain point of time, it has been receiving news that all creations in the civilized territory are constantly being destroyed. In the end, there is no news at all.

However, the residents of the border colony where it is located are not discouraged, they continue to live, but the border environment is very bad, they are difficult to develop, they just barely maintain.

Later, a group of special creatures appeared in the void.

This is the first time it has seen alien creatures alive... this group of creatures invited residents of their colony to join them.

They are an organization that can be called "survivors of annihilation," a group of different creatures gathered together.

Their civilizations were also destroyed, and the few creatures inside survived, forming this organization through mutual understanding.

The colony of the particle creatures at the time could not be sustained either, and they joined without much thought.

And after joining... it only discovered that this organization was not saving them.

It just turns them into vandalism.

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