Let everything become silent, it is said that this is its purpose.

In the void, many civilizations have perished one after another...There are still some civilizations that have not perished, but have entered a state of eternal seal.

Under such a huge influence, there are still some creatures that can survive. They form a team in this huge ruin and slowly sail to the distance.

These creatures generally come from various civilizations, but only creatures with similar civilization models can team up.

In a large-scale civilization destruction zone, there are usually many groups of creatures with different civilization models.

But in any case, these creatures usually don't stay in the extinct zone to develop. They always want to move far away and want to leave this area.

These creatures usually have names like survivors, and then they keep moving far away.

They tried to leave this quiet void, but they found a problem in the process of continuing to travel far, that is, if they can go far enough, they will still encounter other civilizations, but this civilization will be in contact They soon... were destroyed.

Then they continued to travel, continuing to move further.

There are also creatures that try to study the causes of these extinctions.

There are many reasons for the demise of civilizations. These creatures that are trying to study have found that in addition to relatively normal reasons...some civilizations will have abnormal reasons for their demise.

Normal demise is more common in wars, and void disasters.

What's abnormal is the way in which the civilization of this'granular creature' died out as Lin knew.

Its civilization suddenly'stopped', that is, it suddenly lost contact, and did not know the reason for its demise... Later, after joining the survivor organizations, it also returned to some colonies before its civilization to see. It found that these places The building is still complete.

Even the residents inside are complete... of course they were complete before death.

There was no war in these places, it was just like the residents inside suddenly stopped moving and then died like this, and their bodies have been left in place without being passive.

And those civilized buildings were slowly broken up over the long years because they were not maintained, but as a whole, it could be seen that everything here was originally normal.

Occasionally there will be some such civilizations, everything in them just stops, and then the whole civilization just perishes.

This very strange way of extinction has attracted the attention of some creatures who try to investigate this stopped civilization.

Generally speaking, civilizations that perish due to cessation are also very precious things. All of them are kept relatively intact, which can obtain a lot of resources for this group of survivors.

But in any case, they will eventually choose to leave instead of staying on the ruins to develop.

In the end, these survivors will begin to doubt their journey.

They feel that destruction is chasing themselves and following them to affect every civilization. Although most civilizations perish normally, there are some that stop perishing strangely.

Some creatures think that civilizations that cease to perish may be caused by them.

Some kind of ‘thing’ is following them and continuously affecting all the civilizations they come into contact with.

The group of survivors where the granular creatures are located thinks so. They think they have been unable to deal with and discover... the ‘great monster’ is staring at them, and destruction will follow them to the end of the void.

They are becoming more and more afraid of this, but they are also studying what this thing is that causes all to perish.

In the end they just gave it names like ‘silence’ and ‘annihilation’.

The main thing these creatures do is try to transform themselves.

They think they are being pursued for many reasons, so try to eliminate these reasons one by one.

Some creatures in this group of survivors believed in gods or something, and they were the first to be considered suspicious... of course they were quickly ruled out.

Later, they looked for a lot of reasons, such as the technology they used, the direction of navigation, the things they encountered, and so on... In the end, they began to try to transform themselves.

They also list their biological species as the possibility of being pursued.

They began to try to change their own form. They tried many kinds. Some creatures made intelligent machines... and imported their consciousness into it.

Some creatures began to make more profound changes.

They feel that they have completely separated themselves from their original biological form, and may be able to get rid of tracking.

The same is true for a particle creature, it was originally not a creature made of this kind of particles... It has undergone many changes, and finally became this way.

But they still haven't escaped the pursuit of ‘silence’.

Finally, this group of survivors also changed their minds.

They think that they have been chosen by Silence, and although the civilized creatures around them are dying, they themselves are not.

As a result, they began to be fearless. Some creatures stayed on the ruins of civilization and developed, while others felt that they were... vandalism.

They continue their journey, but their purpose is not to escape, but to bring death to other civilizations. They feel that they have this ‘mission’, and since then, they call themselves vandalism.

Granular creatures are also a member of this group of vandalism, they are constantly looking for other civilizations... just let them destroy.

When they started the mission of destruction, they encountered many ‘like-minded’ creatures, all of them were to... spread the silent destruction.

In fact, the granular creatures felt very strange at the time. When they fled as survivors, they did not encounter similar organizations, but they had been accepting sporadic extinction survivors during their journey.

And now that they were just about to destroy them, they encountered many similar biological organizations.

Of course, they don't care so much, they all think they want to spread and die.

But not long after, they encountered creatures that resisted them.

That is... the stellar pipeline.

In fact, it is said that the stellar pipelines resist them, rather than slaughter them.

The stellar pipeline is too powerful. Although this group of creatures that claim to be the vanguard of extinction is composed of a very large army, according to the memory of granular creatures, their troops at the time were hundreds of billions, mainly distributed on tens of thousands of large aircraft.

The original survivors are almost one-tenth of this number.

However, this force was quickly defeated, and the granular creature survived, and later it found itself in a special area.

It is in this space of cognition of the end.

Knowing the doomsday is actually related to them. It can also be said that this group of vandalism pioneers created the place of knowing the doomsday.

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