That happened a long, long time ago.

Known as the doom of silence, engulfing various civilized creatures in the void.

Although I don't know how big the scope is, it does have a big impact.

The particle creature... saw the development of this event.

Many creatures claiming to be survivors have been trying to escape the effects of Silence, and most of them will eventually become... driven crazy and feel that they are the vanguard of extinction chosen by Silence.

Once these creatures have this kind of thought, they do seem to have joined the silence. First of all, they will become more likely to encounter similar thoughts.

In the course of the action, it is easier to encounter civilized creatures that have not been affected.

However, it is also easier to encounter creatures that resist them.

In addition to the stellar pipes, many creatures have discovered these extinction pioneers and believed that all changes were caused by them, so they began to fight with them.

If the creatures of the Extinction Vanguard die during battle, they have a certain chance...will not die.

They will enter the space of cognitive doomsday and be'stored'.

It is said that most of the stored creatures are in a state of unconscious sleep, while some creatures will wake up.

This is the case with the granular creature Lin encountered. It woke up during this period, and at first it just wandered around without knowing what was going on, sustaining life by eating those companions who hadn't awakened yet.

Then it seemed to go somewhere by accident.

This position... it can'see' what is happening outside.

Something like Lin controlling the Skull of Change, it can directly feel everything outside the space here.

Recognizing Doomsday was always keeping in touch with various vandal forces, of course, those creatures did not know this connection.

Recognizing the doomsday will protect those creatures that have suffered fatal injuries in battle, but have not suffered much damage to their thinking structure.

It will import these creatures into space and store them here.

These creatures may be left behind for some future use. Based on this, the granular creatures also believe that silence is not a strange void phenomenon, but a purposeful...thing.

After recognizing the doomsday, these creatures are recovered into space, they will slowly repair their bodies, and then they will be left here.

As for the particle creature, which wakes up suddenly, it seems that the cognitive doomsday will not interfere with it in any way.

So it has been observing...this situation.

The group of Extinction Vanguards has been constantly growing. They have been absorbing a large number of companions and annihilating the opponents who resisted them... at the same time they are being eliminated.

Therefore, many extinct pioneer creatures that have been recovered are gathered in the space of cognition of the doomsday, and many things such as civilized buildings at that time are also preserved.

The particle creature has been observing the development of the incident. In fact, it has been ready to be sent out to fight again, but it has not been sent out.

There are no other creatures that have been recycled.

They stayed completely in this space.

As a result, the granular creature can only be observed forever... During the period of its observation, many creatures and civilizations perished under the influence of silence.

As the extinction progresses, the influence of silence is also expanding. It can only affect a part of civilized creatures at first, but gradually it can affect all creatures, and even some...not life things.

For example, stars.

Occasionally, granular creatures will see that an entire star is slowly ‘extinguished’ under the influence of silence.

As for those civilizations, there is no way to resist such terrible influences, but what is more special is that only those civilizations that extinction pioneers cannot defeat will be affected by silence.

And for those Extinction Vanguards can beat, silence will not directly affect them.

It seems that as long as civilization dies... it doesn't matter.

The only thing that can resist is the stellar pipeline.

Although it is made of stars, the silence has not affected it. It has been continuously destroying those creatures.

Both the vanguard and the survivors are its targets.

The stellar pipe continuously kills these creatures, and no creature can resist the stellar pipe.

It just can't kill it.

There are too many of these creatures, and the extinction pioneer group where the granular creatures are located is only a small part of the countless extinction pioneers.

A large number of creatures became survivors or extinction pioneers, spreading everywhere in the void.

Even if the stellar pipeline continues to eliminate them, there will always be more creatures joining.

However, the stellar pipeline at least'protected' some civilizations so that they were not destroyed so quickly.

The particle creatures have also noticed one thing, that is, if creatures such as vandalism pioneers or survivors are all destroyed before they come into contact with a civilization, that civilization will usually be fine.

It seems that silence is indeed extended in the void by these creatures, and stopping these creatures can prevent the silence from spreading.

Regardless of whether there is an idea of ​​fighting for silence, as long as it is a creature that has experienced the death of a quiet civilization... it will have the effect of helping the silence spread.

Although the granular creature knows the general operation mode, it does not know what silence itself is.

It seems to be a disaster spreading to the entire void.

And the stellar pipeline...maybe you know.

Later, at some point, the stellar pipeline discovered the cognition doomsday space, and it entered this space.

Then it began to slaughter... all the creatures here frantically.

At that time, the cognitive doomsday space was filled with a large number of civilized buildings and various sleeping creatures.

The number of these organisms is very large, and may reach more than one trillion through long-term storage.

And most of them were wiped out by the stellar pipeline.

They were quickly wiped out even when they could resist, not to mention that none of them moved here...Of course the stellar pipeline also destroyed a lot of various civilized buildings here.

Granular creatures feel that the stellar pipeline may completely destroy this place, and it may be possible that it can completely prevent the silence in the end.

In this case, the disaster spreading in the void may be over.

But when it thought this way, it suddenly found that the stellar tube was not moving.

It just stopped in the space of cognition of the doomsday and never moved.

Then... the journey of the stellar pipeline ended, and no creatures could stop the spread of silence in the void.

At least that's what the granular creature sees.

Lin found something interesting in it.

That's all of this...not happening in the normal void, but solidifying the void.

In other words, the solidification of the void...the time has not been solidified.

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